My Best Runs Running Log

*PDT (California Time)

Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world.   RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018.  And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday.  The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee.  You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too.  After you sign up you log your miles on your account.  

About the program | World Leaderboard | Team Leaderboard | Total Running Log Miles

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John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in Livermore, CA (runner profile)

My first race since I turned 70. (Sat 25)
Time: 24:34 Pace: 7:55 / Total Miles 8,925.46 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Well done John. Sub 8! 1/28 7:17 am

John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in San Ramon, CA (runner profile)

Finished 2nd in my age group (65-69). My last race in the 60's! (Sat 7)
Time: 23:01 Pace: 7:25 / Total Miles 8,786.40 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Well done. Welcome to our 70 plus group! 12/8 5:33 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.33 miles in Pleasanton, CA (runner profile)

Pelicans at Shadow Cliffs park (Wed 13)
Time: 28:39 Pace: 8:37 / Total Miles 8,714.89 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Good pace! 11/13 5:28 pm

James Kalani (59) US

20.20 miles in Saratoga, Los Gatos, Santa Clara, CA (runner profile)

Never forget. (Wed 11)
Time: 3:24:46 Pace: 10:09 / Total Miles 36,201.76 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Cool photo! 9/13 1:17 pm

James Kalani (59) US

5.72 miles in San Francisco, Ca (runner profile)

The Golden Gate Double Run was FUN!!!! (Sun 4)
Time: 2:00:00 Pace: 20:59 / Total Miles 35,606.23 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Love it! 8/5 2:38 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.90 miles in Lisbon (PT) (runner profile)

Morning run in Lisbon. We're on our way to a Douro river cruise. (Sun 30)
Time: 43:22 Pace: 11:08 / Total Miles 8,186.92 since 7/4/18
Wow, you are in Lisbon. Do you have any time to come to our village near Castelo Branco? 6/30 12:19 am
Unfortunately no. We're with a tour group. 6/30 11:06 pm

John Henry (70) US

4.61 miles in Paris (FR) (runner profile)

Morning run along the Seine in Paris (Sat 25)
Time: 49:05 Pace: 10:39 / Total Miles 8,058.63 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
I love running along the Seine. Paris is an amazing city. Enjoy! 5/27 9:18 pm

James Kalani (59) US

2.40 miles in Saratoga, Ca (runner profile)

Finally.. Improved on last year's time! My tribute every memorial to those that served and never made it home. (Mon 27)
Time: 00:32:13 Pace: 13:26 / Total Miles 34,422.91 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Well done. Such a special way to honor our soldiers 5/27 9:16 pm

James Kalani (59) US

27.83 miles in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia (runner profile)

Ran from DC to Maryland (Frederick Douglass home), to the White House, to Arlington, Virginia, to Lincoln memorial, to the Capitol, to the Senate, and back to the hotel. (Fri 26)
Time: 4:18:35 Pace: 9:18 / Total Miles 33,896.71 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Sounds like an amazing run! 4/26 8:21 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in San Francisco, CA (runner profile)

Ran the Chinese New Year Race in San Francisco. (Sun 3)
Time: 23:20 Pace: 7:31 / Total Miles 7,803.90 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Good time 3/5 4:46 pm

Raphael Karita (25) KE

11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch (Fri 1)
Time: 1:16:42 Pace: 6:52 / Total Miles 2,932.20 since 9/15/22
Great quote! 3/3 3:43 pm

Anthony Mukundi Wanjiru (36) KE

12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Remember, the second most important thing to choosing the right shoe is choosing the left one (Fri 16)
Time: 1:16:41 Pace: 6:11 / Total Miles 2,648.53 since 10/21/22
Liked by Bob Anderson
Funny quote. Love it! 2/17 6:23 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

5.27 miles in Bene (runner profile)

Slick and slushy (Thu 18)
Time: 50 Pace: 9:30 / Total Miles 8,652.05 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
You sure have to deal with lots of challenges this time of the year! 1/19 12:45 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.00 miles in Snowy Bend (runner profile)

More like snow shoeing (Sun 14)
Time: 34 Pace: 11:20 / Total Miles 8,636.58 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
That is a lot of snow dude but you are making it happen! 1/14 6:38 pm

charles ndirangu (24) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement (Sat 13)
Time: 32:12 Pace: 5:11 / Total Miles 218.71 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson
Well done! 1/13 6:25 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.00 miles in Cold Bend (runner profile)

1 degree out- I think coldest run I have ever done (Sat 13)
Time: 30 Pace: 10:00 / Total Miles 8,633.58 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Dude! Wow that is so COLD. Cold here is 40 degrees. T-shirt weather for you! Be safe! 1/13 6:25 pm

