My Best Runs Running Log

*PDT (California Time)

Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world.   RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018.  And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday.  The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee.  You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too.  After you sign up you log your miles on your account.  

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Brent Weigner (75) US

3.70 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Over 90 degrees today in Cheyenne. (Thu 11)
Time: 53:28 Pace: 14:28 / Total Miles 2,075.71 since 7/4/18
They is hot for you? 7/15 10:22 am

James Kalani (59) US

14.97 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Beautiful day today! Tired from the work week, but life never stops.. time to run! Our Hibiscus are in full bloom and all the percolation ponds in LG are being filled for the first time this year. (Thu 11)
Time: 2:27:29 Pace: 9:52 / Total Miles 3,313.57 since 7/4/18
Lots of flowers in bloom. I noticed it too. 7/15 10:22 am

Johanna Fourie (61) ZA

3.42 miles in Hoedspruit (runner profile)

My fisrt run after a long time of no running 😀🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ (Fri 12)
Time: 45:25 Pace: 13:18 / Total Miles 695.54 since 8/29/18
You find some cool photos and sayings. Love it. 7/15 10:21 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

3.90 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

The Wyoming Capital is about finished after 3 years. (Fri 12)
Time: 49:37 Pace: 12:44 / Total Miles 2,079.61 since 7/4/18
That was a long project. 7/15 10:21 am

Reuben Thifhulufhelwi (34) ZA

6.55 miles in Grahamstown (runner profile)

It wasn't easy running against the 14km/h wind (Fri 12)
Time: 0:57:07 Pace: 8:44 / Total Miles 385.91 since 7/14/18
Now that is a lot of wind! 7/15 10:21 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

1.90 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

My dog Bonzer checked out the state capital. (Fri 12)
Time: 25:51 Pace: 13:37 / Total Miles 2,081.51 since 7/4/18
An impressive list of races. 7/15 10:20 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

8.25 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Breaking in new shoes (Fri 12)
Time: 69 Pace: 8:22 / Total Miles 1,962.08 since 7/4/18
How you like the shoes! 7/15 10:20 am

Paul Shimon (77) US

3.00 miles in Winfield Ks (runner profile)

Mount Vernon H.S. Alexandria Virginia in 1965 awarded me Outstanding Track Man. (Fri 12) / Total Miles 2,859.25 since 7/4/18
You must have a whole room full of trophies and medals. 7/15 10:20 am

James Kalani (59) US

19.31 miles in Los Gatos-San Jose, Ca (runner profile)

Ponding pavement and trails. Poison Oak is all over the trails and growing! (Fri 12)
Time: 3:16:34 Pace: 10:11 / Total Miles 3,332.88 since 7/4/18
I have noticed that too. 7/15 10:19 am

Dana Anstey (76) US

2.00 miles in Manzanita , Oregon (runner profile)

Racing here tomorrow hopefully the wind will be down and the sand firm. 😊 (Fri 12) / Total Miles 1,047.62 since 8/21/18
Looks like a nice beach! 7/15 10:19 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

2.50 miles in Bens (runner profile)

Afternoon run with Bear (Fri 12)
Time: 27 Pace: 10:48 / Total Miles 1,964.58 since 7/4/18
He is going to be beating grandpa soon. 7/15 10:18 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

4.10 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

I have to play disc golf and raise money for the Animal Shelter. (Sat 13)
Time: 51:45 Pace: 12:38 / Total Miles 2,085.61 since 7/4/18
For sure! Sounds like fun too! 7/15 10:18 am

Erika Fourie (33) ZA

3.11 miles in Parkrun (runner profile)

Nice 10th Parkrun with Michelle!! (Sat 13)
Time: 00:51:56 Pace: 16:43 / Total Miles 642.03 since 10/24/18
Looks like s cool course! 7/15 10:17 am

Jonathan Fourie (13) ZA

3.11 miles in Parkrun (runner profile)

Had a nice walk with grandma and aunt Anita at the Parkrun!! (Sat 13)
Time: 00:54:17 Pace: 17:29 / Total Miles 121.44 since 10/29/18
Family fun! 7/15 10:17 am

Michelle Fourie (12) ZA

3.11 miles in Parkrun (runner profile)

Did my 10th Parkrun today with mum!! (Sat 13)
Time: 00:51:55 Pace: 16:43 / Total Miles 103.12 since 10/29/18
Already 10! So cool. Love this photo of you two! 7/15 10:17 am

James Kalani (59) US

6.99 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Early morning all is quiet. (Sat 13)
Time: 59:19 Pace: 8:30 / Total Miles 3,339.87 since 7/4/18
Nice to get out early. 7/15 10:16 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

2.90 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Discers for Wiskers. (Sat 13)
Time: 1:35:00 Pace: 32:46 / Total Miles 2,088.51 since 7/4/18
Never seen something like this before in a park. 7/15 10:16 am

