My Best Runs Running Log

*PDT (California Time)

Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world.   RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018.  And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday.  The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee.  You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too.  After you sign up you log your miles on your account.  

About the program | World Leaderboard | Team Leaderboard | Total Running Log Miles


Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.62 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to gas station and back (Wed 15) / Total Miles 67.68 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.73 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to pay the annual tax for the car. First time I did that, somebody else has done it for me here in past years. It was kind of tricky to figure out the process without knowing much Spanish. There were two lines, one line people had queue numbers and the other did not. Some people were paying huge stacks of 2,000 peso bills so i think maybe that office makes loans or something? So they would call a number at the Caja which is the teller at the bank, and randomly call for Marbete which is what they call the car tag tax so someone in that line would go. Took over hours to wait. I think they started doing it online so i'll try that next year. They deliver it I guess, there is no such thing as mail service here. (Tue 31) / Total Miles 66.06 since 9/7/21
Sounds like quite an ordeal but now you know how to do it next time. 1/31 8:13 pm

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.74 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the gas station. Started raining so I had a beer and waited it out, then walked back. (Sun 29) / Total Miles 64.33 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.47 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the grocery and back (Wed 25) / Total Miles 62.59 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.74 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the gas station and back (Sat 21)
Time: 56:52 Pace: 32:41 / Total Miles 61.12 since 9/7/21
Nice! 1/21 6:18 pm

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.50 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to grocery store. (Thu 12) / Total Miles 59.38 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.05 miles in Los Altos CA (runner profile)

Walked with Bob and Michael (Fri 16) / Total Miles 55.88 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

2.10 miles in Mountain View CA (runner profile)

Walked with Bob to lunch (Thu 15) / Total Miles 54.83 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.60 miles in Mountain View CA (runner profile)

Walked with Bob. (Wed 14) / Total Miles 52.73 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.82 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked up to the gas station to buy a couple of Kinder Eggs for my daughter. She's been sick the past few days and her goldfish croaked today. So she's happy for a minute. (Mon 12) / Total Miles 51.13 since 9/7/21
See you tomorrow. One mile plus per day! 12/12 3:28 pm

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.61 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the grocery and back (Sat 10) / Total Miles 49.31 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.24 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the hardware store and back. Needed a new doorknob for the bathroom, kept getting locked in! (Fri 9) / Total Miles 47.70 since 9/7/21
Glad to see you getting out. 12/9 9:04 am

Waitman Gobble (53) US

0.84 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

It was cold here today, only 73F in the afternoon. Humidity 60% which is low here. I made it to the top of the hill and my blood pressure was high on my watch and my head was pounding so i took an uber back from the grocery. It's been pounding all day. (Tue 6) / Total Miles 43.53 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.50 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to get my 4th Covid shot. I left my watch on while i was sitting there the paused it and forgot to restart. They should have an auto thing that stops when aren't moving. Maybe there is one and I don't know about it. (Thu 1) / Total Miles 45.03 since 9/7/21

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.43 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the ATM and back (Mon 28) / Total Miles 46.46 since 9/7/21
Liked by James Kalani

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.61 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walk to ATM and back. Phone stopped connecting to Garmin Instinct. I repaired it and it downloaded this activity but said sync failed and now its not connecting again. Have to figure that out wheni get a chance! I've never figured out these buttons on the watch :) (Thu 17)
Time: 41:48 Pace: 25:58 / Total Miles 15.39 since 1/2/22

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.67 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to the ATM and back (Sun 13)
Time: 42:25 Pace: 25:24 / Total Miles 13.78 since 1/2/22

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.43 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to ATM and back (Fri 11)
Time: 41:11 Pace: 28:48 / Total Miles 12.11 since 1/2/22
Miles walking or running work! 11/11 8:49 pm

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.50 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to grocery and back (Tue 8)
Time: 46:12 Pace: 30:48 / Total Miles 10.68 since 1/2/22

Waitman Gobble (53) US

1.66 miles in Santo Domingo Oeste (DO) (runner profile)

Walked to grocery and back (Thu 3)
Time: 49:16 Pace: 29:41 / Total Miles 9.18 since 1/2/22

Waitman Gobble (53) US

2.70 miles in Los Altos (runner profile)

2.7 mile walk with Bob Anderson and Daisy the dog. (Sun 13) / Total Miles 7.52 since 1/2/22

Waitman Gobble (53) US

2.62 miles in Parque Mirador del Sur (DO) (runner profile)

Jazmine and I did our 2.6 mile walk. Pace isn't quite accurate because we stop at the playground for awhile then at the turn-around we stop and ride a paddleboat and feed the turtles before coming back. At the end is an ice cream shop that we stop at. Then she falls asleep in her carseat on the drive home. (Sun 30) / Total Miles 4.82 since 1/2/22
Looks like you two had a fun time. 1/30 10:00 pm

Waitman Gobble (53) US

2.20 miles in Parque Mirador del Sur (DO) (runner profile)

Walked with Jazmine. Stopped after 1 mile and rode paddleboats and fed the turtles. Looks like they recently repaved the street. They shut down the street to motorized traffic every Sunday. I think you can do a 10k out and back. Wikipedia says the park is 6.25 km long.

It's 2 lanes each direction. Permanently marked at KM and 100 meters. People refer to it as Central Park because it is a similar layout. (Sun 2) / Total Miles 2.20 since 1/2/22
Good to see you posting. Sounds like a great place to walk and run. I bet Jazmine had fun too! 1/2 5:19 pm
Yes she loves to go. There's an ice cream parlor at the end of that road we stop at. 1/2 5:30 pm
Gotta love that ice cream! 1/2 5:45 pm
Are you starting to run now?? You're going to have to keep that little motorboat a good pace!!! 1/2 8:54 pm

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