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What is the best temperature to run a Marathon

It’s no secret that extreme temperatures impact performance in distance running, and anyone who’s gone for a run on a hot summer day can attest to that. We saw the effects of high temperatures very clearly this year, as dozens of athletes dropped out of the Olympic marathon in the extreme heat of Sapporo. You could also see the effects of temperature this fall at both the Chicago and Berlin marathons, which turned out to be much warmer than in previous years. But just how much does temperature affect marathon performance? Researchers in Europe recently analyzed thousands of race results to determine which temperature is best to run a fast marathon, and at what point the temperature starts to slow you down.

The best marathon temperature is…

According to the researchers, if you want to run a fast marathon, you should do it on a day that’s between 50 F and 62 F (10-17.5 C). Any hotter than that, and things start to go south. They determined this number from analyzing 1,258 races held between 1936 and 2019 (including the marathon, 50 km race-walk, 20 km race-walk, 10,000 m, 5,000 m and 3,000 m steeplechase) and comparing the results with the meteorological data from nearby weather stations.

For every degree outside the ideal temperature range, performance declined by about 0.3 to 0.4 per cent. The researchers pointed out that more than one-quarter of the races they analyzed were held in moderate, high or extreme heat, and this number increased to half when you removed marathons from the analysis.

Of course, you can’t control what the weather does on race day, and even a fall marathon has the potential to be hotter than expected, as we saw during this year’s racing season. A warmer day doesn’t mean you can’t perform well, but it’s important to understand how the heat affects performance and health, and adjust your race day expectations when the temperature spikes.

(11/15/2021) ⚡AMP
by Brittany Hambleton

Ben True had never run further than 24 miles before finishing seventh at New York City Marathon

Ben True had never run a distance of 26.2 miles before. He didn’t do too badly for a novice.

True finished seventh in the New York City Marathon with a time of 2:12:53.

Most people might think that coming in seventh in one of the biggest marathons in the world — 25,010 runners finished the race this year, and in the past it’s seen twice that — is a jaw-dropping feat, especially for someone who says the longest distance he’d run before Nov. 7 is “probably” 24 miles.

Yet, when asked if he’d surprised himself, True said he isn’t satisfied with his performance.

“Actually, I was slightly disappointed,” True reflected five days later. He was also the No. 2-ranked American to finish.

“I think I took things a little too conservatively,” he judged, explaining that he held himself back a mile to a mile and a half too long before accelerating to run the last 6 miles to the finish. “I didn’t go fast enough.”

The Upper Valley is home to notable Olympians and elite athletes — Norwich is known for being a “cradle” for Olympic athletes — and True, like many of them, initially came to the area to study at Dartmouth College, where he graduated with a major in art history in 2009. He was the first student in the Ivy League school’s history to break the four-minute mile and earned All-American honors in cross country running, outdoor track and field and Nordic skiing.

Growing up in North Yarmouth, Maine, True was known since his teens at Greely High School as a champion runner and skier in the state. He chose Dartmouth over Stanford, he said, because “the area and campus were much more to my liking, and I wanted to continue both running and skiing.”

Ben True is by his own acknowledgement an athlete who has traditionally trained alone and chosen to live apart from the running meccas of Colorado or Oregon.

For a brief spell after college, True tried living in Eugene, Ore., where he joined the Oregon Track Club, but it didn’t suit him.

“I’m a pretty big homebody. I like the Northeast more,” he said.

Until he made his marathon debut, True’s running career has been focused on competing and racking up national and global wins in 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter track races and 5K and 10K road races. But shorter-distance events exact a toll on an athlete’s body that becomes more problematic with age.

“Training for the 5K was wearing on my body a lot and tiring me out, really stressing my nervous system, all that speed work,” the 35-year-old said. “So it seemed like an appropriate time to take on the challenge of marathon running, which frequently draws people in their 30s and 40s as it is less impactful on the body.

“It was the right time to move up to the longer distance,” True assessed.

True said he chose New York for his first marathon rather than one of the other big destinations such as Boston, London or Tokyo because he had run a half-marathon there in 2019 — placing 10th at 1:02:56 — and because New York Road Runners, the organization that produces the NYC Marathon, in past years had invited True to ride in the lead vehicle at the head of the race.

“I’ve always had a lot of success in New York,” True said. “It just seemed the right place to run my first marathon.”

Despite what has been described as his “lone wolf” training regimen — his former sponsor Saucony even made it the theme of a YouTube campaign — True recruited two other running partners: Dan Curts, an Iowa State standout, and Fred Huxham, an All-American from University of Washington, who both relocated to Norwich, where they helped True to train for the marathon. 

“I used to do the majority of my training starting from my house,” True said, explaining his normal routine, which began with a 12-mile run at 10 a.m. and ended with a 5-mile run at 6 p.m. But since Curts, a year ago, and Huxham, six months ago, became part of his running pod, “we tend to meet someplace, like West Windsor, Orford, Enfield, South Strafford, running mostly on dirt roads.”

In addition to the average 120 miles per week that True would run in training for the marathon, the trio have formed a running club — Northwoods Athletics— with an eye to supporting professional runners and a weekly open invitation running group, Tour de Woodstock, for recreational runs on the weekend.

The Tour de Woodstock, which began last fall with 10 people and now has a core posse of about 15 and some weekends attracts double that, meets at East End Park on Pleasant Street in Woodstock, NH and is meant to include runners of all levels and abilities who can break off into smaller groups if they want to.

They gather at an eating spot for waffles afterward.

The mission, according to True, is to inspire people to run by providing a social element that will motivate them to enjoy the sport more.

“We had our first bonfire potluck lunch at a member’s house” two weeks ago, he said.

Northwoods Athletics is still in a formative stage — the website only recently went up — but True said one of its purposes will be to find a new economic model to train and support professional runners.

At present, professional runners are largely sponsored by athletic shoe companies, whose terms often preclude athletes and athletic clubs from accepting other sponsors. That makes athletes rely upon a single sponsor, which can have devastating impact when a contract is not renewed.

True said Northwoods Athletics wants to develop new avenues to pay runners, perhaps through contracting with employers to manage a running program for the company’s employees, similar to a company-sponsored health club membership, which would also in turn identify the company as a sponsor of the athlete.

True also hopes to see Northwoods Athletics as a vehicle to make the Upper Valley a hub for runners, at least during the nonwinter seasons. (True himself has spent winters training in Charlottesville, Va., and Boulder, Colo.)

“One of the reasons I’ve done my training alone is that I’m here, but there are not many people here,” he said.

“We’re hoping to add a few more guys to get a critical mass and a women’s team, too,” True said.

As for when True plans to run his next marathon — he doesn’t know. He is still undecided whether he will train for another track season, and if he does, then it would conflict with the time and technique required to train for a long-distance running.

In either case, True said he does not need to make that decision until January.

“So I have some time,” he said.

(11/15/2021) ⚡AMP
by John Lippman
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...


Meet Wrinkle, the Running Duck of the New York City Marathon

This famous fowl surprised and delighted spectators—but how did she get there?

By now, you’ve probably seen videos on your social media timelines of an enthusiastic, semi-aquatic bird galloping down the closed-down streets of the Big Apple, winning the hearts of New York City Marathon spectators.

The white pekin’s name is Wrinkle Five Star, better known as A Wrinkle in Time: The Time Traveling Duck—or just Wrinkle, for short. A recent TikTok featuring her marathon run racked up nearly 8 million views (as of November 12), making her an overnight sensation and arguably one of the biggest highlights at the 50th running of the NYC Marathon.

As one commenter on YouTube said about Wrinkle’s performance: “Such determination, will and strength. Look at those webbers flattening the concrete, he quacks with resilience, what a marvelous duck.”

Here at Runner’s World, we were impressed with the fowl’s dedication to running and her custom-made shoes for her duck feet. We also needed to know... just how far did Wrinkle run?

To find out, we spoke to her adopted parents, Justin Wood and Joyce Kung—who operate the Justin Wood Circus Variety Show—about just who this famous quacker is and how she became the sensation of the New York City Marathon.

It all started in California. Wood and Kung bought six eggs in hopes of hatching some ducks to implement into their circus arts. Neither of them had experience hatching eggs before, but they were up for the challenge—especially if it meant adding a unique piece to their performance.

“I haven’t seen any trained ducks,” Wood said. “So, I figured it might be very difficult. Too difficult, like you couldn’t really do it. But I might as well give it a shot.”

Wrinkle hatched from her egg on September 9, 2020, in Louisville, Kentucky. Wood and Kung immediately began training her. They needed her to imprint on them—that is, to attach to them emotionally and gain its sense of species identity from them.

As a chick, Wrinkle would follow Wood and Kung around, an instinct for baby ducks. They intended to keep that up through adulthood, as they were planning to have her specialize in parading behind them as they juggle or perform other acts.

During training, they noticed something special. “She has very good endurance in walking and running,” Kung said. “And we just figured [out] a good way to display it.”

Wood is also a content creator, sharing numerous videos across YouTube and TikTok. He’d been making videos for years, but when live performances weren’t happening because of COVID-19, he focused on his online presence. TikToks showing him juggling and yoyo-ing saw some success, but he felt those acts didn’t translate as well to the internet as they do in person.

But Wrinkle resonated with viewers. On September 17, 2020, just days after she was hatched, Wrinkle showed off her running skills on TikTok for the first time. The little yellow chick sprinted across a checkered blanket toward the camera as “Let’s Link” by WhoHeem played in the background. That gave Wood and Kung an idea.

“When we meet people on the street, they’re always surprised and they care about the duck,” Kung said. “But on the internet, it’s harder for people to personally care about this animal. So we really wanted to make her a personality, like you recognize her as ‘the running duck’ or ‘the traveling duck.’”

Soon, videos of Wrinkle running back and forth, jogging around New York City, and scurrying through dark corridors were garnering thousands of views and scooping up new fans. She also performed in-person, marching a 1.4-mile long Halloween Parade in the Bronx. After that feat of endurance, Wood and Kung knew she was ready for a bigger challenge—the New York City Marathon.

First, Wood and Kung needed to make sure Wrinkle could safely run on pavement. Many ducks suffer from a condition called bumblefoot—a bacterial infection caused by walking or running on rough surfaces. Their solution? Make her a pair of shoes.

Wood and Kung fashioned booties out of a scuba-gear-like material that’s soft, easy to wash, and waterproof. “Everyone’s asking about the shoes,” Wood said. “So we’re looking into trying to mass produce them and put them out there.”

Fully equipped, Wrinkle took to Lafayette Street in the Bed-Stuy neighborhood of Brooklyn on November 7, ready to take on part in the race. Wood and Kung let her out on less populated parts of course, and she did what she does best: run.

“We weren’t sure if we were allowed to do it,” Kung said. So to be safe and mindful of the runners, Wrinkle would run a block and stop for water, totaling three blocks—about a half mile in total distance. (While she’s all over social media, we couldn’t find Wrinkle’s Strava account to confirm the distance.) Marathon spectators watched with dropped jaws, scrambling to grab their phones to take photos.

Wrinkle wasn’t phased by the crowd reaction; she was used to it at that point from wandering New York with her parents. But on a historic day like the 50th running of the NYC Marathon, Wrinkle was a special addition to an already magical day. “Wrinkle always puts people in a good mood,” Wood said.

Sure, Wrinkle didn’t run the whole marathon. While a half mile might not seem much at all to a distance runner, it’s a long way to run for young running duck.

Unphased, Wood and Kung are completely sure that Wrinkle can go much farther. “She’s only 1 year old,” Kung said. “She’s going to have a lot of potential.”

If you’re hungry for more Wrinkle, she is featured in New York City art show, which will run from November 13 to December 9.

(11/14/2021) ⚡AMP
by Runner’s World

Chelsea Clinton on Her First NYC Marathon: “The Day Was Incredible!”

After 20 years as a dedicated runner, she took on her first marathon through the five boroughs on November 7.

For years, the New York City Marathon has been a popular race for high-profile runners looking to take on the challenge of 26.2 miles. But one such notable athlete kept her presence in the 2021 race under wraps until she crossed the finish line.

Chelsea Clinton, 41—who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation, teaches at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and has authored several books for young readers—finished in 3:59:09. She averaged 9:08 pace (with half marathon splits of 1:50:27 and 2:08:42) and got in under the 4-hour barrier she had set as a goal for herself.

Her parents, Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 42nd president and the secretary of state during the Obama administration, met her at the finish line.

Clinton, still sore from the race, spoke to Runner’s World on November 10 about her experience running through the five boroughs. She discussed her training, an inopportune injury, and the conversations she and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, had with their three children, ages 7, 5, and 2, about the effort it took to train for and finish the race. This interview had been condensed.

Runner’s World: When did you get the idea that you wanted to try a marathon?

Chelsea Clinton: Last year I turned 40. I had always thought about doing the New York City Marathon. When I turned 40 and thought, “I should do it.” But we didn’t have the marathon last year.

And so I was so thankful to have the chance to run the 50th running of the marathon. I’ve lived in New York City for 18 years, and most of those years I’ve cheered on the runners I don’t know and the runners I do know in the marathon.

How long have you been a runner?

I ran a little bit with my dad when I was in junior high and high school, but I didn’t really start running until I went to Stanford. I think just because it was so beautiful, and I had a lot of friends who had been runners. I’ve run, goodness, the last 20 some odd years.

When did you start training specifically for New York?

I started training four months before. I knew that I needed to train. I’d never run anything close to that distance.

Did you have a coach or a plan?

I did, and I’m not just saying this to you because you’re interviewing me. I looked at lots of different plans and some of them recommended running four days a week. I actually used the Runner’s World Sub-4-Hour Marathon Plan, which was five days a week.

I followed it really diligently until I tripped and fell [during speedwork on the treadmill] six weeks before the marathon. There’s no good story.

I wrenched my left foot and I bruised the bone and strained a tendon and thankfully have a really wonderful doctor and a great physical therapist, and I’ve never iced a body part as much as I’ve iced that left foot for the six weeks before the marathon. It got a lot of TLC of the cold variety.

I had to take three weeks off running totally. I biked and I did other things. I then kind of had to sort of feel out what I thought the best answer would be for the next couple of weeks to get back to hopefully marathon readiness. Thankfully, I was ready by the time Sunday came.

When do you train? Are you a morning runner?

Yes, I love running in the mornings. The long runs I would do on Sundays. I’m so thankful to my husband for keeping our children occupied while I was gone for increasingly longer runs over the months.

I like running all over New York City. I’ve seen so many different aspects of New York City I don’t know if I ever would have been able to see if I weren’t a runner, the different neighborhoods I could make it to. I love watching the city wake up.

There were a couple of days when it was 88, 90 degrees and I did revert to the treadmill. I found running in heat challenging.

Had you planned to run at an even pace to break 4 hours?

At the beginning I was running faster than I had planned—I was like, oh, gosh, I’m falling into the trap that all my friends who have run lots of marathons told me not to fall into, with the adrenaline. But I just have to enjoy this moment. And this is what’s enabling me to enjoy this moment. I just made the calculation, when I was in Brooklyn, that this is what feels right to me now. I want to soak in this experience, and I hope I’ll have enough left in me to still make it in under four hours. I did. With 51 seconds to spare.

I have to be honest, I didn’t quite follow my running plan on the day, but I think all the training and feeling in my body, what a 9-minute mile felt like, enabled me to adjust and still make my goal.

How was the day for you?

The day was incredible. It was even more of an amazing experience than whatever I had hoped or imagined it to be, the enthusiasm and the borough pride. I loved being in Brooklyn. Everyone was like, “We love Brooklyn!” [I’m thinking] I love Brooklyn. We made it to Queens and Queens was like, “We’re the best!” Yes, Queens is the best. You get to the Bronx and it’s like, “You’re not here for very long, but we are memorable.” I think, yes, I love the Bronx.

You get back into Manhattan and you’re like, ohmigod, I still have six miles to go.

Did you see a lot of people you knew along the course? And did your husband and kids see you?

It was just wonderful and I had friends that I saw all throughout the race and that just made it so much fun.

But really the most special moments were when I saw my kids. They made it to two different places and Marc was there at the finish line. They were so proud and so excited. They made me the cutest signs. My daughter yelled so loudly she was hoarse that night.

