My Best Runs Running Log

*PDT (California Time)

Run The World Gobal Challenge celebrates running around the the world.   RTW Challenge 12 started January 1, 2024. Monthly stats will be posted at the end of each month. We will also continue to keep track of miles from when we started as total miles since July 4, 2018.  And of course our weekly log starting on Wednesday and finishing on Tuesday.  The idea is to run or walk and then log those miles on your My Best Runs account. There is no entry fee.  You just need a MBR account - and that’s Free too.  After you sign up you log your miles on your account.  

About the program | World Leaderboard | Team Leaderboard | Total Running Log Miles


amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

great morning run (Mon 13)
Time: 1:16:02 Pace: 7:39 / Total Miles 607.04 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

feeling great after a job well done (Mon 6)
Time: 44:42 Pace: 7:12 / Total Miles 597.10 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Take control of your workout and make the decision to succeed (Sat 4)
Time: 1:35:09 Pace: 6:08 / Total Miles 590.89 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Life is short. Running makes it seem longer (Mon 29)
Time: 58:45 Pace: 6:19 / Total Miles 575.36 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

When I run, I am in touch with my deepest self. I feel alive and invincible (Wed 17)
Time: 15:56 Pace: 5:08 / Total Miles 566.04 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Stepping outside the comfort zone is the price I pay to find out how good I can be. If I planned on backing off every time running got difficult I would hang up my shoes and take up knitting (Thu 11)
Time: 40:00 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 562.93 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

good workout (Thu 4)
Time: 40:00 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 556.72 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

8.70 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever. If I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, I will eventually get to the end (Tue 2)
Time: 54:00 Pace: 6:13 / Total Miles 550.51 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that (Fri 29)
Time: 58:02 Pace: 6:14 / Total Miles 541.81 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running is great for your body. It will increase your energy levels and helps you to clear your mind (Wed 27)
Time: 63:12 Pace: 6:22 / Total Miles 532.49 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Running is a powerful tool for mental health. It helps me cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues (Mon 25)
Time: 65:00 Pace: 6:33 / Total Miles 522.55 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is not just about fitness, it’s about self-discovery and mental clarity (Sat 23)
Time: 1:35:09 Pace: 6:08 / Total Miles 512.61 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

My running style is best described as ‘drunk giraffe (Thu 21)
Time: 58:11 Pace: 5:52 / Total Miles 497.08 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Running is that big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today (Wed 20)
Time: 55:43 Pace: 7:29 / Total Miles 487.14 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

8.70 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

good laugh and a long run are the two best cures for anything (Mon 18)
Time: 59:00 Pace: 6:47 / Total Miles 479.68 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

I breathe in strength and breathe out weakness (Wed 13)
Time: 15:51 Pace: 5:07 / Total Miles 470.98 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Stepping outside the comfort zone is the price I pay to find out how good I can be (Mon 11)
Time: 57:11 Pace: 5:46 / Total Miles 467.87 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

long run (Sat 9)
Time: 1:19:10 Pace: 6:23 / Total Miles 457.93 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable (Thu 7)
Time: 42:59 Pace: 6:56 / Total Miles 445.50 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

I hate running, but I love the way it makes me feel… like a sexy beast, except for the sweating and heavy breathing (Tue 5)
Time: 60:00 Pace: 6:03 / Total Miles 439.29 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

A good run is like a cup of coffee. I'm much nicer after I've had one (Mon 4)
Time: 59:38 Pace: 6:00 / Total Miles 429.35 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then will power is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply that I just have to (Tue 27)
Time: 59:00 Pace: 6:20 / Total Miles 419.41 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

13.67 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

I love running cross country. On a track, I feel like a hamster (Mon 26)
Time: 1:31:09 Pace: 6:41 / Total Miles 410.09 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Running teaches us that we are capable of so much more than we ever imagined (Fri 23)
Time: 40:00 Pace: 6:27 / Total Miles 396.42 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