James Kalani (59) US

13.37 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Light run. Building up for a longer run. (Sat 13)
Time: 1:55:01 Pace: 8:37 / Total Miles 3,353.24 since 7/4/18
Light for you but for us! 7/15 10:15 am

Paul Shimon (77) US

3.13 miles in Winfield Kansas. (runner profile)

My fastest marathon time 2:30.12 on Third Olympiad Course St. Louis Mo. 1975. (Sat 13) / Total Miles 2,862.38 since 7/4/18
That is really a good time. What pace is that? That is sub six? 7/15 10:15 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

5.50 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Quality miles (Sat 13)
Time: 53:58 Pace: 9:49 / Total Miles 1,979.08 since 7/4/18
Before long Bear will be doing the pacing. Love this photo. 7/15 10:14 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

5.80 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Beautiful run around Holiday Park. 🏃🏃🏃 (Sun 14)
Time: 1:10:02 Pace: 12:05 / Total Miles 2,094.31 since 7/4/18
Cool photo. 7/15 10:13 am

Dana Anstey (76) US

6.80 miles in Manzanita Beach, Oregon (runner profile)

Beautiful morning for a race on the beach. Wind was minimal after a really windy afternoon yesterday. The only negative was that the 5K turnaround wasn’t manned and people raced between 4 and 5 miles. Oh well. Stuff happens turned out to be a beautiful beach workout. (Sun 14) / Total Miles 1,054.42 since 8/21/18
Glad things were good other than the turn around. Those things do happen. 7/15 10:13 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

9.00 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Getting into Sundayh (Sun 14)
Time: 77 Pace: 8:34 / Total Miles 1,973.58 since 7/4/18
Good pace! And this is at altitude. 7/15 10:03 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

2.10 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Our capital is finished and we had a party. 🍷

(Sun 14)
Time: 31:45 Pace: 15:08 / Total Miles 2,096.41 since 7/4/18
Looks really cool, 7/15 10:03 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.86 miles in Bend (runner profile)

To the river with Bear (Sun 14)
Time: 46 Pace: 11:56 / Total Miles 1,982.94 since 7/4/18
Good day for you. 17 miles! 7/15 10:03 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

4.39 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Home from the river (Sun 14)
Time: 55 Pace: 12:32 / Total Miles 1,987.33 since 7/4/18
Love this photo of you and Bear. 7/15 10:02 am

James Kalani (59) US

3.89 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Last part of run home from Oyster Point. (Sun 14)
Time: 32:41 Pace: 8:25 / Total Miles 3,405.20 since 7/4/18
Got in your 50 and then some! And you have taken the lead! Well done! 7/15 10:02 am

Bob Anderson (76) US

3.02 miles in San Francisco, California (runner profile)

Going to run the Across The Bay 12k in the morning. I did this race like 20 years ago. Decided to stay up in the city just a couple blocks from the finish line. Ran and walked the last 1.5 mile of the course and then back. We start on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Hoping to win my division or least top three. (Sat 13)
Time: 49:37 Pace: 16:26 / Total Miles 1,876.60 since 7/4/18
Loved that race. Joe came out and ran it with me a few years ago. Good luck 7/14 9:08 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.00 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Afternoon trail run with Bear (Wed 10)
Time: 31:44 Pace: 10:35 / Total Miles 1,950.83 since 7/4/18
Bear is doing it! Love this photo. Can’t wait to run with you two again. 7/12 9:38 am

Aaron L. Salvador (33) PW

1.40 miles (runner profile)

Need to rest my feet for now and listen to my body. (Wed 10)
Time: 19:43 Pace: 14:05 / Total Miles 1,611.84 since 7/4/18
Easy days are important. 7/12 9:38 am

Reuben Thifhulufhelwi (34) ZA

6.21 miles in Grahamstown (runner profile)

Evening run with my new Trail running sneakers (Wed 10)
Time: 0:48:12 Pace: 7:46 / Total Miles 379.36 since 7/14/18
How do you like the shoes? Good pace! 7/12 9:37 am

Aaron L. Salvador (33) PW

3.63 miles (runner profile)

A friend from the ocean came out to say "today is a great day" A giant squid along the way... (Thu 11)
Time: 38:38 Pace: 10:39 / Total Miles 1,615.47 since 7/4/18
You have it all in paradise. 7/12 9:37 am

Kiranpal Singh Dhody (68) IN

6.21 miles in SAI Kandivali Mumbai (runner profile)

Running one hour everyday to build endurance. Today did 10kms in 59:26 min @ 5:56 min/km pace. (Thu 11)
Time: 59:26 Pace: 9:34 / Total Miles 1,311.41 since 7/4/18
I live by this quote! You are getting in the mileage. 7/12 9:36 am

Michael Anderson (48) US

3.00 miles in Bend (runner profile)

Easy 3 (Thu 11)
Time: 26 Pace: 8:40 / Total Miles 1,953.83 since 7/4/18
Got you to 50! 7/12 9:35 am