I am so proud that my kids saw their mom set a goal and beat that goal. We had lots of conversations, because initially they were like, “Mom you’re going to try so hard and you’re going to win.”

And I’m like, “No. I’m going to try so hard and I’m going to finish.”

They said, “But you can win, Mom.”

“I can’t win. If I work really hard, hopefully I can finish in about twice the time that people who are going to win finish in.”

And there were all these wonderful conversations around, we can do hard things at different points in our lives. Sometimes it really is about the effort toward those hard things and enjoying the effort and enjoying the event and it’s often not about winning.

My 2-year-old didn’t really understand what was going on. On Sunday night he was like, “No like wide races. Mama gone too long.”

“Oh yes, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Mama was gone too long today in the wide race.”

Had you planned to run with former pro soccer player Abby Wambach?

We knew that each other was running. I think we were just surprised we saw each other at the start and it was so nice. I adore and respect and love Abby, and it was so nice to share a little bit of that experience with her. But definitely after mile 11, I was like, I cannot keep up with the Olympian. I need to slow down a little bit or I will hit the wall. It was an unexpected gift at the moment.

Did you hit any rough patches?

I think that the bridges were harder than I had thought. The last six miles were challenging. But worth it.

You were running for City Harvest, which works on hunger issues in New York?

I was. I definitely saw people cheering on City Harvest. It was also really nice how often I would see people who were there for Every Mother Counts or Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the other organizations. People were cheering on everyone who was in identifiable nonprofit shirts that ran by. There was so much support for those of us who were running for a cause.

Were you recognized by strangers?

Yes. And everyone was so nice. As I got slower, around 21, 22, 23, 24, I would run by and I would hear shouts behind me, “Go, Chelsea!” and I would turn back and be like, “Thank you!”

Were you doing the calculations at that point to figure out how slow you could go and still break the four-hour mark?

Yes. When I had run more quickly than I had realized for the first half, I was doing the math in my head, how slowly can I run in the moments when I know this is going to be really hard and then what will I need to do toward the end? I kept constantly recalibrating. And then, going up 5th Avenue, I could feel myself slowing more and thought, “Oh no, I hope I didn’t miscalculate.” And then I got into Central Park and the energy really helped carry me through.

Your parents seemed really proud of you.

Ohmigosh, so excited. I was nervous because of my injury, like oh, gosh, I hope I can make it. I actually called my mom at mile 11. I’m sure this is like breaking some sort of marathon protocol. I probably shouldn’t have called her, but I called her like, “I”m going to make it. You have to come.” She was like, “We’ll be there.” I was like, “Okay!” She was like, “Wait, aren’t you running?” ... “I am.”

Did you enjoy the signs people held?

So many funny signs. And so many, “Go random stranger” signs. I was like, “Yes, I’m a random stranger. Thank you!” Lots of signs supporting moms, which was great, like, if you gave birth to a child, you can do this. “Yes, I’ve given birth to three, I can.”

What kind of shoes do you wear?

I run in Brooks [Adrenaline GTS 21]. I’ve tried lots of different shoes. I have been dedicated to those shoes.

Are you hooked on marathons now or are you saying, “Never again?”

Well, I have to say I finished and I thought, “That was amazing. I want to do another one.” And then Sunday night I was like, “Ohmigosh, I’m so sore. How could I ever do this again?” We’re talking now and it’s Wednesday and I’m like, “I could totally do it again.” It’s a little bit like having children. It is something I would love to be able to do again

If I do it again, though, I would want to have a coach or friend. As extraordinary as it was and as much as I loved doing it as a New Yorker in New York City, it would have been nice to share the experience with someone. I said, “Marc, what do you think?” He said, “I love you so much. I’ll cheer harder next year. I’ll try to be in even more places.”

Hopefully I have some friends I can persuade.

(11/14/2021) ⚡AMP
by Runner’s World

Jocelyn Rivas Just Ran Her 100th Marathon—All Before She Turned 25

Now the youngest person to run 100 marathons, Dreamer Jocelyn Rivas recently finished her hundredth at the Los Angeles Marathon.

Jocelyn Rivas has been running marathons since she was 17. On Sunday, the 24-year-old ran her 100th at the Los Angeles Marathon. This makes her the youngest runner to complete 100 marathons, pending verification by Guinness World Records. It also makes her the youngest Latina to accomplish this feat—something she’s proud of, as a Dreamer who came to the U.S. from El Salvador when she was six.

Rivas was born in El Salvador with health problems so severe her mother was told she would never walk normally. She never found out what exactly the cause was, but she did start walking normally when she was a kid, and then she took up marathon running when she was in high school, as part of the Students Run LA program.

Since then, she has run marathons in 19 states, and she once ran six marathons in nine days. Her first marathon was the Los Angeles Marathon, so running it again as her 100th marathon has been coming full circle.

Rivas spoke with Women’s Running about how she got into running, why she decided to take on 100 marathons, and what it was like to cross the finish line in Los Angeles.

Women’s Running: You ran your first marathon with Students Run LA when you were in high school, but were you a runner before that?

Jocelyn Rivas: When I started with Students Run LA, it was the first time I had run. You could say I had done the one mile because that’s required for [Los Angeles Unified School District] high school kids. That was the only thing I had done.

The reason I started running was I came out to the 2013 L.A. Marathon to support my friends who were running. I saw everyone running, from kids to adults who are in their 70s, and I was like, why am I not out there? What’s preventing me from being out there? I got inspired by those people, complete strangers, and then I was like, I want to run a marathon.

WR: What was it like to go from no running to training for such a long distance?

JR: Students Run LA helps high school students train for a marathon in six months. In the beginning, it was a bit difficult because my mom didn’t want me to run a marathon. The reason was because I was born with a broken back, neck, and feet. So I have always had a lot of back pain and neck pain, and she just didn’t want those things to become worse. But I wanted to run a marathon. I knew I could do it.

Essentially, I was like: You know what, I’m gonna do this, just to prove her wrong, just to prove I could run a marathon. But when I crossed that finish line, I realized I love running. My mom was the motivation, but I ended up falling in love with running.

WR: How did you recover from those injuries as a young child?

JR: The resources in El Salvador were kind of limited. My mom was also very poor—she barely even had money to feed me, so she wasn’t able to take me to a specialist. But she took me to physical therapy that was free. My feet were completely turned around to the outside, instead of straight, and then my back, my spinal cord, was not straight at all. I was like that for several months until, I guess with therapy and everything, my body started to get back together little by little. My mom says it was a miracle, because they told her I most likely wouldn’t be able to walk normally. My sister says it took me a while to start walking. I was slower than most kids. And she says after three or four years, I was fine.

WR: Have you had to deal with that back and neck pain in your running?

JR: Yes. I actually asked my teammates: Are you feeling back pain? They said no, we’re not feeling anything at all. That’s how I realized, with my back pain and my neck pain, I was going to have to dedicate a lot of myself to running. I do a lot of recovery. After every single run, I do scraping, I do tape, I massage myself. Sometimes I do cryotherapy.

WR: What inspired you to run 100 marathons?

JR: In 2017, I was in a very bad place. I’m a Dreamer—I’m a DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] recipient. The Trump administration had just announced that they were going to take it off, meaning that I’d lose the potential of renewing, I would be undocumented again, and I would definitely lose my job and not be able to continue going to college. I was going to lose everything I had worked so hard for, and I really wanted to do it to showcase that Dreamers are here to do something good. We love this country as much as every American—we just don’t have the papers. We came here as young kids, and we grew up in American culture. My biggest thing was, I don’t think many people could put a face to Dreamers. They think negative things about us. I wanted them to see the face of a Dreamer and be like, this is just one Dreamer, and there’s thousands of Dreamers just like her, just wanting to follow their dreams. So it started with that.

But in 2019, at marathon 25 [after the Trump administration’s efforts were blocked], I needed a new “why”—something that would carry me through when I’m in my darkest places, when I’m running those marathons and I just feel like I can’t keep going anymore. And that’s when it came to me: I want to do this to inspire my community, to inspire women. Growing up, I never had anyone to look up to, athletic-wise, who I could identify as a Latina who could do this. I was just like: I want to be that person, or at least inspire my community to get out there to chase their dreams, or start the journey, whatever that is. Running all these marathons has made me realize that nothing is impossible in this world. If you want something in life, go chase it, go get it.

WR: What challenges have you faced along the way?

JR: When I was running these marathons, I was trying to get a PR, I was trying to run faster every single time. And I was getting injured. I had a lot of shin splints on both legs, and then here and there, I sometimes deal with IT band injuries. How am I going to make it if I’m so injured and I’m barely in my early 20s? That’s when I reached out to Julie Weiss, who had done 52 marathons in 52 weeks, so she had a lot of knowledge. She said, you’ve gotta go slower. I told her the times I was finishing, and she’s like, no, you’ve gotta run an hour slower than what you typically run. Just take it easier. Enjoy the

journey. Take photos. Forget about PRs right now—you can do PRs after.

That took me to 100. If I would have kept running fast, fast, fast, trying my best to PR, there’s no way I would have made it to 100. I took her advice to take it slow and enjoy the races more and not to be so hard on myself.

WR: You’re running marathons so frequently, what is your training like?

JR: I really do not train like a normal person who’s training for a marathon. Since I’m running a marathon every weekend, I consider it my long run on Sundays. Monday and Tuesday, I take off completely, I just stretch and rest, and I do my usual thing—I work. Wednesdays after work, that’s when I go for my first run, like a 5k. Thursdays, I do maybe a 5k to 6 miles, depending on how my body’s feeling. On Fridays, I do another maybe four miles, and then Saturday, I do a 5k or don’t run at all. It’s very low mileage, roughly in the 40s with the marathon included.

WR: Do you have any advice for other young women who want to go after big running goals?

JR: All it takes is for you to believe in yourself. I always say, the only person that could stop you is you. I truly got inspired by my community, so this didn’t happen by itself. But if you believe in yourself, you know what you can do, and you know how far you can go in life.

WR: What kind of reaction have you gotten from people in your community?

JR: It’s been amazing, they’re all super supportive—I’m representing South Central L.A. I grew up very poor, with very limited resources. But I got lucky with Students Run LA. And I think they saw me as a 17-year-old, and then they just kept seeing me going and going, and now I’m at 100. There’s so many Students Run LA kids here, and I think they’re also getting inspired, with all the girls who have reached out to me. I honestly can’t even believe it. I’m still trying to process it.

WR: Overall, what would you say you get out of running?

JR: I found my passion. Whenever I’m having a stressful day, I just know if I go for a run, I come back and I am the happiest person ever—it releases all my stress. It makes me feel so confident, so empowered, so strong, and makes me feel beautiful and alive. It is like nothing else. I’m still someone who’s very young, still learning about the world, and still trying to grow in every aspect of life. And having that sense that I could be 100% myself and love myself when I’m running, it definitely has helped me so much in my personal life and in my career.

WR: The Los Angeles Marathon was your first marathon as well as your hundredth. How do you feel about that?

JR: I love the L.A. marathon. This whole time, I’ve been doing back-to-back marathons so I could get L.A. to be my hundredth marathon. And so having accomplished this, after how many flights got canceled, how many marathons, how much I cried and stressed, knowing that I was able to get to 100 at L.A. is literally a dream come true. I wanted to finish here, in the community that molded me to who I am today.

WR: How did the L.A. Marathon go?

JR: I felt like it’s just another marathon until I got to the starting line and thought, oh my god, this is my hundredth. I teared up a bit. Throughout the race, again, I thought, oh, it’s just another marathon. And once I hit mile 23, that’s when I started feeling it. So many people were out there cheering me. It was amazing. At the finish line, they had a ribbon that said “The Warrior—100th Marathon” for me.

WR: What’s next? Are you going to take a break from marathon running?

JR: I want to, but I am doing a marathon the following weekend. I will try to PR, and we’ll see if it happens. I’m gonna try to do a few more marathons just to make sure that the record stays with me, because I’m still getting certified. All the races I did were USATF certified—that was one of the requirements from Guinness World Records. I have everything documented, but I’m just going to do maybe five or eight more marathons to make sure the title stays with me.

After that, I am going to take a break. Probably five or six months into physical therapy, I’ll try to get my body to come back stronger. Because the end goal is I want to run a 100 miler—I do want to become an ultramarathoner. And if I do that 100 miler and I crush it, or at least I survive, I want to try to go for maybe Badwater.

(11/14/2021) ⚡AMP
by Women’s Running

World Championships Oregon22 marathon course revealed

The marathon course for the World Athletics Championships Oregon22 has been revealed by the local organising committee (LOC) for the event. Spectators will be able to line the course and experience the world-class competition for free.

The men’s and women’s marathons, taking place on 17 and 18 July 2022, will be contested on a mostly flat 14km looped course that will run through Eugene and Springfield. Athletes will start and finish in front of the University of Oregon’s Autzen Stadium.

“The opportunity to run a marathon at a World Athletics Championships right here on US soil would be an experience of a lifetime,” said Emma Bates, second place finisher and top US woman at the 2021 Chicago Marathon. “The looped course gives runners the ability to learn and adapt as the race develops, and I think that will result in some fantastic, strategic competition.”

The course follows long sections of the marathon route used for the 1972 and 1976 US Olympic Trials, while also showcasing the beauty and history of Oregon through the landmarks and landscapes of Eugene and Springfield.

“Our objective was to design a course that prioritises the athlete experience while honouring Oregon’s natural landscape, indigenous people, and long-held passion for running,” said WCH Oregon22 Road Events Course Manager Ian Dobson.

“As members of this community, we're proud to give the world’s best runners the opportunity to compete on a course that holds so much history and potential. These marathons will write a new chapter in Oregon’s running story, creating new legends in the footsteps of Frank Shorter, Jacqueline Hansen, Kenny Moore, Joan Benoit and countless others who raced these roads as they helped inspire and redefine what road racing could be – not only in the US, but globally.”

The loop begins on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, named after the American civil rights leader. From there, it moves into Alton Baker Park, a 413-acre natural area in Eugene.

While on Day Island Road within Alton Baker Park, the route will follow alongside Pre’s Trail. Designated as a City of Eugene historic landmark in 2019, Pre’s Trail is a bark running trail that celebrates University of Oregon track and field legend Steve Prefontaine.

Another feature of this part of the course are the Kalapuya Talking Stones. Showcased in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, these 15 basalt stones are carved with Kalapuya words and their English translations. 

The course will cross over the stunning Willamette River, considered the lifeblood of the Willamette Valley, and then move into the City of Springfield. Competitors will traverse Main Street before running beneath the canopy of a stretch of incredible giant sequoia trees.


The World Athletics Championships Oregon22 will be taking place 15–24 July 2022. 

(11/14/2021) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

Tommy Rivers Puzey has been fighting for his life and on November 7 completed the New York City Marathon

In July 2020, the ultrarunning community was shocked to find out that Tommy Rivers Puzey had been diagnosed with primary pulmonary NK/T-cell lymphoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. Since then, Rivers Puzey, or Rivs, as his friends like to call him, has been fighting for his life, and it appears that he is winning. On Sunday November 7 the beloved ultramarathoner completed the New York City Marathon in 9:18:57, barely one year after taking his first steps after treatment.

Aside from being a well-known ultrarunner, Rivers Puzey is a father to three young girls and husband to his wife, Stephanie Catudal. He had been struggling with COVID-like symptoms for several weeks in an Arizona hospital when he finally received his diagnosis.

His condition deteriorated quickly, and by October, he had lost 70 pounds and was deemed ineligible for a bone marrow transplant because he was too frail. According to his Instagram, where he has been very open about the struggle he has gone through over the last year, his doctors did not expect him to make it. He spent five months in the hospital, underwent multiple surgeries, ventilatory intubation, an open-lung biopsy, collapsed lungs, internal bleeding, acute liver failure, deep vein thrombosis, ulcers, lung infections, septic blood infections and several other dangerous side effects. He had to re-learn how to talk, swallow, chew and move his limbs. After six rounds of chemotherapy, he was told by doctors that his cancer was in remission.

One year later, Rivers Puzey surprised his loyal followers when he announced he’d signed up for the New York City Marathon. He slowly made his way through the city’s five boroughs, smiling and high-fiving spectators as he went, and crossed the finish line in Central Park in complete darkness, after most of the crowd had already gone home. Once an aspiring U.S. Olympic Trials marathoner, he called completing the marathon “the single most difficult athletic achievement” he’s ever accomplished.

