Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world. RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018. And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday. The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee. You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too. After you sign up you log your miles on your account.
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6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you (Wed 15)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
time trial (Wed 11)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it (Mon 9)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
amazing workout (Mon 25)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Fast running isn't forced. You have to relax and let the run come out of you (Mon 18)18.64 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
Fight fatigue with focus (Sat 16)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
great trial (Wed 13)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
“It started to become what I looked forward to most; it was the only time I got to be in my own head (Fri 8)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
i didn’t get this far to only go this far (Wed 6)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
We are designed to run, and we increase our chance of daily happiness when we do so (Thu 31)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
There is something magical about running; after a certain distance, it transcends the body. Then a bit further, it transcends the mind (Fri 27)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Train smart. Train hard. Have fun (Fri 16)4.97 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
I feel like when I am running, it not only helps change me physically, it also improves my state of mind (Tue 13)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
great morning run (Mon 5)6.84 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
I love the way that it makes my body feel and it’s just my time for myself where I can get out there and think and let my mind go (Tue 30)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
long run (Sat 27)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
It gave me a natural endorphin high, but it also helped me sleep, so it was perfect. It’s easy to understand how people replace addiction with exercise (Tue 23)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
morning run (Mon 22)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Good things come slow—especially in distance running (Wed 17)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body (Fri 12)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
feeling amazing (Wed 10)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Running is my alone time. I have people around me all the time, all day (Mon 1)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Step one to running a marathon: You run. There is no step two. (Tue 25)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running (Fri 21)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Just stick with it. What seems hard now will one day be your warm-up (Wed 19)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
To be healthy, you need to eat right, go for a run, and post about it on Facebook. (Mon 17)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Never limit where running can take you. I mean that geographically, spiritually, and of course, physically (Fri 14)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Someone who is busier than you is running right now (Mon 10)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
That’s the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is (Fri 7)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Running teaches us that we are capable of so much more than we ever imagined (Wed 5)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
A good run is like a cup of coffee. I'm much nicer after I've had one (Mon 3)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts (Thu 30)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
A good laugh and a long run are the two best cures for anything (Tue 28)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
If you have a body, you are an athlete (Mon 27)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
I consider my refusal to run today as resistance training (Sat 25)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Running is a form of meditation for me. It’s a chance to clear my mind and focus on what’s important (Wed 22)11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’. The answer is usually: ‘Yes (Tue 21)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
I’ve learned that it’s what you do with the miles, rather than how many you’ve run (Wed 15)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
good workout (Thu 9)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts (Wed 8)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
lots of rain but we still training, trust the process (Mon 6)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
I often hear someone say, ‘I’m not a real runner.’ We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner (Sat 4)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful (Wed 1)9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again (Mon 29)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
I am 100 percent convinced that working out is part of what makes me so happy (Fri 26)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other,... but to be with each other (Mon 22)3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable (Wed 17)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
There will come a day when I can no longer run. Today is not that day (Mon 8)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
I choose the things that I want to do, and they all revolve around one thing: food. Even my running has to do with food. I run to stay in shape so I can eat what I want. (Fri 5)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
amazing run (Thu 4)