Paul Shimon (77) US

2.94 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Billy Mills came to Wichita to promote running . We ran a 5 k and listened to his speech then saw his Olympic 10k the announcer went nuts! (Thu 11) / Total Miles 2,856.25 since 7/4/18
I will never forget watching Billy win the 10000 in Tokyo. It’s Mills!!! And to imagine the track was cinders. Great guy. 7/12 9:35 am

Bruce Gilbert (75) US

4.00 miles in Kansas City MO (runner profile)

Good race (Thu 4)
Time: 31:05 Pace: 7:47 / Total Miles 283.40 since 8/29/18
Bruce is back. Well done. Great pace! When do you turn 70? 7/10 6:20 pm
9/23 7/10 6:54 pm
New age group in just about 10 weeks! 7/11 8:51 pm

Dana Anstey (76) US

4.00 miles in Creswell, Oregon (runner profile)

Another cool overcast day. They are great for running. (Tue 9) / Total Miles 1,044.22 since 8/21/18
Some of the best days. How is your recovery coming along from the fall? 7/10 6:19 pm
Recovering okay. Just finding new aches and bruises daily. Feel like I was in a car wreck. 7/11 8:58 am

Brent Weigner (75) US

2.90 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Run, Run, Run 🏃🏃🏃 (Tue 9)
Time: 31:58 Pace: 11:02 / Total Miles 2,068.11 since 7/4/18
He is ready to run 7/10 6:19 pm

Michael Anderson (48) US

4.25 miles in Bend (runner profile)

I didn’t wanna go but I went (Tue 9)
Time: 34:24 Pace: 8:06 / Total Miles 1,947.83 since 7/4/18
And when you get out you run a solid pace! Happens like this... 7/10 6:19 pm

James Kalani (59) US

11.30 miles in Sunnyvale, Ca (runner profile)

Easy run in n cooler Bay temps. (Tue 9)
Time: 1:38:45 Pace: 8:45 / Total Miles 3,286.24 since 7/4/18
Cool saying and image 7/10 6:18 pm

Paul Shimon (77) US

1.34 miles (runner profile)

River running faster after all the rain. (Tue 9) / Total Miles 2,850.47 since 7/4/18
Looks like it is running pretty hard. 7/10 6:18 pm

Eliud Lokol Esinyen (40) KE

24.85 miles in Eldoret, Kenya (runner profile)

17k easy morning 23k midday. I am planning to run 21k Iten on 21st. Target will be 65 to 67 as preparation for Standard Chartered Nairobi marathon (Tue 9) / Total Miles 5,900.36 since 7/22/18
Solid goal. And Iten is at high altitude too. 7/10 6:17 pm

Brent Weigner (75) US

3.90 miles in Cheyenne (runner profile)

Cross training today in Lions Park. (Wed 10)
Time: 50:36 Pace: 12:59 / Total Miles 2,072.01 since 7/4/18
I need to do some of that too. 7/10 6:17 pm

Larry Wakakoro (56) PW

6.23 miles (runner profile)

Nice view at Icebox park...been a while! (Wed 10)
Time: 1:09:06 Pace: 11:06 / Total Miles 751.85 since 10/30/18
Looks like a good park. Why do they call it Icebox? 7/10 6:16 pm

Paul Shimon (77) US

2.84 miles in Winfield Kansas (runner profile)

Down by the river. (Wed 10) / Total Miles 2,853.31 since 7/4/18
Glad to see you are taking it easy but still finding nice sights. 7/10 6:16 pm

Kat Powell (73) US

10.20 miles in Woodside, CA (runner profile)

New obstacle encountered on my usual Huddart Park run. Tree with double trunk down. Had to slip right through. (Wed 10)
Time: 2:24:53 Pace: 14:13 / Total Miles 1,292.12 since 7/7/18
Seems like a lot of trees are falling over. I have seen four or five myself. 7/10 6:15 pm

James Kalani (59) US

12.36 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Beautiful day to run!! Then you see a coyote.. and run faster! (Wed 10)
Time: 2:02:41 Pace: 9:56 / Total Miles 3,298.60 since 7/4/18
Already over 150 miles and you are fighting it out for first. Coyote! That must of been a shock. 7/10 6:14 pm

Aaron L. Salvador (33) PW

3.17 miles (runner profile)

Its a beautiful day here in the Island. Alii from Palau to yours. (Tue 9)
Time: 28:31 Pace: 9:00 / Total Miles 1,610.44 since 7/4/18
You live in Paradise! 7/8 9:40 pm

Dana Anstey (76) US

6.00 miles in Creswell, Oregon (runner profile)

Nice run today. Nice to get mileage up a little (Mon 8) / Total Miles 1,040.22 since 8/21/18
Looks like you are recovering well? 7/8 9:40 pm

James Kalani (59) US

7.50 miles in Los Gatos, Ca (runner profile)

Birthday Run. (Mon 8)
Time: 57:39 Pace: 7:42 / Total Miles 3,274.94 since 7/4/18
Just an easy one for your birthday! 7/8 9:39 pm
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