Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world. RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018. And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday. The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee. You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too. After you sign up you log your miles on your account.
About the program | World Leaderboard | Team Leaderboard | Total Running Log Miles
9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
Don’t ask me why I run. Ask yourself why you don’t (Fri 17)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
tempo run (Sat 11)12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Running teaches us to keep moving forward, one step at a time, especially in the most painful moments (Wed 8)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
The voice in your head that says you can’t do this is a liar (Mon 6)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)
amazing run (Mon 30)15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up (Sat 21)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika10.easy (runner profile)
good run (Wed 11)7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Run fast, run slow, run far, run close—just run (Mon 9)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
Train hard, turn up, run your best and the rest will take care of itself (Fri 6)8.08 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
good run (Tue 3)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
feeling good (Mon 2)9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy,Thika (runner profile)
morning run (Wed 3)6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)
speedwork (Tue 2)