Zakaria kirika (22) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

I love running but I think you have to find a workout routine that really speaks to you beyond trying to get goals for your body. For me, running, I need it as much for my head and to clear my head as I do for keeping in shape (Wed 10)
Time: 30:14 Pace: 4:52 / Total Miles 6,382.85 since 1/28/21
Almost sub 30. Well done! 1/12 8:33 am

Raphael Karita (25) KE

3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Fast running isn't forced. You have to relax and let the run come out of you (Wed 10)
Time: 14:44 Pace: 4:45 / Total Miles 2,707.91 since 9/15/22
Well done! 1/12 8:32 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.30 miles in Snowy Bend (runner profile)

Snow trekking (Tue 9)
Time: 36 Pace: 10:55 / Total Miles 8,625.88 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Looks like you guys got a lot of snow! 1/9 9:36 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.50 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Been sick last 4 days finally made it out (Mon 8)
Time: 35 Pace: 10:00 / Total Miles 8,622.58 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Glad to see you back out. 1/8 4:49 pm

John Henry (70) US

6.38 miles in Livermore, CA (runner profile)

Chilly morning in Livermore (Sat 6)
Time: 57:34 Pace: 9:02 / Total Miles 7,613.27 since 7/4/18
It was cold out there but once you get going... 1/8 10:10 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

6.20 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Easy 10k- snow started coming down. (Tue 2)
Time: 55 Pace: 8:53 / Total Miles 8,616.88 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
snow already? Solid run! 1/2 2:49 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

8.00 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Two runs
1) 7 miles
2) 1 mile with Lenny (Mon 1)
Time: 1:22:00 Pace: 10:15 / Total Miles 8,610.68 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Good to have you back! 1/1 2:55 pm

Githinji Levis (24) KE

3.11 miles in Nairobi (runner profile)

As we run, we become (Sat 16)
Time: 14:49 Pace: 4:47 / Total Miles 2,598.92 since 3/1/22
Liked by Bob Anderson
Good job! 12/16 5:56 pm

virginia wanjiru (22) KE

3.11 miles in Nairobi (runner profile)

The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it’s perfect, far from it, but because with every mile it is proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible (Sat 16)
Time: 17:24 Pace: 5:37 / Total Miles 1,028.93 since 3/20/23
Liked by Bob Anderson
Solid time. Well done. 12/16 5:56 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

8.36 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)

Easy day. (Fri 8) / Total Miles 13,838.08 since 7/4/18
Thanks Anthony 12/9 10:32 pm

Paul Shimon (78) US

7.35 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Ran by this old ad from a clothing store around the turn of the last century. (Wed 6) / Total Miles 13,772.04 since 7/4/18
Cool photo! 12/6 4:47 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

4.61 miles in Mt View (runner profile)

An easy day. Need to get rid of this cold. (Mon 4) / Total Miles 13,812.28 since 7/4/18
Get well quick Bob I am a sick one last week. 12/5 3:24 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in San Ramon, CA (runner profile)

Ran the Bah Humbug 5K in San Ramon. (Sat 2)
Time: 22:55 Pace: 7:23 / Total Miles 7,588.55 since 7/4/18
good time. 12/4 3:35 pm

Paul Shimon (78) US

7.01 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Tree at top of Southwestern College Steps (Thu 30) / Total Miles 13,727.48 since 7/4/18
Liked by James Kalani
Getting over being ill. 11/30 10:22 am
I was wondering what was happening. Glad to have you back. 11/30 3:17 pm

Paul Shimon (78) US

4.18 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Beach scene from Jacksonville Fla. Not feeling well today. (Wed 22) / Total Miles 13,720.47 since 7/4/18
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. 11/22 8:30 pm
Sending you well wishes. I hope you are resting and on the mend very soon. God Bless. 11/25 8:02 am

Bob Anderson (77) US

5.69 miles in Chandlers Ariz (runner profile)

Got in some easy miles. Highlight of the day was watching our grandson play soccer. His team won 2-0 against a strong team. He scored one of the goals. (Sun 19) / Total Miles 13,732.75 since 7/4/18
Liked by Paul Shimon
Congrats 11/21 2:46 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

4.00 miles in Chandler, Ariz (runner profile)

Started off very easy and finished with 8:23 mile. Needed this shake out run. Seems like I have gained a couple of pounds. (Mon 20)
Time: 37:11 Pace: 9:18 / Total Miles 13,736.75 since 7/4/18
Liked by Paul Shimon
Me too 11/21 2:45 pm

ismail mburu (25) KE

12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't run, what they would give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. I know they would do the same for me (Wed 15)
Time: 1:19:22 Pace: 6:24 / Total Miles 369.97 since 9/15/23
Liked by Bob Anderson
I like this quote! 11/15 7:51 am