Rivers Puzey’s fight is not over yet. According to his Instagram, doctors have given him a 90 per cent chance that his cancer will return without a bone marrow transplant, so he is now working on building up his strength so his body will be able to handle another four to six rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a bone marrow transplant. For runners wishing to support him and his family, you can visit the GoFundMe page set up by his brother, Jacob Puzey, and others.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Run the fast and flat Edinburgh Marathon - voted the fastest in the UK by Runners World and be part of Scotland's biggest running festival on May 2022

The Edinburgh marathon is one of the best events on the long-distance running calendar, and organisers were proud to announce it’s back in full swing following a COVID-19 hit year. A date is set, and crowds will be back running the course through the Scottish capital following the relaxation of UK coronavirus rules in the summer. Organisers, runners and fans are excited to see the return of what is a real favourite and one of the world’s most scenic marathons. It’s also another sign that Scottish sport is heading full steam towards recovery.

The Edinburgh Marathon Festival, with its full marathon, half marathon, relay, 10k, 5k and junior 5k, 2k, 1.5k and 1k, will take place in the gorgeous and historic city on 28 and 29 May 2022. Last year’s event took place, but it was a virtual run with entrants from all over the world mapping out a course and distance near them and logging their routes and times on the EMF site. The runners raised money for charity, completed personal bests, run with family members or in memory of loved ones. It wasn’t the kind of festival atmosphere we have come to love about the Edinburgh Marathon, but it was a memorable experience.

You don’t have to run long distances to enjoy the weekend, of course. There are many ways you can get closer to the action if you are unable to enter. Armchair fans can watch the marathon live on TV and place bets on the outcome, choosing their favourite distance runner and conducting a sportsbook review to see which bookie is offering the most generous odds on them recording the fastest time.

In addition to the marathon winner betting, the leading bookies also have several eye-catching specials, including a podium finish, winning nation, best finishing Brit and more. There’s something for all fans of online gambling to enjoy. The Edinburgh marathon is an exciting run but landing a profit from the occasion is an even more thrilling experience.

Why everyone loves the Edinburgh marathon

The last two Edinburgh marathons have been virtual events which was a huge blow for the event, the charities involved and the businesses in Edinburgh that enjoy the financial boost of having runners, fans and volunteers arrive in the city from across the globe. It has been a difficult two years for the city in general, but the wait will make the return of the Edinburgh marathon even more interesting.

Why is there so much excitement in the air ahead of the spring return, and why does the Edinburgh marathon hold a special place in the hearts of professional runners, amateurs and fundraisers? There are many reasons for EMF’s popularity. For the pros in town to record a personal best time and have a crack at the course record or even the world record, Edinburgh is great because it is one of the flattest courses on the circuit. It lends itself well to runners with pace and has thrown up some eye-catching times over the years. That has been true of both the marathon and the half marathon.

The course record was set by Joel Kiptoo of Kenya when recording an astounding 2.13.33. The fastest female ever to complete the Edinburgh marathon was Zinaida Semenova from Russia, who posted an as-yet unbeaten time of 2.33.36. Will either of those records be broken this year? It’s certainly possible as runners seem to get faster every season. The last Briton to win the race was Phil Nicholls in 2011. Since then, we’ve had one Ethiopian champion and seven Kenyan winners. Another attraction of the EMF is the scenery of the course. The marathon takes in some of Edinburgh’s most famous landmarks and locations from both the Old Town and the New Town. It isn’t all for the tourists, though. The course covers much of the city, allowing followers to see the splendour of the parliament buildings as well as some of the city’s poorest areas. It is the best way to see the true Edinburgh in all its glory.

When entering the marathon, half marathon or one of the other races, you’ll start in Holyrood Park, then take in the likes of Grassmarket, Princes Street, Easter Road and Meadowbank Stadium.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP

Here are a few things you should avoid in your pre-run routine

Runners commonly get things wrong during training, but there are a few things you should avoid in your pre-run routine to ensure you don’t ruin your training.

Don’t eat or drink too close to your run

This is the most common mistake runners make. If you eat too close to your run, you will likely get a stitch or cramping. On a run, your body’s digestive system begins to move in slow motion, as not as much blood is being pumped to your stomach. Your cardiac output is mainly directed at engaging your skeletal and cardiac muscles.

If you are going to eat in the hour before your run, try to keep your meal light and easily digestible. Some popular foods runners will eat before they head out the door are: bananas, toast and other fruits. In terms of hydration, it’s essential, especially in the summer as our bodies try to cool down our natural process of sweating. There is no need to hydrate with litres of water before your run. Although there is no concrete limit, you should aim for two cups of water around two hours before.

Not listening to your body

Many of us follow our training programs religiously, but what should we do if our bodies are telling us not to run? Training involves feeling fatigued from time to time, but it’s important to find the middle ground between training fatigue and aches and cramps. Body aches and mental fatigue could be a sign that you are training too much. If so, dial back your training to give yourself more recovery time and come back stronger.

Another solution is cross-training.

Don’t avoid the washroom

Unless you like to live life on the edge, you need to make a stop at the washroom at least 30 minutes before your run. Trust us here, it’s harder to find a public washroom, and they aren’t as comfortable. There’s nothing worse than receiving a call from nature while you are out on a run.

Train your body and get into the habit of going before you leave the house.

Avoid static stretching 

Although the act of stretching isn’t bad, the point of stretching before a run is to get your heart rate up. It is better to let your body slowly build up to running by engaging in dynamic stretches that mimic the movement, for example, lunges, high knees and leg swings. These stretches stimulate reflexes in your tendons and muscles, which can also help your body recognize movement faster than static stretches. Static stretching is most effective when paired with light activities such as jumps, hopping and jogging on spot to get your heart pumping.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Austin Marathon, Ascension Seton Agree to Title Sponsor Extension

The Austin Marathon and Ascension Seton have agreed to a long-term title sponsor extension. The agreement will allow the collaboration to continue to grow, further benefiting the fitness community. In addition to growing secondary community events and expanding content creation opportunities, Ascension Seton will remain the Official Medical Provider. Since 2019, the collaboration has helped others establish healthier lifestyles, prevent avoidable injuries, and provide services for injured athletes to recover. The 30th annual Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by Under Armour, owned and produced by High Five Events, will take place on February 20, 2022.

“Ascension Seton is excited to establish a long-term collaboration with the High Five Events team in support of the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon,” said Adam Bauman, Vice President of Orthopedics, Sports and Rehabilitation Services for Ascension Texas. “Over the past three years, our collaboration has helped encourage people to remain active in a way none of us anticipated due to the COVID pandemic. Ascension Seton remains committed to supporting our community and partners to ensure the Austin Marathon and other related events are sustainable well into the future.”

As the Official Medical Provider, Ascension Seton doctors and nurses will staff the finish line medical tent and work with Travis County EMS on course. During race weekend, Team Ascension Seton will participate in all events, volunteer their time, and have a major presence at the Health and Fitness Expo. Outside of race weekend, they’ll continue to positively impact the local fitness community, providing knowledge and insight curated by Ascension Seton Sports Performance’s Dr. Jakob Allen.

“Our collaboration with Ascension Seton has grown over the years and significantly benefited the fitness community,” said Jack Murray, co-owner of High Five Events. “With this extension we expect that trajectory to grow for the foreseeable future as we come up with new ideas and build new opportunities.”

The Austin Marathon will celebrate its 30th year running in the capital of Texas in 2022. Austin’s flagship running event annually attracts runners from all 50 states and 35+ countries around the world. The start and finish locations are just a few blocks apart and within walking distance of many downtown hotels and restaurants. The finish line is in front of the picturesque Texas State Capitol. The Austin Marathon is the perfect running weekend destination. Registration is currently open. The next price increase is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th.

About High Five Events: Beginning with the launch of a single triathlon in 2003, High Five Events has grown to become one of the largest privately owned event production companies in the United States. High Five Events is a community-centric company based in Austin, Texas.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running USA
Austin Marathon Weekend

Austin Marathon Weekend

The premier running event in the City of Austin annually attracts runners from all 50 states and 20+ countries around the world. With a downtown finish and within proximity of many downtown hotels and restaurants, the Austin Marathon is the perfect running weekend destination. Come run the roads of The Live Music Capital of the World where there's live music...


‘I wanted less than a minute’: 105-year-old unsatisfied after 100m world record

Julia ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins sets record in 105+ category

Athlete has also excelled in cycling time trials

Like all elite athletes, Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins has a ruthless streak. So, despite setting a 100m world record on Sunday at the Louisiana Senior Games, she still wants to go faster.

“It was wonderful to see so many family members and friends. But I wanted to do it in less than a minute,” the 105 year-old said after the race, where she recorded a time of 1:02:95, a record for women in the 105+ age category. When someone pointed out that 102 is less than her age and asked if that made her feel better, Hawkins answered: “No”.

The retired teacher is no stranger to athletic excellence. She started competing at the National Senior Games when she was 80, specialising in cycling time trials, and won several gold medals. She eventually ended her cycling career saying that “there wasn’t anyone left my age to compete with”.

When she turned 100 she took up sprinting. In 2017 she set the 100m world record for women over the age of 100 with a time of 39:62. When her record was broken in September by Diane Friedman, Hawkins decided to compete in a new age category.

“I love to run, and I love being an inspiration to others,” Hawkins said on Sunday. “I want to keep running as long as I can. My message to others is that you have to stay active if you want to be healthy and happy as you age.”

Several age records for the 100m have tumbled this year. In August, Hiroo Tanaka of Japan blazed home in 16.69 to set the male record in the 90 and over category. In women’s competition Australia’s Julie Brims broke the 55+ record in a time of 12:24, while American Kathy Bergen crossed the line in 16.26 in the 80 and over category. Bergen has also broken age records in the high jump, 60m and 200m.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP

How Gene Dykes Became the World's Fastest 70-Year-Old

Gene Dykes is a heck of an athlete. In his serious bowling days, he four times rolled a perfect score (300). On the golf course, he has recorded a best round of 68 on a par 70 layout. And a little less than three years ago, Dykes ran the fastest time ever by a 70-year-old in a certified, out-and-back marathon (2:54:23 in December 2018).

What's he been up to since that marathon record? Quite a bit, especially when you consider his prolific race and ultramarathon schedule. But a bit less than planned, given a broken shoulder in 2019 (trail run fall), Covid restrictions in 2020, and a hamstring injury from August this year.

Dykes, now 73, had hoped for peak 2021 races to come at the WADA WMM Age Group Championships in London in early October, followed 8 days later by a fifth consecutive in person, age-group win at Boston. His hamstrings didn't cooperate, however. He had strained them in August at the Hood To Coast Relay.

As late as 24 hours before London, Dykes figured he wouldn't run. But he's irrepressible when it comes to starting lines, so he was there the next morning, and eventually hobbled and walked to the finish in 5:37:56.

At Boston, he hoped to continue his four-year age-group victory streak (65-69 victories in 2016 and 2017,  70-74 in 2018 and 2019). His legs felt a bit better, so he decided to aim for 3:30 pace, which he calculated would give him a 50/50 chance of winning his age group.

His math proved remarkably good, but he ended up on the short end of the 50/50. Dykes hit the tape in 3:30:02, just 28 seconds slower than Mike Wien's first-place 3:29:34.

"If I had known I needed 30 seconds, I could certainly have found them in the last 5 miles," Dykes says.

Other 70-somethings have broken 3 hours in the last month, including Jo Schoonbroodt in Amsterdam (2:56:37) and Michael Sheridan in London (2:59:37). Dykes will turn 74 next April. If he wants to remain atop his age-group, he'll face serious competition for the first time.

To get ready, and to heal an ailing body, Dykes plans a full month of no running from mid-November to mid-December. He and his wife will be cruising the waters around Antarctica and chasing a solar eclipse. He hopes to return to competition at the Naples (FL) Half Marathon in January.

Here, Dykes answers questions about his remarkable past three years of running and what he has learned along the way. His coach, John Goldthorp, adds more information about Dykes's training routine.

Q &A with Gene Dykes

Why did you run London and Boston if you were injured?

Before London, my coach didn't want me to run, my family didn't want me to run, my wife didn't want me to run, but I felt like my Facebook friends were all saying: "Run, run, run." I thought I'd drop out after 6 or 7 miles, but I kept going even though my hamstrings wouldn't allow anything under 10:15 pace. Then I didn't run a lick before Boston, but I could tell that my legs were a little better.

You were already running strong in your mid-60s when you hired a coach for the first time. How did that change things?

It was like night and day. I was a 3:29 marathon runner before, and six months later I ran 3:09 at Boston. When I coached myself, I pretty much ran all long, slow miles with occasional 800-meter repeats on the track. If I was sore after a workout, I figured it was best for old guys like me to rest. John had me out there working my ass off 6 days a week. Sure, a couple of those were recovery runs, but he had me doing lots of miles about a minute per mile faster than before.

I found that when a coach set expectations for me, there was no way I wasn't going to suffer to get the workout done. Needless to say, I discovered I had much more ability locked away than I had realized. I only needed the expertise and accountability that a coach provides.

I've read that you were mostly running around 45 to 50 miles a week. That seems low for your fast race times.

That's the trouble with averages. They hide a lot of variation. I ran close to 2800 miles in 2016, 2017, and 2018, which comes out to about 53 miles a week. But I did so many ultra-marathon races, that my training average was probably 45 to 50. When peaking for a specific, important marathon, I was in the low- to mid-60s.

You run a lot of ultras, and also race frequently. Is that to build endurance first, and then speed?

I'll probably never have another year like 2018.  I ran 43 races that year. Hey, only seven of those were ultras!  Because I raced almost every weekend, the race substituted for one of the week's harder speed workouts, yes, but I also trained pretty hard between races.

This year is instructive: You dropped out of a 256-mile trail race, ran a world best for 50K, did a road mile, then a 100-mile, then won three track races at USATF Masters, then jumped into Hood to Coast in late August. And these were only a few of your races in 2021. My question is: Is this a racing plan or a kid running amok in a candy store?

I guess there really is no grand plan most of the time.  Every November I go through the list of races that pique my interest, either for fun or competition, and pencil the most important ones into the calendar. So many races, so little time! The most fun I have is when I'm running a long distance on trails. Even though I hate the 5K and shorter, any race is fun. Once upon a time, I figured that I would perform better if I didn't race so often. But in 2018, I raced 16 straight weeks and got faster every week. So why not go with it?

If 2021 had gone perfectly, what would have been your realistic goals at London and Boston?

At the beginning of the year, the dream was to set a world record at London and win at Boston. So, timewise, that would have been a 2:54 and, say, 3:07. As it turned out, absolutely nothing about that was realistic. After a 2020 filled with injuries and no races, I was off my game from the get-go in 2021. I realized pretty early that I wouldn't be setting a record in London, but I still thought I could win both London and Boston, at least until the hamstring injury.

What have you learned about yourself and running since your big year in 2018?

Don't run a bunch of fast legs at Hood to Coast on a body that's already tired! Otherwise, I'm not absolutely sure I've learned anything yet. I have some theories that I'll test out next year. I'll probably give myself more recovery time after ultras, and maybe stop doing the 200-milers. I might race less often, but I'm hoping I can still perform well at road races week after week.

Maybe I've learned two things: 1) Injuries are weird; and 2) Maurten is a game-changer for me.

What makes injuries so weird is you don't know when you're going to get one, or when it will get better. Every injury is different. Some only hurt when you run, and some don't hurt when you run, but they hurt around the house and yard. Some go away in a couple of days, but are suddenly replaced by others. You never know what's coming next.

Hamstring injuries really worry me. This is my third. The first one kept me from running for six years!  The second knocked me out for six months. I'm hoping that this one is only six weeks (and the fourth one only six days).

Maurten has become an absolutely essential fuel for me in long races. It's more important than carbon shoes. It lets me get in more calories than ever before, and it eliminates nausea. When I'm feeling fatigued in a long effort, and then get some Maurten, my body feels happy again. [Note: Dykes has filmed a promotional video for Maurten, and might become a sponsored athlete.]

Have you changed your training over the years?

I don't think much about my training, I just do what my coach tells me.

What's in your future?

