Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world. RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018. And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday. The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee. You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too. After you sign up you log your miles on your account.
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5.91 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
Easy day. Cold in the morning here. (Fri 3) / Total Miles 16,104.72 since 7/4/1812.68 miles in Livermore, CA (runner profile)
Chilly but sunny run in Livermore6.42 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
Got out a couple of times. Easy day. Last day of the year! (Tue 31) / Total Miles 16,084.14 since 7/4/185.77 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
Easy day. (Mon 30) / Total Miles 16,089.91 since 7/4/187.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
morning run7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
morning workout (Mon 30)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
amazing run (Mon 30)8.90 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
A coup of us walked over to Ladoreo. (Sun 29) / Total Miles 16,098.81 since 7/4/1811.73 miles in Livermore, CA (runner profile)
Nice morning for a run4.30 miles in Monforte da Beira (runner profile)
Easy but did run some of this. Calf is getting better. (Fri 27) / Total Miles 16,077.72 since 7/4/183.33 miles in Pleasanton, CA (runner profile)
A pod of pelicans blew into Shadow Cliffs Lake last night. (Sun 22)7.80 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
Our regular Sunday outing from the village. Plus 2.5 miles with coach Dennis later. (Sun 22) / Total Miles 16,057.99 since 7/4/185.43 miles in Monforte da Beira (PT) (runner profile)
Got in some easy miles (Sat 21) / Total Miles 16,063.42 since 7/4/1815.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up (Sat 21)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow (Sat 21)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
The only bad run is the one that didn't happen (Sat 21)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
Running is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be (Sat 21)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start (Sat 21)5.40 miles in Monforte da beira (PT) (runner profile)
Got out twice. Jane is here training. Larry came for a couple of days. (Fri 20) / Total Miles 16,050.19 since 7/4/185.60 miles (PT) (runner profile)
Easy. Leg getting better. (Thu 19) / Total Miles 16,069.02 since 7/4/186.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Some seek the comfort of their therapist’s office, others head for the corner pub, but I chose running as my therapy (Thu 19)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days (Thu 19)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow (Thu 19)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
The only bad run is the one that didn't happen (Thu 19)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Running is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be (Thu 19)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up (Thu 19)2.00 miles in Lisbon (PT) (runner profile)
Travel day. (Wed 18) / Total Miles 16,071.02 since 7/4/181.40 miles in Lisbon (PT) (runner profile)
Travel day (Tue 17) / Total Miles 16,072.42 since 7/4/1811.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
"A runner must run with dreams in his heart (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
Running reminds you that even in your weakest moments, you are strong (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
Don’t ask me why I run. Ask yourself why you don’t (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
here is magic in misery. Just ask any runner (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race; it’s to test the limits of the human heart (Tue 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
in running,The voice in your head that says you can’t do this is a liar (Tue 17)1.00 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)
Easy before leaving for SFO (Mon 16) / Total Miles 16,073.42 since 7/4/189.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
The real purpose of running isn’t to win a race; it’s to test the limits of the human heart (Mon 16)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Running teaches us to keep moving forward, one step at a time, especially in the most painful moments (Mon 16)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it (Mon 16)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Run fast, run slow, run far, run close—just run (Mon 16)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life (Mon 16)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days (Mon 16)10.04 miles in Stanford (runner profile)
Got in some easy miles today. My calf is still messed up. (Sun 15) / Total Miles 16,034.66 since 7/4/183.49 miles in Livermore, CA (runner profile)
Late morning run at Sycamore Grove Park (Sun 15)1.30 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)
Our Xmas race was today. Got this in after getting home.. (Sat 14) / Total Miles 16,035.96 since 7/4/184.20 miles in Los Altos and Palo Alto (runner profile)
Checked out our 5k course we are running tomorrow for our 12th Xmas Double 15k and 10k/5k and kids mile. Saw this bird along the course. (Fri 13) / Total Miles 16,024.62 since 7/4/186.24 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)
Easy but at least I am getting in some miles. (Thu 12) / Total Miles 16,042.20 since 7/4/182.59 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)
Got n a couple of easy miles. (Wed 11) / Total Miles 16,044.79 since 7/4/186.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
good run (Wed 11)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
time trial (Wed 11)