We run to undo the damage we’ve done to body and spirit. We run to find some part of ourselves yet undiscovered (Wed 21)
Time: 63:11 Pace: 6:22 / Total Miles 390.21 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

That’s the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success (Thu 15)
Time: 55:36 Pace: 5:58 / Total Miles 380.27 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

4.97 miles in nyeri (runner profile)

We run to undo the damage we’ve done to body and spirit. We run to find some part of ourselves yet undiscovered. (Sat 10)
Time: 25:07 Pace: 5:04 / Total Miles 370.95 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Run like you stole something (Fri 9)
Time: 56:11 Pace: 7:33 / Total Miles 365.98 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Run. Because zombies will eat the untrained ones first (Wed 7)
Time: 59:11 Pace: 6:21 / Total Miles 358.52 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second (Fri 2)
Time: 62:39 Pace: 6:44 / Total Miles 349.20 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

18.64 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

feeling good (Sat 27)
Time: 2:04:12 Pace: 6:40 / Total Miles 339.88 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Don’t let fatigue make a coward out of you (Wed 24)
Time: 1:17:41 Pace: 6:57 / Total Miles 321.24 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy (Tue 23)
Time: 48:37 Pace: 6:32 / Total Miles 310.06 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

15.53 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it’s perfect, far from it, but because with every mile it is proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible (Mon 22)
Time: 1:35:09 Pace: 6:08 / Total Miles 302.60 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

“It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit (Fri 19)
Time: 60:34 Pace: 9:45 / Total Miles 287.07 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.32 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy Thika (runner profile)

Today’s impossible is tomorrow’s normal (Mon 15)
Time: 59:57 Pace: 6:26 / Total Miles 280.86 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement (Thu 11)
Time: 60:17 Pace: 9:43 / Total Miles 271.54 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

3.11 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Running is the basis of all the training that I's like an escape. (Wed 10)
Time: 15:39 Pace: 5:03 / Total Miles 265.33 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

11.18 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

A good run is like a cup of coffee. I’m much nicer after I’ve had one (Mon 8)
Time: 1:17:02 Pace: 6:54 / Total Miles 262.22 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I thought running was a punishment until I discovered beer runs. (Wed 3)
Time: 38:05 Pace: 6:08 / Total Miles 251.04 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

The more I run, the more I love my body. Not because it’s perfect, far from it, but because with every mile it is proving to me that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible (Tue 2)
Time: 44:00 Pace: 5:55 / Total Miles 244.83 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

18.64 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already (Sat 30)
Time: 1:55:09 Pace: 6:11 / Total Miles 237.37 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

9.94 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I’ll quit running when I’m dead, which feels like it will probably be in about another mile or two (Fri 29)
Time: 58:26 Pace: 5:53 / Total Miles 218.73 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

12.43 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Run slow, get the most out of your entry fee (Wed 27)
Time: 1:17:12 Pace: 6:13 / Total Miles 208.79 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Remember, the second most important thing to choosing the right shoe is choosing the left one (Thu 21)
Time: 60:29 Pace: 8:07 / Total Miles 196.36 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

8.70 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Life is short. Running makes it seem longer (Wed 20)
Time: 1:04:21 Pace: 7:24 / Total Miles 188.90 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Runners are made when no one is watching (Tue 19)
Time: 40:00 Pace: 5:22 / Total Miles 180.20 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

I love the way running makes my body feel and it’s just my time for myself where I can get out there and think and let my mind go (Tue 12)
Time: 41:00 Pace: 5:30 / Total Miles 172.74 since 11/3/23
Liked by Bob Anderson

amos chirchir (25) KE

7.46 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy, Thika (runner profile)

Don't dream of winning, train for it (Fri 8)
Time: 54:48 Pace: 7:21 / Total Miles 165.28 since 11/3/23

amos chirchir (25) KE

6.21 miles in Kenyan Athletics Training Academy (runner profile)

Running allows me to set my mind free. Nothing seems impossible. Nothing unattainable (Tue 5)
Time: 43:26 Pace: 7:00 / Total Miles 157.82 since 11/3/23

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