Sometimes I think I should just retire from trying to beat records. Maybe I should just have fun, and to hell with what everybody else thinks. I did set out to beat the marathon record in 2018, but I didn't do it for the attention. I just needed a good goal to motivate me for a couple of years.

I'll probably try to get back in shape and run fast next year. Then in 2023 when I'm 75, I'll try to repeat what I did in 2018. I'll prioritize whatever age-group records I think I can get, and the big championship races.

ohn Goldthorp answers questions about Gene Dykes's training

What kinds of workouts seem to work best for Gene? Which don't?

Every athlete is an N=1. Gene is fond of 'general aerobic' runs that are 60 to 90 seconds slower than his current 5K race pace, and he certainly loves long runs. Often we combine stamina training and short hills to make a longer session. We can tick off a lot of boxes in one day that way. Then he jogs very slowly the next day to recover.

Gene does so many ultras and other races, what role does recovery play in his training plan?

It's true that older athletes may need more time to recover, but sometimes a 70-year-old retiree can recover faster than a busy professional with young children. My marathoners aim for 2 harder workouts per week with everything else being very easy. Gene tends to run 5 to 6 days a week, depending on his gardening and golfing plans.

What about paces for intervals, tempo, long runs, etc.?

I prefer to help my athletes train by perceived effort instead of pace. Gene is unique in his ability to run marathons at a pace only about 35-40 seconds per mile slower than his 5K pace, where others are often 50 or 60 or more seconds slower. So we target many of our hard workouts close to his marathon effort. Gene's very good at not forcing things. Early in a workout, he's often convinced he won't be able to complete the planned session. But as he warms up, he usually finds that he can.

Anything else?

Gene's a master at listening to his body and doesn't hesitate to take a day off if necessary. On the other hand, I can't tell you how many times I gave him a light session only to learn later that he felt good and went out for a 23-miler instead.

How about Gene's racing schedule?

To say Gene's racing schedule is unorthodox would be putting it mildly. In 2017, he ran three 200-milers in three months and often raced the other weekends. But maybe this has contributed to his success. Running ultramarathons early in a training block allows him to develop tremendous endurance. Then, for about 8 weeks, he'll use shorter races and faster long runs to develop his threshold and efficiency.

I assume Gene's racing doesn't fit your ideal. How do you keep him under control?

At the end of the day, we have one life and we need to do what brings us joy. Gene loves going on adventures, challenging himself, and seeing the world via running. He's made a lot of friends and inspired a lot of people. If I were to say, "No, you must stick to one way of training and racing," I wouldn't be taking a client-centered approach to coaching.

I'm here to support Gene's journey. Sometimes that means getting out of his way. Other times, I try to gently nudge him back onto the path.

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP
by Trail Runner Magazine

High school cross-country runner disqualified for swearing

Michigan High School Cross-Country Championships, a runner was disqualified after cussing in disbelief at his second-place finish.

Parchment High School’s Garrett Winter passed a competitor during the final 100 metres of the race and celebrated by yelling “Holy f@#king s^*t, let’s go” as he crossed the line. You can check out the video below. Winter is the second runner to cross the line.

His disqualification has caused a stir online, but according to the National Federation of High School Sport (NFHS), the governing body for U.S. high school sports, states that “Unacceptable conduct by a competitor, failing to follow the meet rules and directions of a meet official, or using profanity that is or isn’t directed at someone will result in disqualification from the event.”

According to his Twitter, his coaches appealed the ruling, but it was upheld. Winter ran a 22-second personal best in the 5K race for a time of 15:27 – a time that he didn’t think was possible. He issued a Twitter apology on Monday night.

Many runners on Twitter are in disbelief over the ruling, as Shalane Flanagan once yelled a similar term after winning the 2017 New York City Marathon and no one batted an eye.

Since Winter’s disqualification, an online petition has gained traction to change Rule 4-6 of the NFHS rule book, to reinstate Winter’s second-place finish. The petition was tweeted out by Canadian marathoner Rob Watson, who recalls saying similar words during his collegiate days at Colorado State University. 

(11/13/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

The Air Force Marathon Expands Military Discount to Veterans, Military Service Members for 2022 Registration

The 2022 Air Force Marathon is gearing up for registration on Jan. 1 with the new year arriving.

Along with active duty, reservists, and National Guard members, discounts will be also offered to veterans and members of the ROTC. All who qualify will be offered $10 off the full marathon, half marathon, relay, and the Fly! Fight! Win! Challenge Series, or $5 off the 10K and 5K.

As the Air Force Marathon celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the United States Air Force, race director Brandon Hough is ready to welcome runners back to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

“The Air Force Marathon is thrilled to be able to extend a registration discount to those who have proudly served their country and have turned to a new chapter in their lives. Once a veteran, always a veteran,” he said.

The Annual Air Force Marathon is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022. The Health & Fitness Expo, held at Wright State University’s Nutter Center is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 15 and Friday, Sept. 16. The weekend will also feature a Breakfast of Champions and Gourmet Pasta Dinner the same day as the 5K and Tailwind Trot on Friday, Sept 16, as well as an After Party on Saturday, Sept. 17.

Coronavirus trends and local guidance is being monitored to maintain a safe experience for all attendees and the community.

For more information about the race weekend visit

(11/12/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running USA
Air Force Marathon

Air Force Marathon

The first official marathon was held on September 20, 1997, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Air Force, and is held the third Saturday in September each year. 2023 marks the 27th year and is set forSeptember 16th, 2023. To commemorate our rich history in flight, each year one aircraft is chosen to be highlighted during the marathon and on...


Study says endurance training beats strength at improving long-term health

Runners and gym-goers have often been at odds over the years, arguing which one is better for overall health, and it appears that science has given one point to team endurance.

A recent study determined that endurance exercise is better for improving blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and waist circumference than lifting weights.

The study

The study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, found that endurance exercise, like running or biking, stimulates circulating levels of certain mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDP’s), which could lead to increased longevity and metabolic health. They found that strength training, on the other hand, did not have the same effect.

Your mitochondria are known as the “powerhouses” of the cell, and are responsible for energy production. MDP’s perform similar functions to the mitochondria, and they play a protective role in maintaining mitochondrial function. Endurance exercise appears to stimulate the production of MDP’s, which translates into better blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improved blood pressure and a healthier waist circumference — all factors in good long-term health. (Note that a healthier waist circumference does not mean thinner — it simply means a size that is appropriate for the individual).

To come to this conclusion, researchers put participants into one of three groups: one that cycled for 45 minutes at 70 per cent of their estimated VO2 max, one that performed a strength training session including leg press and knee extension exercises and a third group as the control. Skeletal muscle biopsies and blood samples were collected before and at 30 minutes and three hours following exercise.

The researchers found that the participants who performed the endurance workout had increased levels of circulating MDP’s, while the strength training group did not see any change. “In conclusion, our results indicate that circulating levels of mitochondrial-derived peptides are upregulated by endurance exercise in healthy subjects,” the researchers wrote.

This doesn’t mean you should give up strength training

If you were hoping this was finally the excuse you were looking for to skip your next gym session, don’t get ahead of yourself. While strength training may not have as beneficial an impact on blood sugar, pressure, and other biomarkers of health, it still provides plenty of benefits. As a runner, it’ll make you stronger and more injury-resistant, and when it comes to healthy aging, strength training can prevent a lot of muscle loss that often comes with getting older.

So no, you shouldn’t stop strength training, but the next time your non-running gym friends try to convince you running isn’t as good as for you as lifting weights, you can show them this study (and maybe convince them to join you for a run sometime).


(11/12/2021) ⚡AMP
by Brittany Hambleton

New York Marathon champ Peres Jepchirchir gets huge reception at airport upon return to Kenya

New York City Marathon champion Peres Jepchirchir on Thursday received a rapturous reception at Eldoret International Airport as she jetted back home following Sunday victory which marked an end to a successful season.

Jepchirchir won the New York Marathon in 2 hours, 22 minutes, 39 seconds barely three months after winning the Olympic Marathon tittle in Sapporo, Japan in 2 hours, 27 minutes, 20 seconds.

At the airport the mood was exuberant as Jepchirchir's family members, athletics Kenya officials, relatives and friends together with students of Moi Girls Kapsowar joined in welcoming her.

Jepchirchir is Moi Girls Kapsowar patron, and recently helped the school organise charity race for conservation.

Jepchirchir said she was not thinking of winning but was hopeful she would do her best New York.

“When I was at the 27 kilometre mark, I saw Violah (Lagat) and I slowed the pace to wait for her. When she caught up she told me the race was getting tougher but I encouraged her we soldier on because when we are done with 35 kilometres, no one would catch up with us,” she said.

“We kept on encouraging each other and I am happy for Violah because it was her marathon debut and she fought well.”

She said she was grateful to all who prayed for her and for the best wishes extended to her as she prepared for the race and even while in New York.

“For now I am going to relax and wait for next season. I commit all to God and look upon Him on what He has prepared for me next year,” she said.

Her father Paul Kipkoech Chepkwony was lost for words following his daughter's exploits.

“I am grateful to God and all those who have been supporting my daughter’s talent which manifested itself while she was still a student. She used to run to and from school each day and this shaped her athletics prowess,” said Chepkwony.

Moi Girls Kapsowar head teacher Hellen Mabese Luhangala hailed Jepchirchir for the exemplary performance noting it has been a motivation to the young people.

“She has demonstrated resilience and determination by winning two marathons. At our school she is a champion of environmental conservation and motivating young people that the sky is no limit by surmounting all challenges,” she said.

Athletics Kenya President Rd. Gen Jack Tuwei said the season has been good for Kenyan athletes.

“She has kept the Kenyan spirit high. I was worried when she going for the New York Marathon because she had not recovered well from the Olympics but she assured us she was determined ahead of the race. I am happy for her because she kept our hopes alive,” he said.

Concerning the ongoing athletes workshops, Tuwei said he was impressed by the turnout.

“So far marital, relationship and investments are some of the issues athletes have revealed are affecting them. At the end of the forums, I am sure we will have known the real issues ailing them and how best to address them,” said Tuwei.

(11/12/2021) ⚡AMP
by Fred Kibor
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...


I want to run till death do me apart, Mark Kiptoo says after Masters win

Former African 5,000m champion Mark Kiptoo says he wants to continue running into his twilight years because of love for the sport. 

Kiptoo said he has come to learn that running does not only benefit one financially but also has additional perks to make one a well-rounded human being. 

"Of course, it is my desire to continue running even when it no longer puts food on the table. If my body allows me, I want to continue running until I am very old. I think this is something that should be encouraged even among the younger generation. If many of us can embrace running even as a hobby, then that translates into a healthy nation," Kiptoo, 45, said. 

The 2010 Commonwealth 5,000m bronze medalist shone in the men's 10,000m final during the national trials for the Open Africa Masters Athletics Championships at Nyayo Stadium where he came first. 

Competing against athletes of different ages, Kiptoo said he has been inspired by the determination of his older competitors. 

"They have shown that age is just but a number and that inspires me a lot. It feels great running with them because they challenge you to enjoy this sport and give it your all. Many more would do well to learn from them," the KDF officer based in Laikipia, said. 

The 2014 Frankfurt Marathon champion has not competed this year due to Covid-19 disruption but that has not cut his attachment to athletics. 

A core part of his exceptional performance at Nyayo Stadium, Kiptoo said, is his diligence in training even when there are no competitions lined up. 

"There is no race that is ever easy although that is what some fans might think. The secret to winning is to work hard in training and approach races with the same attitude. You can't be complacent in a competition setting because your opponents want the same training and have been working towards the same victory," Kiptoo, who boasts a personal best of 12:53.46 in 5000m, said. 

He has now set his sights on road races in the coming year and is already training towards that. 

"God willing, I will be able to compete in various road races next year and compensate for the time out of action this year. There is also the World Masters and Africa Masters coming up so I expect to be quite busy," he said.

(11/12/2021) ⚡AMP
by Omondi Onyatta

Top mistakes beginner runners make

Running isn’t easy, and there are many myths about how beginners can improve. If you are a new runner or someone who’s considering trying out the sport, take a look at these mistakes runners make before heading out the door, so you can avoid them.


Many runners go from doing nothing to high-volume training in a short period. This is an injury waiting to happen, as there is no better way to shock your body than going from nothing to running five days a week. Running more distance needs to be done gradually. Some runners follow the 10 per cent rule, which follows a slight increase in mileage each week.

Running the same route at the same pace

It is great to have favourite routes, but running the same distance at the same pace on the same route won’t help if you are looking to improve. Try mixing up the route and adding a bit of distance to your current route. You can drop down the pace if you are feeling good that day. If you are wanting to run further or improve your endurance, you will need to make time each week for a longer run. Speed workouts are also important once or twice a week for runners looking to improve their speed. Try this speed workout for all levels.

Running hard on easy runs

Newsflash: unless it’s a race, no one on Strava cares about the pace of your easy run. This mistake goes hand and hand with overtraining. The point of easy runs is to keep your heart rate low recover from faster efforts. Your body will take longer to recover if you are doing hard effort after hard effort. You should be able to engage in conversation on your easy runs. If you can’t, it’s a sign that you are going too fast.

Choosing your running shoes by the way they look

The most important consideration should be comfort, not colour The point of buying running shoes is to have a pair that can get you from point A to point B without pain or discomfort. When buying shoes, it’s important to find the right pair. Be open to the shoes that are recommended for your feet and check out online reviews.

Many new runners fall victim to the hype and hysteria of “bucket list” type achievements like running the marathon. While certainly an achievable goal for most, marathons require a lot of time and training. Runners are better off starting with reasonable short-term goals over a month or two. Those new to running should also complete shorter benchmark races and distances such as the 5K, 10K and half-marathon before moving on to the marathon. Don’t try to run before you can walk – racing shorter distances will build up your confidence and running experience.

Ignoring your body

Don’t feel like you have to run. No one has to run, especially if you’re injured or tired. It’s important to listen to your body when you are starting. Don’t make running harder than it should be.

(11/11/2021) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

105-Year-Old Julia Hawkins Sets World Record for Age Group in 100-Meter Run

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Julia Hawkins!

The speedy 105-year-old known as the "Hurricane" ran 100 meters with a time of 1:02:95 at the Louisiana Senior Games in front of her adoring friends and family.

With the feat, Hawkins set a new world record by becoming the first female track and field athlete, and the first American, to set a track and field world record and establish an age 105 and older category, according to the National Senior Games.

"It was wonderful to see so many family members and friends," Hawkins said after the race, according to the organization. "But I wanted to do it in less than a minute."

When asked if she wanted to run the 100-meter race again, she told CBS News, "Yeah!"

This isn't the first time Hawkins has made headlines for her show of endurance.

At age 101, the former schoolteacher from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, won the 100-meter dash in a blazing 40.12 seconds at the USA Track and Field Outdoors Masters Championships.

"I love to run, and I love being an inspiration to others," Hawkins told reporters after Saturday's race.

"I want to keep running as long as I can," she added. "My message to others is that you have to stay active if you want to be healthy and happy as you age."

In 2019, Hawkins won two gold medals in the 50- and 100-meter dashes at the Senior Games in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

"I'm thrilled I did as well as I did but I didn't do as well as I have done," the mother of four told Good Morning America at the time. "I don't know if it's because I'm older, or maybe it was the atmosphere."

"Realize you can still be doing it at this kind of an age," she continued. "I just keep busy. I keep moving. I don't do any exercises particularly. I used to, but I don't think I need to anymore."

(11/11/2021) ⚡AMP
by Jason Duaine Hahn

Registration for the 2021 Virtual Reggae Marathon race is open and runners from 17 different countries have already shown interest in participating

Each participant has been charged to recreate the Reggae Marathon experience wherever they are in the world. However, some runners have expressed their desire to travel to Jamaica to run the race along the established Negril route during the run period, November 13 to December 5, 2021.

According to Alfred ‘Frano’ Francis, race director: “Another exciting feature for this year is that marathoners participating in this year’s Reggae Marathon can use their participation to qualify for a position in the virtual rankings platform of the 2022 AbbottWMM Wanda Virtual Age Group World Rankings.”

The AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings comprises a one-year qualifying period during which athletes in nine separate age groups can compete in marathons across the world to earn ranking points.