Paul Shimon (78) US

7.59 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Rising up the slope with Stewart Fied House in the background. (Mon 13) / Total Miles 13,689.91 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Rising not riding in this pic 11/13 4:08 pm

James Kalani (59) US

14.80 miles in Saratoga, Los Gatos, CA (runner profile)

Sure is nice having a running partner! (Sat 11)
Time: 2:08:21 Pace: 8:41 / Total Miles 31,244.42 since 7/4/18
It sure is. Enjoy my outings with Daisy. 11/11 11:22 am

loise wambui (24) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)

There are two types of people in this world: those who run and those who should. (Fri 10)
Time: 63:06 Pace: 6:47 / Total Miles 427.99 since 9/15/23
Really like this quote. 11/11 7:43 am

Fredrick kiprotich (26) KE

12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

I don't run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days (Sat 4)
Time: 1:17:31 Pace: 6:15 / Total Miles 3,868.65 since 9/21/21
Love this quote! This has to be my motto 11/4 11:51 am

Bob Anderson (77) US

2.60 miles in Mt View (runner profile)

Ran out to the lake at shoreline. First mile was easy (12:54) and last .6 was at 7:55/Mile pace. All in sweats. (Wed 1)
Time: 27:17 Pace: 10:30 / Total Miles 13,567.73 since 7/4/18
You are fast at any age! Amazing man you are! 11/3 5:42 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

7.02 miles in Stanford (runner profile)

The outside of my right foot had been bothering me the last couple of days wearing regular training shoes. But today I wore my racing shoes and stayed up on my toes. After taking the first two miles easy (just over 29 minutes) I ran the rest without issue. Here are the shoes. (Sat 28)
Time: 1:16:21 Pace: 10:53 / Total Miles 13,535.25 since 7/4/18
Always ran my best up on my toes but it would be hard with my knee 10/28 3:49 pm

Githinji Levis (24) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run (Thu 26)
Time: 58:17 Pace: 5:52 / Total Miles 2,437.98 since 3/1/22
Really like this quote. 10/26 7:45 am

Paul Shimon (78) US

20.79 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Lots of Halloween decorations around this town (Wed 25) / Total Miles 13,521.33 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
You took back third place. It’s a battle. 10/25 12:37 pm

doreen waka (30) KE

0.06 miles in kisumu (runner profile)

won the 100m race today in kisumu kenya, Clocked 12.2 seconds feeling amazing, can't wait for the season to start. (Tue 10) / Total Miles 23.05 since 9/29/23
Well done under tough conditions. Congrats! 10/10 2:14 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in Chicago, CA (runner profile)

Finished 3rd in my age group (65-69) at the Chicago 5K. GPS tracking doesn't work in the downtown area. It was a little chilly, but perfect running weather. (Sat 7)
Time: 22:33 Pace: 7:16 / Total Miles 7,382.13 since 7/4/18
Well done John. Good luck tomorrow. 10/7 4:12 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.32 miles in Pleasanton, CA (runner profile)

Easy run at Shadow Cliffs. Last run before the Chicago 5K on Saturday and the Chicago Marathon on Sunday. (Wed 4)
Time: 30:12 Pace: 9:06 / Total Miles 7,379.02 since 7/4/18
Good luck in Chicago. You are ready to blast it! 10/4 8:57 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

6.32 miles in San Jose (runner profile)

Ran the San Jose Rock n Roll 10k this morning. Course was a little long. I won my age group and in fact was first 65 plus. Steve ran with me for 5.6 miles before he went on the run a half marathon. (Sun 1)
Time: 51:44 Pace: 8:12 / Total Miles 13,305.52 since 7/4/18
Liked by Paul Shimon
You’re catching me! Solid running! 10/1 5:51 pm

Steve Cryer (72) US

3.11 miles in San Jose, CA (runner profile)

Great way to start a Saturday Morning
Perfect weather for racing (Sat 30)
Time: 24:12 Pace: 7:48 / Total Miles 3.11 since 9/30/23
Well done. Have a good race tomorrow too! 9/30 3:56 pm

John Henry (70) US

3.11 miles in San Ramon, CA (runner profile)

Ran the Brazen Rocky Ridge 5K. It's a very hilly course. I finished 9th overall and 1st in my age group. (Sat 23)
Time: 31:13 Pace: 10:03 / Total Miles 7,320.11 since 7/4/18
Liked by Bob Anderson
Well done 9/26 3:05 pm

Bob Anderson (77) US

3.10 miles in Marlow (GB) (runner profile)

Got in some more miles. Mostly along the Thames River. (Sun 17) / Total Miles 13,218.12 since 7/4/18
Always cool to run along the Thames! 9/18 4:44 pm

Paul Shimon (78) US

8.69 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Easy body is run down 😥 (Mon 11) / Total Miles 13,270.15 since 7/4/18
Go K State! 9/11 6:35 pm
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