Mr. Francis explained that at the end of the qualifying period, the top runners in each age group will get invited to the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships. The rankings cover age groups from 40 to 80+ for men and women.  More information on how to qualify for an invitation is available at: Virtual Rankings (

The first such championship was held as part of the 2021 Virgin Money London Marathon on October 3 this year. The race involved a combination of qualifiers from the first and second editions of the rankings.

Reggae Marathon is one of 250 international marathons offering this unique opportunity to athletes.

As in past years, the organisers of the 2021 virtual race event continue their support of Reggae Marathon’s charity partner, the Heart Foundation of Jamaica. Runners can make direct donations to the Heart Foundation or have their race distances covered by sponsorship. This year’s fundraising efforts have already received a boost by the efforts of  two young runners from Jamaica, whose results are celebrated on the event’s website’s fundraising page:

Mr. Francis noted: “The addition of the Virtual 5K is another exciting feature of this year’s event, and though the Reggae Marathon event has had to go virtual again this year, we have left no stone unturned in our efforts to give all our participants a great running experience and an opportunity to make their mark in more ways than one.”

(11/11/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running USA
Reggae Marathon

Reggae Marathon

The Reggae Marathon & Half Marathon is Jamaica’s premier International Marathon Event. Marathoners, sports enthusiasts as well as beginners, converge in Negril, Jamaica’s capital of casual, for a fun event characterized by good vibes and lots of Reggae music. Enthusiastic supporters come out along the looped, internationally certified course to support participants. Meanwhile, hard working volunteers offer uniquely packaged water...


Reuben Kipyego, Abel Kirui, Vivian Kiplagat and Alemu Megertu confirmed to participate in the 2021 ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon

With less than three weeks to go until the third edition of the ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon, race organiser, Abu Dhabi Sports Council (ADSC), and race title sponsor, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), have confirmed four more elite athletes that will be vying for the top spot in the highly anticipated race on November 26.

Following the recent announcement of the first group of world-class athletes, the latest additions to the elite category of male runners include the reigning 2019 ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon winner, Reuben Kiprop Kipyego.

Returning to try and beat his personal best race time of 2:03:55 while defending his crown, the Kenyan is ranked 20th in the world, and his recent successes include a second-place finish in 2019’s Buenos Aires Marathon and the 2021 Milano Marathon.

He will be joined by fellow Kenyan Abel Kirui, whose personal best record of 2:05:04 makes him a serious contender in Abu Dhabi. He has won both the 2009 Berlin Marathon and 2011 Daegu Marathon and was placed 4th in 2018’s London Marathon.

The confirmed female elite athletes include Kenya’s Vivian Kiplagat, who returns to the UAE in a bid to defend her 2019 ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon win. Kiplagat was also crowned the winner of the 2019 Milano Marathon and the 2018 Buenos Aires Marathon and will be going all out to beat her personal best record of 2:22:11.

Joining her will be Ethiopian, Alemu Megertu, who is currently ranked 40th in the world with a personal best time of 2:21:10. Her marathon achievements include 1st place in 2019’s Rome Marathon and 2nd place in the 2019 Frankfurt Marathon.

Speaking on the confirmation of the latest world-class athletes, Aref Al Awani, General Secretary of the Abu Dhabi Sports Council, said: "As we return for our much-anticipated third edition, this year’s elite level line-up will see some of the world’s best male and female runners heading to Abu Dhabi to compete for the top prize.

With two ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon champions returning in 2021 to defend their title, we can look ahead to an incredible display of competition and talent, further enhancing the event’s global reputation as one of the most prestigious races to participate at. We are proud that they have chosen our wonderful city and this fantastic event, and we look forward to welcoming them to the start line in Abu Dhabi."

Prior to the race, on November 22-25, a vibrant race village will be hosted at the ADNOC HQ Campus, welcoming participants and supporters with photo opportunities, family entertainment and a dedicated race pack collection area.

Open to 6 to 70 - year-olds and runners of all fitness levels, the family-friendly event aims to promote healthy lifestyles and elevate the physical wellbeing of the Abu Dhabi community. To register for the 2021 ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon, please visit:

(11/11/2021) ⚡AMP
by Tariq alfaham and Hatem Mohamed
ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon

ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon

The Abu Dhabi Marathon is shaping up to being first class marathon for both elite runners and average runners as well. Take in the finest aspects of Abu Dhabi's heritage, modern landmarks and the waters of the Arabian Gulf, at this world-class athletics event, set against the backdrop of the Capital's stunning architecture.The race offered runners of all abilities the...


New Study: Drink coffee to improve muscle glycogen recovery

A lot of runners drink coffee before they hit the road to give them a boost of energy and improve performance, but a new study suggests that a cup of joe after your workout provides benefits as well.

Research published in the journal Nutrients showed that drinking coffee after a hard workout improves muscle glycogen synthesis, so you can recover more effectively before your next run.

The study

To perform the study, researchers had 11 trained male cyclists complete an exhausting, four-hour ride in the afternoon, and another the following morning. In between, the cyclists ate a low-carb dinner to prevent them from fully replenishing their carbohydrate stores between the two workouts. After the second workout, the participants were either given a drink of coffee, milk and sugar, or an equally-sugary drink without the coffee. To make sure they didn’t know the difference between the two drinks, both were served in opaque containers with dark straws and lids infused with coffee. They were also served the drinks in a room where coffee was openly brewing.

After the study, the cyclists who drank the coffee beverage saw their glycogen supply increase 57 per cent more than the cyclists who drank the beverage without coffee. This led the researchers to conclude that “the consumption of coffee with sweetened milk improved the muscle glycogen resynthesis during the four-hour recovery period after the exhaustive cycling exercise when compared to the consumption of sweetened milk.”

What does this mean for runners?

In other words, adding coffee to your post-workout beverage will help you replenish your carbohydrate stores more effectively, which will improve your rate of recovery between runs and workouts. The researchers note the importance of replenishing your carbohydrate stores during the early phase of post-workout recovery, which they say is between zero and four hours after you’re done because your rate of glycogen synthesis is higher during that time.

(11/10/2021) ⚡AMP
by Brittany Hambleton

The best three week training plan to run your fastest mile ever

The mile is a tricky distance. It’s not a sprint, so you’ll need aerobic endurance, plus enough speed to make it a true race. Still, even if you’re new to running, the distance is accessible, while veteran pavement-pounders can push themselves in a new way.

“The mile is a great test of overall fitness,” says Michael Olzinski, a San Francisco–based run coach.

First, do the mile run test (see below). Then do two cycles of the three-week plan, courtesy of Olzinski. Retest, aiming to run 30 seconds faster.

Mile Run Test

To warm up, jog for 10 minutes, then do basic running drills (high knees, butt kicks). Pace yourself by imagining the flat track is actually uphill. “Don’t blow yourself up in the first lap,” Olzinski says. And make your last lap the fastest. “Give yourself the chance to have a sprint finish, which means using up every last bit of effort by the end,” he says.

The 3-week Plan to Run Your Fastest Mile

Day 1: Light Strength Work

Each week, do 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps of the following exercises: lunges (forward, lateral, reverse), bodyweight row (using a barbell resting on a rig, or rings), squat jumps, glute bridges, ending with 1-minute side planks.

Day 2: Power Run

Week 1.

2 Rounds: 6 x 200m at 1-mile goal pace with 90 seconds rest, into 6 to 8 minutes light jogging. (You should be able to carry on a conversation.) Rest 3 to 4 minutes between rounds.

Week 2.

2 Rounds: 4 x 400m at 1-mile goal pace with 2 minutes rest, into 6 to 8 minutes light jogging. Rest 3 to 4 minutes between rounds.

Week 3.

5 or 6 x 1000m at a 5K pace. Rest 1 minute between reps.

Day 3: Active Recovery/Mobility Workout

Take a yoga class, roll out using a foam roller and lacrosse balls, go for a walk, etc.

Day 4: Hill Repeats

Run 2 to 4 minutes on an incline. Jog on a flat stretch for 90 seconds to recover. Repeat 3 to 5 times. As it gets easier, increase reps or interval time.

Day 5: Light Strength Work

Day 6: Speed-Endurance Run

Week 1.

Jog 5 minutes, then run 2 x 10 minutes at a challenging but sustainable pace. Jog 5 minutes, and end with 5-minute run.

Week 2.

Jog 5 minutes, then run 2 x 12 minutes at challenging but sustainable pace; jog for 6 minutes between runs. Then jog lightly for 5 minutes to cool down.

Week 3.

Time yourself for a hard 5K run, then subtract 30 seconds from your mile pace. That’s your mile run goal. On second cycle of the program, test your mile.

(11/10/2021) ⚡AMP
by Cassie Shortsleeve

World Athletics announces Safeguarding Policy

World Athletics today (10) launches its Safeguarding Policy, which is designed to ensure that those in positions of authority in athletics adopt practices that actively prevent harassment, abuse and exploitation within the sport.

The new policy aims to create a safe and welcoming environment at all levels of the sport, where everyone involved is respected, valued and protected.

This policy is founded on the principles that everyone has the right to participate and enjoy athletics in a safe inclusive environment, that everyone has the right to have their voice heard in raising welfare and behavioural issues, and that everyone involved in planning and delivering programmes for children is responsible for the care and protection of those children.

It defines the specific roles and responsibilities of Member Federations, Area Associations and World Athletics in protecting athletes and other participants in our sport.

These responsibilities include:

- Implementing and embedding this policy- Raising awareness of harassment, abuse and exploitation- Developing and delivering education and training for all those involved in athletics- Supporting victims of abuse, harassment and exploitation- Vetting and recruiting staff and volunteers in line with ethical practices- Responding to concerns raised- Reporting concerns expeditiously- Establishing partnerships with organisations and institutions in the safeguarding sector

This policy describes the procedures to be followed if harassment, abuse or exploitation occurs and sets out processes for victims to be supported.

World Athletics, its Area Associations and Member Federations will work together to implement the policy, working closely with the World Athletics Athletes’ Commission.

World Athletics will promote best practice throughout the athletics community by providing safeguarding resources and guidance to Area Associations and Member Federations, and will provide its workforce with education and training in safeguarding. Consultation on the development of these resources and guidelines is currently under way with stakeholders across the sport.

World Athletics will also review its reporting and disciplinary procedures for any alleged incidents of abuse, harassment and exploitation that fall within its jurisdiction.

Area Associations and Member Federations are asked to adopt and implement a safeguarding policy which follows both local legislation and the World Athletics policy by 2023. This policy needs to include the procedures to follow when a concern is reported, as well as investigative and disciplinary processes.

These organizations must inform the relevant public authorities, where this is required by legislation. Their workforces should be regularly trained in all aspects of safeguarding to ensure they can provide support and advice to their athletics communities.

World Athletics President Sebastian Coe said it was important for the sport to have strong safeguarding procedures in place, from grassroots to elite level around the globe, to protect all participants.

"Athletics clubs, schools and community sports environments should be safe and happy places for those in our sport," Coe said.

"A written policy gives our participants confidence that there are consistent structures and processes in place to report safeguarding abuses and that we will listen and we will act. But the policy is just the start. It must be implemented, monitored and developed at all levels in our sport and we will make that a priority as we move forward."

The Safeguarding Policy has been published on the World Athletics website today.

(11/10/2021) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

2021 Shanghai Marathon has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19

The total number of cases reported during China’s current Covid-19 wave passed 1,000, as Shanghai’s marathon became the latest to fall victim to one of the country’s most serious outbreaks this year.

But the National Health Commission on Wednesday reported the lowest daily figure in just shy of two weeks, with 39 new local symptomatic cases. It also reported 25 asymptomatic cases – which it does not count in its official case tally – and 29 imported cases, 15 of them symptomatic.

That took the outbreak’s total local symptomatic cases to 1,023, so far traced to two separate chains of transmission starting in the northern Inner Mongolia autonomous region and Heilongjiang province in the northeast.

The organizers of the Shanghai International Marathon on Tuesday announced the postponement of November 28’s race, following the decisions in late October to postpone marathons in Wuhan, Shijiazhuang and Beijing.

“Please know that our every decision was made on the premise that we have a responsibility to runners and the city,” the Shanghai organisers said. “We have chosen to be cautious and have chosen to prioritise the health and safety of runners and citizens.”

The outbreak was easing, however, based on the moving seven-day average of daily local symptomatic cases, a short-term indicator of whether infections are rising or falling. That figure dropped to 56 after hovering around 65 since last Wednesday.

The coronavirus was spread initially in mid-October when domestic tourists visited restaurants in Inner Mongolia that had infected workers, before travelling by rail and air on cross-provincial routes. The first cases linked to the outbreak were discovered on October 17.

Residents of six neighbourhoods under lockdown in Erenhot, a city in Inner Mongolia, could leave their homes again on Wednesday. City authorities also lifted restrictions in 84 controlled areas that residents had been banned from leaving.

Some of the areas, such as the Mingda and Fenghuafudi residential communities, had been in lockdown since October 20. Authorities had also held seven rounds of mass testing in the city, which borders Mongolia, by the end of October.

China has faced difficulties in limiting the spread of the coronavirus in regions close to less tightly controlled borders. Ruili, which borders Myanmar in the southwestern Yunnan province, and Heihe in Heilongjiang, which borders Russia, have both been localised centres of infection.

The Chinese authorities have continued to pursue a zero-Covid policy, aiming to suppress cases whenever they arise with tough measures including limitations on movement.

The ruling Communist Party is this week holding a high-profile leadership meeting in Beijing. The capital will also host the Winter Olympics in February, bringing athletes and officials to the region and posing challenges for the country’s pandemic control efforts.

(11/10/2021) ⚡AMP
by Jack Lau
Shanghai International Marathon

Shanghai International Marathon

Shanghai International Marathon has established itself as the marquee running event on China’s Marathon calendar. Every November, tens of thousand participants run passing the many historical places of this city such as Bund Bull, Customs House, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theater, Shanghai Exhibition center, Jing’an Temple, Nan Pu Bridge, Lu Pu Bridge, Long Hua Temple, Shanghai Stadium. The course records...


Nominees have been announced for 2021 Male Rising Star Award

Ahead of next month’s World Athletics Awards 2021, World Athletics is delighted to announce the five nominees for the 2021 Male Rising Star Award to recognise this year's best U20 athlete.

The nominations reflect the many incredible performances that the sport has witnessed this year, at the World Athletics U20 Championships in Nairobi, Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and other events around the world.

The winner of the 2021 Male Rising Star Award will be selected by an international panel of experts and be announced live at the World Athletics Awards 2021 on December 1.

The nominees are:

Sean Burrell, USA

- World U20 400m hurdles record

- NCAA 400m hurdles champion

- Sixth on world U20 indoor 400m list 

Erriyon Knighton, USA

- Olympic 200m fourth place

- World U20 200m record

- World U18 200m best 

Emmanuel Wanyonyi, KEN

- World U20 800m champion

- World U20 leading time

- National U18 800m record 

Tadese Worku, ETH

- World U20 3000m champion and 5000m silver medalist

- World U20 leading times at 3000m, 10,000m and 10km

- Senior Ethiopian 10km record Sasha Zhoya, FRA 

- World U20 110m hurdles champion

- European U20 110m hurdles champion

- World U20 110m hurdles record 

Further information about the World Athletics Awards 2021 will be announced in the weeks leading up to the event.

(11/09/2021) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

What Happens When You Run Every Day

Running every day may have some health benefits. Studies show that running just 5 to 10 minutes each day at a moderate pace may help reduce your risk of death from heart attacks, strokes, and other common diseases. But the same research also shows that these benefits top off at 4.5 hours a week, meaning there’s no need to run for hours each day. Running is a high-impact exercise and overtraining can lead to injuries such as stress fractures and shin splints.

How many days it’s safe for you to run each week depends on your goals and physical fitness levels. Scheduling days for cross training, strength training, and rest should be part of your training plan. They may make you a stronger and healthier runner overall.

What are the benefits of running every day?

Running every day may have benefits for your health. Studies show that the benefits of running for just 5 to 10 minutes at a moderate pace (6.0 miles per hour) each day may include:

reduced risk of death from heart attack or stroke

reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

lower risk of developing cancer

lower risk of developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

While these benefits can be achieved by a minimal amount of daily running, a group of Dutch researchers recommends running 2.5 hours per week, or 30 minutes, five days a week to enjoy maximum longevity benefits.

Other benefits of running may include improved sleep and mood. Researchers in one study observed a group of healthy adolescents who ran for 30 minutes at a moderate-intensity pace every morning for three weeks. Their sleep, mood, and concentration ability during the day tested better than a control group of non-runners.

You may be able to experience these same benefits from 30 minutes of other daily activity, too, such as walking, cycling, swimming, or yoga.

To avoid an overuse injury:

Make sure you have appropriate running shoes and change out your shoes often.

Gradually increase the number of miles you run each week.

Mix up running days with cross training, such as cycling or swimming.

Warm up before you run and stretch after.

Run with proper form.

If you experience a running injury, stop training and see your doctor for a recovery plan. RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) may help with your recovery.

Do you need other exercise?

Cross training, or training with another form of exercise other than running, may be beneficial to runners. Some potential benefits include:

reduces risk of injury

engages different muscle groups

increases flexibility and core strength

aids injury recovery without compromising fitness level

offers variety

If running is your main form of exercise, consider cross training one to two times a week with cycling, swimming, yoga, or Pilates to experience the above benefits. You should consider adding anaerobic activities such as strength training and weights into your routine one to two times a week.


The only items you need to start running every day include a pair or two of running shoes and socks. You may want to alternate between two pairs of shoes in case one gets wet or muddy.

You’ll also need sweat-resistant running clothes like shorts and T-shirts. If you run at night or in the early morning, get a reflective vest or light for safety.

Weekly plan

How often you run each week should depend on your goals and physical fitness level. For example, if you’re a beginner, you don’t need to start out running every day because you’re at a higher risk of burnout or injury. Instead, start by running every other day for 20–30 minutes. Consider trying a couch-to-5K program to start.

Fitting in enough time to run daily or several times a week can be a challenge. Try to run first thing in the morning before your day gets busy. Or, run during your lunch break. Look for run clubs and running meetups in your area for support and motivation. Do short runs during the week, and save your long runs for the weekends when you have more time.

If you’re an experienced runner and plan to run every day, it’s important to schedule your weekly training with plenty of variety. For example, one day a week you could do a long run at your goal race pace. You could spend another day on speed work. One to two days could be short, recovery runs. The other days can be spent doing a hill workout, where you run up an incline repetitively to build up strength in your legs. You also can run or jog in a pool for an active recovery.


Running safety

Wear bright colors.

Look for popular or well-lit trails or running paths.

Let someone know where you are.

Be sure to stick to well-lit, populated areas when you run. Look for popular running paths and trails in your area. Wear bright colors and a reflective vest if you run at night or early in the morning. You can also run laps on a track or do your speed work there. Watch out for branches and sticks when running on trails. They’re a tripping hazard and can cause an injury.


You don’t always need to stretch before you run. You can walk the first few minutes or jog at a slower pace to warm up your muscles. After your run, always stretch out.

Bottom line

Running just a few minutes each day may benefit your health. Research shows it may even extend your life. But do you need to run every day of the week to benefit? No.

Remember, even elite runners stay injury free by scheduling in rest days and cross training days. Try lower-impact activities like swimming and cycling on cross- training days to recover and give your hard-working running muscles a break.

If you aren’t sure how often to exercise or whether it’s safe for you to start running, talk to your doctor. They can recommend a physical fitness program that’s appropriate for your age and fitness level.

(11/09/2021) ⚡AMP
by Healthline

Marathon runner Stelios Prassas, at 90 years old, will likely be the oldest athlete to participate in the upcoming Athens Marathon

Stelios Prassas, who prides himself in maintaining not only the physical fitness of a teenager, but also the spirit of one, was born in 1931.

The incredible athlete has won eight national awards, and plans to test out his skills at the Athens Marathon, which will take place on November 13-14.

He is likely the oldest out of all 30,000 runners that will participate in the Marathon, which follows the same route taken by Pheidippides when he ran from Marathon to Athens during the Persian Wars.

In a historic moment that made him the most lauded runner in history, the military courier ran from the battlefield at Marathon, northeast of the Greek capital, to Athens, and then collapsed and died afterward. He was sent to deliver the urgent message that the Greeks had defeated the Persians in 490 BC.

“The most moving moment is always when I finish the Marathon. It’s an indescribable moment! I love it when I enter the stadium, above all when I enter the one in Greece, the Panathenaic Stadium.”

“It’s a temple, all athletes need to kneel there. There are no stadiums with that kind of marble in the world. In other countries, we run to skyscrapers and apartment buildings,” the 90-year-old Greek marathon runner noted.

90-year-old Greek Marathon runner Stelios Prassas loves life

Prassas has a holistic philosophy to health and fitness. In terms of his diet, he mainly eats legumes and vegetables, and very little meat.

He has always been an active person, and he has never exercised with a trainer, rather he listens to “what my body and my heart tell me. My body gives me the ability to be in the stadium and run eight to 10 km (five to six miles) every day at 90.”

“A person must do what he does because he loves it very much,” the athlete stressed.

“The moment I go to the stadium to work out, I feel great love that fills my heart. I feel so much happiness when I am inside the stadium,” he continued.

Prassas, who owns a store in the Athenian neighborhood of Vyronas and is the head of his family, began running as an adult after a friend asked him to come along with him for a run.

“I like what I do very much. I started running marathons at 59,” Prassas stated. His love affair with running has never burnt out.

Yet his love for his wife is even stronger. “My wife’s love is indescribable. She is a heroine of Greece.”

The athlete does not think about the end of his life, rather, he prefers to enjoy each day he is on this earth.

“I have never been afraid of death, I have never thought of it, and it has never passed through my mind.”

“I want all young people to be happy and to enjoy their lives because we are all impermanent, no one will stay here forever,” Prassas stressed.

(11/09/2021) ⚡AMP
by Anna Wichmann
Athens Marathon

Athens Marathon

The Athens Classic (authentic) Marathon is an annual marathon road race held in Athens, Greece, normally in early November. The race attracted 43.000 competitors in 2015 of which 16.000 were for the 42.195 km course, both numbers being an all-time record for the event. The rest of the runners competed in the concurrent 5 and 10 kilometers road races and...


Five most common running pains and how to fix them

Running can sometimes lead to aches and pains due to its repetitive nature, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to suffer. Here’s a rundown of five common conditions you might experience as you accrue mileage — and how to heal them or even avoid them altogether.

1.- Runner´s Knee

Patellar tendonitis earned its “Runner’s Knee” moniker because it’s so common — for runners, that is. It’s essentially swelling in the tendon, either above or below the kneecap, though most experience swelling and pain below. “It’s usually from the hip or ankle, from a biomechanics standpoint,” says Nashville, Tennessee-based sports doctor and running specialist, Jesse Riley, DC, MS. “I’ll first check to see if the ankle or hip might be stiff, because if another joint like the ankle isn’t handling the impact, the knee is taking a lot of that load.”

Skip it: Avoid running too much, too soon. “If there’s not enough endurance in the tissues, you’re more than likely going to experience joint pain,” Riley says. “Sometimes a runner may not be doing enough strength training, too.”

Be sure to hit the gym at least twice per week, to strengthen quads, hamstrings and calf muscles. “It’s also important to run with proper form. If you’re not soft or agile on the ground,” that also leads to inflammation.

Heal it: “Back off your volume for at least two weeks,” Riley says. “That will change the amount of impact you’re putting on your joint.” (Riley also notes that how much someone should ease up depends on the individual injury. “If someone can’t tolerate moderate walking for example, I advise complete rest.”

Riley also recommends foam-rolling the quads and hip flexors and stretching the ankles, to loosen the surrounding areas and release stress on the knee joint.

2.- Plantar Fasciitis 

“It’s usually known now by its modern name: Plantar fasciopothy, and it’s basically an overloading of the tissue at the bottom of your foot,” Riley says.

Poor form can be a common cause. “I also check to see how well someone can balance,” Riley says. “If you can’t balance very well on one leg, for example, the tissues work extra hard to keep you from falling over while running.”

Skip it: Add balance moves to your strength routine. “Integrate single-leg exercises, like one-legged deadlifts, or practice balancing on one foot,” Riley says.

You can also work on improving your cadence. “Shortening your stride can help improve your form and decrease the load on your feet,” Riley says. “The typical recommendation is 160–180 steps per minute.”

Heal it: First, reduce your running volume (rest), and heat and ice as needed. Riley also recommends rolling a lacrosse ball under your foot to boost circulation and speed healing. “Ankle stretches and building calf endurance through calf raises can also help reduce stress on the area,” Riley says.

3.- Shin Splints.

“Most people feel these on the outside of the shin, which is the tibialis anterior muscle,” Riley says. “It can sometimes get inflamed from being overloaded or simply overlooked.”

This is a case when it’s especially important to visit your doctor to rule out a stress fracture.

Skip it: “There’s often not one definitive cause,” Riley says. But running with proper form and cadence (i.e., a shorter stride) can help keep shin splints away. You can also improve your balance to reduce load on the muscle, by performing single-leg exercises in the gym, and boost muscular endurance by tapping your toes.

Heal it: Stretching the muscle between runs can help you feel better. Practice pulling the toes away from your body. “It’s also good to foam-roll the muscle, to bring blood flow to the area.”

You can run with shin splints — depending on the severity of your pain. “It’s still a good idea to play with your mileage to find what works. And if you’re limping, it’s best to slow down to a walk until you’re feeling better,” Riley says.

4.- It Band Symdrome.

Much like other running injuries, this one relates to overuse and resulting inflammation. “It usually presents as a hip or knee issue — perhaps an ankle isn’t mobile enough, so the knee turns inward,” Riley says. “Often the vastus lateralis muscle (which runs along the side of the thigh and is the largest of the quadricep group) fires extra hard to stabilize the knee and becomes overworked. It can feel like it’s always tense.”

Skip it: There can be multiple causes, so your best bet is to ensure all of your joints are mobile and working properly. Riley also recommends incorporating balance exercises and minding your form as you run.

Heal it: You’ll need to see a doctor or mobility specialist to first determine what’s causing your IT Band pain. Treatment is much like what you’d do to prevent issues: Once you determine the cause, strengthen your running muscles as necessary.

You can also foam-roll your muscles, but avoid rolling your IT band, itself. “It doesn’t feel good, and doesn’t achieve anything,” Riley says. Instead, roll along the front of your quad: Tilt your body forward so you can bring blood to the area.

5.- Hip Pain.

Runners often experience hip pain simply from muscles feeling tight, and the hips can especially feel the effects of repetitive motion. The problem can also be an impingement (from too-tight muscles) or, often, bursitis — which is swelling of a bursa: a fluid-filled sac designed to decrease friction in the joint.

Skip it: “Mobility is your best adversary,” Riley says. “Along with stability. Strength training can really help protect your hips.” Riley recommends hitting the gym three times/week if you’ve ever had hip pain and performing moves like hip thrusters, lunges (with a longer stride, to focus on hips) and isometric holds that allow you to build muscular endurance.

Heal it: You’ll first need to pinpoint the cause of your pain to determine treatment. But usually you’ll need some time to rest and then modify your training. You may need to alter your running technique or adjust your volume.

You may also benefit from modalities like dry needling, depending on the nature of your injury, which can calm the surrounding area so as not to cause further irritation to the joint.

(11/09/2021) ⚡AMP
by Lara Rosenbaum

A shoe built for all distances - The New Balance 860v12

The New Balance Fresh FoamX 860v12 is a go-to shoe that you can rely on for daily comfort over all distances. The new version has been designed to keep up with the demands of the everyday stability runner.

This shoe is intended for runners who overpronate, and its light and supportive features are what keep runners coming back year after year.

12 versions of success

The original 860 was released 11 years ago it was intended for all types of exercise. Now in its 12th edition, it still has its signature performance fit with added support. What’s changed the most in the 860v12 since the original edition? The shoe now features a seamless and engineered upper with strategic embroidery for support and durability.

What’s remained the same is the stiff medial posting in the midsole, so you can complete your run with the maximum level of support on each step.

What’s new?

The v12 is a step up from v11 with the integration of strategic support into the upper. The shoe also features reflective accents on the upper to catch the light while running in the dark.

The shoe has a full-contact outsole, which features New Balance’s softest foam yet, Fresh FoamX. The shoe is relatively firm with a layered midsole, for those who like a traditional stability shoe with lightweight cushioning. 

(11/08/2021) ⚡AMP
by Marley Dickinson

Four Fun Track Workouts for Beginners

Although many believe a running track is reserved for track stars, it's actually the perfect place to learn to run, increase your speed, and get away from the repetition of running on the roads.

It's a little like stepping into a yoga studio, as you don't have to contend with honking cars, curious dogs or traffic lights. Tracks are flat and predictable; this makes it easy to hone your pacing skills. The synthetic surface provides a soft, forgiving landing, reducing the impact forces on your muscles and joints.

Before you start running in circles, here are a few things you need to know.

DistanceA standard track includes 4 to 8 lanes, and measures 400 meters around in the innermost lane.

DirectionThe direction of running is usually counterclockwise, but it's best to check the track rules, as some tracks rotate the direction of running daily.

EtiquetteLike driving on an expressway, the inner lane is used for runners who are performing speed workouts. The outer lanes are for slower traffic (walkers and easy running)

Now that you're up to speed, try to tackle these fun track workouts.

Classic Quarters

There's no better way to get to know a track than to run this workout. It ebbs and flows between hard and easy, and boosts your speed and fitness.

Warm-up: Jog four laps (1 mile)

Repeat 4 times:

HARD: Run one lap at a hard, but controlled effort. The goal is to push hard, but not so hard that you can't finish the workout.

EASY: Take one lap to recover by walking until you catch your breath. Jog easy the rest of the way.

Cooldown: Run easy for one lap and walk one lap.


A short, powerful workout to improve your running form.

Warm-up: Jog four laps

Break the track into two parts, the straight-a-ways and the corners.

Sprint the straight-a-ways (100 meters), and walk the corners to recover. Repeat this for 1 mile.

Cooldown: Walk one lap.

Banana Relays

This is a fun, social workout that builds community, speed and stamina. All you need is a banana (aka baton) and a teammate.

Warm-up: Jog four laps

Run two laps (800 meters or about a half-mile) at a comfortably hard effort (not hard, not easy) and, upon finishing, pass the banana to your buddy.

While he or she is running two laps, walk to the start to recover.

Repeat this four times for a total of 2 miles.

Cooldown: Jog two laps at an easy effort with your buddy.

Warm-up: Jog four laps

1: Run one lap at a hard, but controlled effort. Walk while you catch your breath, then jog until you reach one lap.

2: Run two laps at a hard, but controlled effort. Walk while you catch your breath, then jog until you reach one lap.

3: Run three laps at a hard, but controlled effort. Walk while you catch your breath, then jog until you reach one lap.

2: Run two laps at a hard, but controlled effort. Walk while you catch your breath, then jog until you reach one lap.

1: Run one lap at a hard, but controlled effort. Walk while you catch your breath, then jog until you reach one lap.

Cooldown: Walk one lap.



(11/08/2021) ⚡AMP
by Jenny Hadfield

John Korir and Natasha Cockram prevail in Los Angeles Marathon

John Korir of Kenya made a break with 7 miles remaining to win the 36th Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday.

Natasha Cockram of Wales won the women’s race with a similar strategy.

The 24-year-old Korir, who was second here two years ago, finished in 2 hours, 12 minutes, 48 seconds, nearly six minutes better than countryman Edwin Kimutai (2:18:01). Eritrea’s Amanuel Mesel Tikue finished third in 2:18:17.

Korir’s older brother, Wesley Korir, is a two-time Los Angeles champion.

“Now our family is so happy today,” John Korir said. “This is three times our family winning this race. We are happy now.”

Cockram won after placing 13th in the London Marathon on Oct. 3. She ran the 26.2-mile Stadium to Stars course in 2:33:17.

“I wasn’t sure how my body was going to be feeling after London,” Cockram said. “About halfway, I felt sure and comfortable. I kind of wish I’d gone earlier.”

Kenya’s Antonina Kwamba was second in 2:37:36, edging Russia’s Nina Zarina by a second.

Korir and Cockram each won $6,000. The total prize purse was $40,000.

The race traditionally takes place in March. It returns to that spot next year.

(11/08/2021) ⚡AMP
by Associated Press
Los Angeles Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon

The LA Marathon is an annual running event held each spring in Los Angeles, Calif. The 26.219 mile (42.195 km) footrace, inspired by the success of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, has been contested every year since 1986. While there are no qualifying standards to participate in the Skechers Performnce LA Marathon, runners wishing to receive an official time must...


Five tips to stay motivated at an older age

What is the key to running well and enjoying it as you age?

I imagine this intriguing question is asked and answered often by senior runners all over the world. As we leave our youth and the physical abilities that accompany it behind, how do you keep running in a healthy and enjoyable way?

These days there are so many runners who are in their forties and beyond. Every one of them, of course, is an individual, and what works for them may be different to the next person. Being not far off 50 now, and eight years into retirement from life as an elite athlete, I often ask myself these questions. If anyone has any good answers, I’m all ears!

The recent London Marathon on 3 October incorporated the inaugural Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Championships. This race brought together the world’s best marathon runners over the age of 40. The winners of the various categories were deservedly lauded for becoming world champions, and the sheer energy and enthusiasm of all these senior runners was quite something.

After the race, I was fortunate and humbled to meet Koichi Kitabatake (87) from Japan. A relative newcomer to the marathon, having taken it up at age 78, he was a picture of good health. The sight at these championships of fit, healthy and energetic role models left me feeling incredibly inspired.

From coaching senior runners and from my own, admittedly limited experience of ageing, I offer up a few tips which might answer the questions I posed above.

1 Less is more

As we age, recovery takes longer and we may be more prone to injuries as our bodies get older. To maintain the cycle of super-compensation, in which training stimulates the adaptation that makes you fitter and faster, less training and more rest is often necessary.

2 Set new goals

Looking forwards and creating fresh, exciting challenges is helpful for finding motivation. They need not be outcome goals – process goals are a practical and useful tool for organising a sustainable training routine.

3 Leave your young self behind

Comparing your times and achievements to your younger self risks leaving you feeling disappointed. I spent several years unable to accept the inevitable passage of time – and none of that was helpful!   

4 Seek out variety and enjoyment

Making running something you look forward to, a sociable activity with your friends, and overall a positive experience will certainly help with motivation. Trying races you’ve never run before, running on a different surface, or in a new place, are all ways to refresh your routine and keep it interesting.   

5 Just keep moving

During difficult times when you can’t or don’t want to run, simply doing some physical activity is key. Once you become inactive, it’s much more difficult to restart. Walking, or a mixture of running and walking, cycling, hiking, swimming… any activity will keep your fitness going.

(11/08/2021) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

How the Dibaba sisters from Ethiopia became the fastest family on earth

Ethiopian distance runner Tirunesh Dibaba made history at the 2008 Beijing Olympics when she became the first woman to win gold in both the 5,000-metre and 10,000-metre races. She defended her gold medal title in the 10,000 metres at the 2012 London Olympics, becoming the first woman to win the event at two consecutive Olympics.

She was inspired by a family of runners. In fact, she and her sisters have been amazing in the field of distance running. The Dibaba sisters — Tirunesh, Genzebe, Anna, and Melat — are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records, and they are a fiercely competitive family from a humble background.

They were raised in a round mud hut in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, without electricity. Their parents were subsistence farmers who grew wheat, barley and teff. As a matter of fact, the Dibaba siblings are seven in all, and all of them run. Tirunesh, however, is the most decorated, having three Olympic gold medals. She had wanted to enroll in school but opted for the Corrections (Prisons Police) sports club. 

At age 15, she debuted internationally on Ethiopia’s junior squad at the 2001 world cross-country championships, where she placed fifth. She continued with junior-level silver medals in cross-country and on the track in 2002. She won the world junior cross-country title in 2003, set a 5,000-metre junior world record and won gold in the 5,000 metres at the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) world track and field championships, making her the youngest-ever world champion in her sport.

Her sister, Genzebe, is not doing badly in sports. Ejegayehu, who is their older sister, is also an Olympian who won silver from Athens. Their cousin, Derartu Tulu, was the first Black African woman to win Olympic gold in the 1992 games. She won another Olympic gold medal in Sydney in 2000. 

“It’s not a stretch to say they are the world’s fastest family”, Ato Boldon, NBC’s track analyst, told Vogue in 2016. The sisters have remained a household name in Ethiopia, a country that has produced some of the world’s greatest runners, alongside Kenya.

The mother of the Dibaba sisters told Vogue that the siblings are successful thanks to the environment they were raised in, especially the ready supply of milk they get from the family cows. According to Vogue, author David Epstein has said that much of Ethiopia and Kenya lies in an altitude “sweet spot” high enough to cause physiological changes but not so high that the air is too thin for hard training.

The runners’ feat is also attributed to their diet — especially teff rich in iron and calcium — and their “small lightweight frame”. The Dibaba sisters have the body type good for sports, analysts say. Boldon said in 2016 that if one compares the sisters to a car, they would be a Ford Focus with a Ferrari engine.

The Dibabas are good at sports but they don’t really like watching sports. They prefer movies, especially Amharic films, said Tirunesh, who in 2008 married fellow track-and-field Olympic medalist Sileshi Sihine in a nationally televised wedding ceremony.

And just like other successful athletes, the Dibabas have invested their monies back into their communities. The sisters, alongside their in-laws, are real estate moguls owning several buildings in Addis Ababa. Still, the sisters continue to shine brightly in the sports world.

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
by Mildred Europa Taylor

Molly Seidel breaks U.S. record at New York City Marathon – with two broken ribs

Olympic bronze medalist Molly Seidel ran the fastest time ever by an American woman at the New York City Marathon on Sunday, shattering the previous course record by more than a minute.

Then, a little more than an hour later, she revealed she had done so with two broken ribs.

"It started hurting later in the race, like badly," Seidel said. "But I didn't feel like it was messing up my stride or anything. I went all out with what God gave me today. I think I made the most of the situation I was in."

Seidel, 27, declined to specify how she suffered the injury but said it happened about a month ago. And up until two weeks prior to Sunday's race, she said she was in so much discomfort that she considered withdrawing from the event altogether.

After what she described as "frank" conversations with her coach and agent, the Wisconsin native felt healthy enough to give it a go. She credited a team of physical therapists for aiding in her recovery and said she was grateful that she sustained the injury so far in advance from the race.

"(The broken ribs) definitely hindered training a little bit, but it was manageable for the race," Seidel said.

"There's not a whole lot you can do with that. You kind of just wait for it to heal. Luckily it happened far enough out from the race – it was about a month out – so it gave me the time to be able to heal."

Seidel ended up not just running and finishing the race – which was just the fourth marathon she's ever run – but also placing fourth with a time of 2:24:42.

The previous course record had been held by Kara Goucher, who finished in 2:25:53 in 2008.

"I actually didn't know until I crossed the line, that that was what had happened," Seidel said of breaking the American record. "I'm just so incredibly honored. There are so many good women who have run on this course. I think it's really a testament to the women who were in this race, that I was able to just kind of hang onto that group. Obviously I fell off from the main pack, but kind of just kept pushing."

Peres Jepchirchir ended up pulling away to winSunday's race, which marked the 50th running of the New York City Marathon. Jepchirchir and Seidel both finished on the podium at the recent Summer Olympics in Tokyo, with the Kenyan winning gold and the American taking bronze.

Seidel said one of the reasons she chose to compete in New York, despite her injury, was the promise of being able to celebrate the result with her family members, who had to watch her Olympic performance from home due to COVID-19 protocols at the Games.

A reporter asked Seidel how she planned to celebrate.

"Oh my God," she said, "I hope there's a beer waiting for me at the hotel."

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...


Shalane Flanagan saved the best for last, finishing the New York City marathon in 2:33:32

It’s not uncommon for elite runners to take as many as six weeks off from running after a grueling marathon.

Then there is Shalane Flanagan, 40, the New York City Marathon champion in 2017, who did the opposite. With all six of the world’s major marathons packed into as many weeks this fall because of the coronavirus pandemic, Flanagan saw an opportunity to do something extraordinary. She decided to run them all — Berlin, London, Chicago, Boston, Tokyo and New York — in under three hours each.

Flanagan, who is retired from professional running, traveled roughly 10,000 miles round-trip with her toddler son for Berlin and London. She ran Chicago and Boston on back-to-back days. Organizers ultimately canceled the Tokyo race, but Flanagan still ran a marathon on her own near her home in Oregon two weeks ago to make up for it. Her slowest time was in Chicago, which she completed in 2 hours 46 minutes 39 seconds. She completed three of the races in under 2:40, including an extremely fast 2:35:04 in London.

But she saved the best for last, finishing in 2:33:32 in New York.

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...


Kenyan duo of Peres Jepchirchir, Albert Korir win 50th edition of New York City Marathon

Peres Jepchirchir pulled off a historic double Sunday.

Three months after she won gold at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Jepchirchir turned around and won the 50th edition of the New York City Marathon, emerging from a pack of three in the final mile to cross the finish line in 2 hours, 22 minutes and 39 seconds.

The 28-year-old Kenyan is the first woman to win Olympic gold in the marathon, then win a major fall marathon thereafter.

Meanwhile, countryman Albert Korir won the men's race in dominant fashion, with a time of 2:08:22.

While Korir separated himself from the rest of the field by Mile 20, the women's race proved to be much tighter, with three women neck-and-neck entering the final mile.  Viola Cheptoo ended up finishing second, followed by Ababel Yeshaneh of Ethiopia in third.

Cheptoo, the younger sister of retired American marathoner Bernard Lagat, shared a moment with her brother after the race; Lagat was working as a commentator for ESPN's television coverage of the event.

Molly Seidel, who won a surprising bronze at the Tokyo Olympics over the summer, was the highest-placing American in the women's field. The 27-year-old finished fourth with a time of 2:24:42.

Elkanah Kibet, who also placed fourth, was the top American finisher on the men's side with a time of 2:11:15.

Sunday's race marked the 50th running of the New York City Marathon. The event initially consisted of 127 people running laps around Central Park in 1970, with a $1 entry fee. It has since blossomed into one of the largest and most iconic marathons in the world.

Reigning Paralympic champion Marcel Hug of Switzerland dominated the men's wheelchair race, besting the rest of the field by more than six minutes with a time of 1:31:24. Madison de Rozario of Australia also followed up a Paralympic gold with a win in New York, cruising to victory in the women's wheelchair race in 1:51:01. 

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...


Victor Kiplangat takes debut win in Istanbul, Sheila Jerotich comes from behind in stunning sister act

Running his debut at the classic distance Victor Kiplangat became the surprise winner of the N Kolay Istanbul Marathon. The 21 year-old Ugandan, who is a training partner of Olympic 5,000 m Champion and world record holder Joshua Cheptegei, clocked 2:10:18 after battling with three other contenders in the final mile of the race. Kenya’s Robert Kipkemboi took second with 2:10:23 while Solomon Mutai of Uganda was third in 2:10:25.

There was even more drama in the women’s race: With just 500 metres to go Kenyan Sheila Jerotich came from behind to then triumph on Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square in 2:24:15. To make it even more stunning: The runner the 32 year-old overtook shortly before the finish was her sister, Jackline Chepngeno. While she was the runner-up in 2:24:21, Ethiopia’s Ayantu Abdi followed in third place with 2:24:45. It is most likely unique that sisters took the first two places in a major international marathon. The men’s and women’s winners receive a prize purse of 35,000 Dollar each.

Including events at shorter distances a total number of over 35,000 runners entered the race. With this figure the N Kolay Istanbul Marathon was one of the biggest races worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. In view of the Covid 19 situation strict hygiene regulations were in place. The N Kolay Istanbul Marathon is a World Athletics Elite Label Road Race.

Men’s Race

Starting on the Asian side of Istanbul the course has a significant drop once it reaches European territory within the first five kilometres. Despite this drop and good weather conditions the pace was slow. The favorites opted for a tactical race instead of following a pace which was set to break the Turkish allcomers’ record of 2:09:35. A group of 17 men then passed the half way mark in 65:21.

There was no proper attack until very late in the race. Runners knew about the steep climb up to the finish that waited for them in Istanbul’s historic centre and held back. Records were out of reach, but a thrilling race for victory developed.

It was Robert Kipkemboi who finally started a move with around five kilometers to go. Fellow-Kenyan and defending champion Benard Sang lost contact to the group and when the 38th kilometer was covered in 2:53 course record holder Daniel Kibet could not follow as well. He had won the N Kolay Istanbul Marathon in 2019 with 2:09:44. Four runners were still in contention when the climb began with around a mile to go: Kenyans Robert Kipkemboi and Moses Kemei as well as Ugandans Victor Kiplangat and Solomon Mutai. Surprisingly it was the debutant who took the lead and pushed hard all the way up the hill. Kiplangat, who has a good half marathon PB of 59:26, was rewarded with his biggest career win.

“I am thrilled to have won my debut marathon. But I knew that I was in good shape. I train in very hilly terrain and was confident that I would be strong in the final section,“ said the 21 year-old winner, who trains with Joshua Cheptegei in Kapchorka in Uganda at an altitude of around 2,000 m. “Joshua is my idol. And he helps me a lot,“ said Victor Kiplangat, who thinks that he has the potential to run 2:05 to 2:06 in his next marathon in spring. “If I achieve such a time on a flat course I hope to get selected for the World Championships’ marathon next summer. And then I would love to come back to Istanbul to defend my title.“

While the first four finishers ran a negative split which is very rare in Istanbul due to the nature of the course, Turkey’s best runner produced a fine performance as well: Hüseyin Can finished 14th with 2:16:01 and broke the national record for under 23 year-olds.

Women’s Race

In contrast to the men the women ran a blistering pace during the first part of the race. A group of ten runners passed the 10k point in 32:48 which pointed towards a 2:18:30 finishing time. Three years ago Kenya’s World Champion Ruth Chepngetich established a sensational course record of 2:18:35. However the leaders could not hold on to this sort of pace. They reached half way in 70:19 and then passed the 30k mark in 1:40:48.

Four runners were left in the leading group shortly after 30k: Sheila Jerotich, Jackline Chepngeno, Ayantu Abdi and Judith Cherono of Kenya. Cherono soon dropped back and then it was Jackline Chepngeno who moved clear. At 40k she was already 22 seconds ahead and looked certain to win the race. But during the uphill stretch Sheila Jerotich came closer and closer and finally overtook her sister with just 500 metres to go.

“I am not disappointed at all. My aim was to finish on the podium and I have achieved that,“ said Jackline Chepngeno, who improved her PB by 17 seconds with a time of 2:24:21. It was only then when she revealed that it was her sister, who had stopped her from winning the race. „We are best friends, we train together and we are actually sisters. Since we are both married we have different names.“ While Sheila Jerotich, who improved her PB from 2:26:06 to 2:24:15 in Istanbul, can not speak English her sister translated for her: “I am really happy to have won the race. Next year we both want to come back to Istanbul.“



1. Victor Kiplangat UGA 2:10:18

2. Robert Kipkemboi KEN 2:10:23

3. Solomon Mutai UGA 2:10:25

4. Moses Kemei KEN 2:10:28

5. Benard Sang KEN 2:10:59

6. Daniel Kibet KEN 2:11:09

7. Mengistu Nigatu ETH 2:11:15

8. Chalachew Tiruneh ETH 2:11:20


1. Sheila Jerotich KEN 2:24:15

2. Jackline Chepngeno KEN 2:24:21

3. Ayantu Abdi ETH 2:24:45

4. Judith Cherono KEN 2:27:23

5. Fetale Tsegaye ETH 2:28:53

6. Zinash Debebe ETH 2:29:45

7. Emily Kipchumba KEN 2:30:25

8. Betty Chepkwony KEN 2:30:28

photo credit:Spor Instabul

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
by Race-News-Service
N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

At the beginning, the main intention was simply to organise a marathon event. Being a unique city in terms of history and geography, Istanbul deserved a unique marathon. Despite the financial and logistical problems, an initial project was set up for the Eurasia Marathon. In 1978, the officials were informed that a group of German tourists would visit Istanbul the...


Ugandan and Kenyan claim wins at Istanbul Marathon

The only intercontinental marathon in the world was held in three categories: the 42,195 meters run, as well as the 15-kilometre and eight-kilometre public run.

Uganda's Victor Kiplangat and Kenya's Sheila Jerotich have clinched the 43rd Istanbul Marathon.

Kiplangat, 21, won the men's title, while Jerotich, 32, claimed women's race in the annual road running event on Sunday that hosted 54 elite athletes.

Both athletes each received a $35,000 prize.

The only intercontinental marathon in the world was held in three categories: the 42,195 meters (138,435 feet) run, as well as the 15-kilometer (9.3 miles) and eight-kilometer public run.

The concept of running from Asia to Europe, which was first brought up by Tercuman Newspaper in 1973, was realized in 1979 with a group of German tourists.

The Istanbul Marathon, which is included in the "Gold Label Road Races" of the World Athletics Association (IAAF), is among the most popular marathons in the world.

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP
N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

At the beginning, the main intention was simply to organise a marathon event. Being a unique city in terms of history and geography, Istanbul deserved a unique marathon. Despite the financial and logistical problems, an initial project was set up for the Eurasia Marathon. In 1978, the officials were informed that a group of German tourists would visit Istanbul the...


Powered by plants: elite athletes on the impact of a vegan diet

Changing what you eat might not seem like an obvious solution to environmental sustainability. It doesn’t have the immediacy of plastic reduction or avoiding fossil fuels. But there is increasing evidence that a shift to a plant-based diet can hugely reduce an individual’s impact on the climate, primarily with less energy required in food production from meat and dairy products.

A study from the University of Oxford found that people can cut their carbon footprint from food by up to 73% by switching to a vegan diet. Furthermore, the reclaiming of global farmland used for agriculture would revitalise wildlife conservation and hugely reduce extinction.

All of which makes fascinating reading for any ecological-minded athlete. But what are the implications on athletic performance? Nutrition is a fundamental element of performance at the highest level, so is it possible to help the environment and still succeed as an elite athlete on a vegan diet?

More international athletes are making the change and are proving that it is.

Kaylin Whitney, who ran world U18 100m and 200m bests in 2014, is one such athlete who is now relying upon plants to power her to international success. She switched to a vegan diet in the lead up to the US Trials and Tokyo Olympics, while also transitioning to the 400m from the short sprints.

Whitney reached her first Olympics and left with two medals: gold from the women’s 4x400m having run the opening leg in the heats and bronze in the mixed 4x400m where she ran the third leg.

The US sprinter followed in the vegan spike marks of Morgan Mitchell, who was a member of the Australian 4x400m quartet that finished seventh at the Rio Games. Mitchell has since started to make her mark in the 800m, representing Australia at the Tokyo Olympics on a plant-based diet.

Middle distance runner Andreas Vojta has been representing Austria in major championships for over a decade, including the 2012 Olympic Games, five European Championships and six European Indoor Championships.

He first turned to veganism in May 2018, driven by a passionate belief in animal rights and addressing climate change. “I went vegan for ethical and environmental reasons,” he says. “I was learning more and more about animal agriculture and quickly found out that I could not unite my ethical views with the cruel industries I was actively supporting every day. So, I aligned my morals with my actions and went vegan.

“I suddenly felt like I was doing the right thing, which really frees up your mind. The least I could do was go vegan for the animals, our planet and also my own body. I actually went vegan without any considerations from the health side, but I experienced some benefits from a health and performance standpoint. I started feeling a faster recovery after intense workouts and competitions and also needed less sleep.”

His shift aroused the curiosity of his fellow athletes, particularly as he has set his personal bests over 3000m (7:49.75) and 5000m (13:24.03) and a national 5km road record (13:48) while vegan.

“Even though most people know what veganism is, they don't have a lot of practical experience with it and are curious to know how it works, especially as an athlete,” he explains.

“Like every change in your life, it might be unfamiliar the first weeks, but then it just becomes part of your everyday life. Nearly everyone I talk to already understands the massive ethical issues that come along with animal farming, so as a next step I am trying to help and inform everyone who wants to know how they can easily integrate a vegan lifestyle into their lives.”

For ultra runner and international masters age-group marathon runner Fiona Oakes, veganism has been a way of life since she was a child. The British runner holds the women's world record for the fastest aggregate time to complete a marathon on all sevens continents (23:27:40). But it is through her role as co-founder of the running club Vegan Runners where she has drawn most attention to veganism.

“I had qualified for the championship start of London (Marathon) in 2004 and realised it was an amazing opportunity to promote veganism in a positive way to a captive audience who were already invested in their health and wellbeing,” she says.

“It was an opportunity to wear a 'billboard' promoting the word vegan and run through the closed roads of the capital while spectators, press and media looked on. We went for it, and this is how Vegan Runners was born.”

Since then, the club has grown exponentially and is now the UK’s fastest growing running club, with nearly 3000 members.

“As the years have passed, I have obviously sought and gained much more information on how veganism not only benefits the animals but the planet, the environment, individual and global health. The real beauty is I am constantly learning more about its comprehensive positive universal impact on a daily basis.”

Her most recent project is seeing her create a new endurance event, the Running for Good Ultra, to champion positive change, including environmental sustainability.

“For me, my running has always been about building a positive platform from which to speak about and promote an issue which I am passionate about," she says. "That issue being the positivity of veganism for so many reasons.

“I honestly believe that having an 'ulterior' motive – or at the very least an 'extra' motive – rather than just running races for times, trophies and medals, has enhanced my ability to keep motivated and inspired over many years and to train hard and maintain focus.

“It's truly my belief that when you are out there either training or racing, the idea that there is a deeper reason and that others may be influenced or inspired by your presence, commitment, actions and achievements, is just the tonic you require to keep invigorated and excited at the prospect of your next run.”

For Oakes and many other vegan athletes, going green has become even more important than winning gold.

(11/07/2021) ⚡AMP

2021 NYC Marathon: Weini Kelati, Drew Hunter win Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K

Two-time NCCA champion Weini Kelati smashed the event record at the Abbott Dash to the Finish Line on Saturday in Central Park.Kelati took the tape in 15:18, while indoor champion Drew Hunter won the men's race in 13:53.Kelati, who became a U.S. citizen in June, finished the race on a solo sprint to win her first U.S. title and finished six seconds faster than Molly Huddle's previous event-best mark.She also finished 29 seconds ahead of runner-up Grace Barnett, a U.S. Olympic Trials finalist.It also marked the first U.S. road title for Hunter, who jumped into the lead with about 100 meters to go in Central Park.About 7,000 runners registered for the Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K, a sort of warmup to the 2021 TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday.The 3.1-mile race traverses part of the marathon course, starting near the United Nations Headquarters in Midtown East and ending at the marathon finish line in Central Park.

It was the largest field for an endurance race in New York since the 2019 marathon.It's also a USA Track and Field championship race and the field included five Olympians and 20 championship winners.

The race featured a $60,000 prize purse - the largest of any 5K race in the world.The Kelati and Hunter will each win $1,500 after crossing the finish line first.


(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
Dash to the Finish Line

Dash to the Finish Line

Be a part of the world-famous TCS New York City Marathon excitement, run through the streets of Manhattan, and finish at the famed Marathon finish line in Central Park—without running 26.2 miles! On TCS New York City Marathon Saturday, our NYRR Dash to the Finish Line 5K (3.1 miles) will take place for all runners who want to join in...


Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah full marathon event cancelled due to bad weather

The Rock ‘n’ Roll full marathon has been cancelled in Savannah due to inclement weather.

The event will still hold the half marathon and relay event. All marathon runners will have the option of participating in the half marathon.

The official statement reads:

“Due to deteriorating weather conditions we have determined we cannot host the Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series Savannah full marathon distance. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series half marathon and relay will continue. All marathon participants will have the option to participate in the half marathon.

It may rain during the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon Saturday in Savannah and concerns are flooding in about how the race may be impacted.

Flooded roads would not be ideal for marathon runners. Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon organizers said they’ve diagnosed the possible problem areas and have plans to make sure it won’t affect the runners.

“The men and women that prepare the route are some of the best in the business, and they are prepared for multiple contingencies, they always are. I know they’ve worked with the city for tomorrow that if, should there be a point of the route that floods, they already have a plan to make it seamless so that there will be minimal impact. The runners won’t even notice it,” Savannah Sports Council Director Rob Wells said.

And not just the runners, the Savannah Police Department wants to make sure everyone is safe,

“18,000 runners are a lot of people to be on the roads. With those folks running on our course, if you accidentally find yourself on the course, please follow the instructions of the officers. We may have you stop past you and then we will get you off the course as quickly as we can,” Savannah Police Sgt. Jason Pagliaro said.

He went on to say the rain makes that even more of a problem, so he is asking drivers to also be extra careful this weekend and specifically on Saturday while the marathon is happening.

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by Tyler Manion


The Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah races has become a landmark event for the Hostess City of the South, featuring charming, scenic courses through the historic downtown district and southern hospitality at every turn. The marathon and half marathon courses are official! Look forward to a Saturday start in historic downtown Savannah at the intersection Bay Street and Bull Street, adjacent...


Four ex-Bachelor contestants to run the New York City Marathon

Here are The Bachelor fan favourites set to take the start line on Nov. 7.

Tayshia Adams

Adams was on the 23rd season of the Bachelor and the 16th season of The Bachelorette – where she stepped after the original bachelorette left the show early. This will be Adams’s first marathon, and she will be raising funds for the World Vision Foundation.

Zac Clark

Clark found love on the 16th season of The Bachelorette, getting engaged to Tayshia Adams. Clark will run the race with his fiancée in support of his Release Recovery charity, which aims to make mental health and substance abuse treatment available to underserved populations. Clark has battled with addiction in the past and since then has become a pretty serious marathoner, running 3:43 at the 2021 London Marathon.

Tyler Cameron

Cameron was a fan favourite on season 15 of The Bachelorette, having his heart broken as the runner-up. Cameron has transitioned into a marathon runner, most recently competing at the 2019 New York City Marathon (4:39).

Matt James

The former athlete and bachelor is no stranger to running. In an interview with Bachelor Nation, he said that running is his favourite way to stay in shape. He ran both the Chicago Marathon and New York City Marathon in 2019, alongside his best friend and fellow Bachelor star Cameron. Both James and Cameron will be competing in the marathon for the Andrea Cameron Foundation, which is named for Cameron’s mother, which awards scholarships to less privileged students.

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Thinking About Bailing During Your Long Run? Here Are 5 Things You Should Consider

Having a tough day? Whether you should persevere or pack it in depends on several factors.

If you’ve ever found yourself in the second half of a long run debating whether you should cut it short, you’re not alone. Mounting fatigue has a way of inducing that internal discussion among many runners.

Making the right decision for you can be tricky. On the one hand, you’re already really tired, and you have several miles to go; won’t mindlessly sticking it out put you in a hole and compromise your upcoming training and racing? On the other hand, isn’t one of the main points of long runs to get used to keep on keeping on when the desire to stop strikes?

As with most matters in running, the best answer is “it depends.” Here are five things to consider when a long run isn’t going well.

Are you having a specific bodily pain?

Discomfort—mild muscular fatigue or tightness, stomach distress, hot spots on your feet—is typical when you’re going long. These unpleasant sensations seldom merit changing your plan for the day.

A specific bodily pain is another matter. Sara Hall, the second fastest marathoner in U.S. history, says she cuts long runs short under only one condition—if she’s worried about an acute pain or tight spot that might become an injury if she runs through it.

A good rule of thumb here is to assess whether your troublesome spot is making you alter your running form. If so, being a disciplined runner in this instance means ending the run. Continuing with compromised form can not only lead to injury in the noticeable area, but also cause problems elsewhere from you compensating for the trouble spot.

If you don’t have a potentially injurious pain, why do you want to shorten this run?

Probably the most common reasons for considering cutting a long run short are that the run is a much greater mental struggle than it should be and that you feel much more tired than usual. All runners have days like these, thanks to the fact that we’re humans, not machines that can predictably perform the same at, say, 8 a.m. every Sunday.

“People only have so much willpower,” Mark Coogan, a member of the 1996 U.S. Olympic marathon team who now coaches the elite group New Balance Boston, tells Runner’s World. “Life circumstances are part of the training process, so you need to account for them.”

If your family or work life has been particularly stressful lately, a long run can be a good way to reboot mentally. But it can also seem like just another obligation, and slogging away to hit an arbitrary mileage goal for the day can further drain you psychologically. If the run you’re doing isn’t a crucial part of your training plan—more on that below—it’s probably not a good idea to spend lots of precious mental capital on it. Cut the run short, and don’t beat yourself up over doing so.

If you feel okay mentally, but physically worn down almost from the start, you’re probably best off cutting the run short, especially if you have an important race in the next week or two. If you don’t have a race you care about in the next week or two, first try slowing your pace. If doing so doesn’t help, and the run isn’t an especially important one, then it’s okay to go shorter than you planned.

After any of these scenarios, do two things. First, focus on maximizing recovery in the immediate aftermath of your run—consume carbs and protein within an hour of finishing, stay on top of rehydrating, and do some gentle stretching or walking later in the day. Take at least one more easy day than usual before your next challenging run.

Second, review your recent training. Have you upped your mileage and/or intensity lately? Was the long run too soon after a race hard workout? Are you trying to train like you “should” even though your non-running life is currently extraordinarily stressful? Are you following a cookie-cutter training plan that might not mesh with how you recover after long and hard runs?

“My training plans are always written in pencil,” Sara Slattery, who placed fourth in the 10K at the 2008 Olympic Trials and is now the head men’s and women’s cross-country coach at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, tells Runner’s World. “Each athlete is very different in how they can handle training.”

Elite runners constantly adjust their training, and you’re allowed to as well. You might be someone who does best with three easy days before your toughest sessions, or who thrives on doing long runs on something other than a once-a-week schedule.

What are you training for?

Long runs have a place in all training programs. As legendary coach Bill Squires put it, they put the tiger in the cat.

But prioritizing long runs depends on what you’re training for. If you’re getting ready for a marathon, they’re arguably the most important aspect of your buildup. If your focus this season is a 5K PR, not so much. Slattery and Coogan agree that, if you’re not getting ready for a half marathon or longer, the cut-it-short threshold is lower than if you’re training for a long race. Gutting out a two-hour run when you’re overly tired will likely detract from the harder sessions, like kilometer repeats at 5K pace, that specifically prepare you for shorter distances.

That’s not to say that marathoners should do all long runs as planned regardless of how they feel. “Almost all marathoners already know how to persevere,” Coogan points out.

You don’t need to always prove to yourself you’re not a quitter. In his prime, Coogan trained with some of the best runners in the world of that era, such as former marathon world record-holder Steve Jones. Their typical long runs were 20 to 22 miles. “But if they were tired, they would often just cut off and say, ‘I am only doing 15 today.’ It’s being smart and knowing your body,” Coogan says.

If you’re training for a marathon, what is the goal of this particular long run?

Long runs for marathoners have two main types—putting in time on your feet at an easy to moderate effort, and harder outings that incorporate stretches at around goal marathon pace, or sometimes even a little faster. If you’re struggling on the first kind—a just-get-in-the-work long run—see if backing off the pace helps.

You don’t need to always prove to yourself you’re not a quitter. In his prime, Coogan trained with some of the best runners in the world of that era, such as former marathon world record-holder Steve Jones. Their typical long runs were 20 to 22 miles. “But if they were tired, they would often just cut off and say, ‘I am only doing 15 today.’ It’s being smart and knowing your body,” Coogan says.

If you’re training for a marathon, what is the goal of this particular long run?

Long runs for marathoners have two main types—putting in time on your feet at an easy to moderate effort, and harder outings that incorporate stretches at around goal marathon pace, or sometimes even a little faster. If you’re struggling on the first kind—a just-get-in-the-work long run—see if backing off the pace helps.

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by Runner’s World

Elite Canadian marathoners Dayna Pidhoresky and Rachel Cliff and ultramarathoner Mathieu Blanchard offer their tips to help runners fuel their training

Nutrition is one of the pillars of athletic performance, and its importance for runners cannot be understated. Put simply, if you want to run well day in and day out, you have to fuel your body properly so you can perform to your maximum potential in workouts and races. Elite Canadian marathoners Dayna Pidhoresky and Rachel Cliff and ultra-marathoner Mathieu Blanchard understand this all too well, and they sat down with Canadian Running to offer their advice to runners who want to fuel properly to maximize performance.

Blanchard explains that runners need to be very attentive to the fuel they are taking in, because it helps their bodies prepare for their training load. It also allows them to maintain intensity during workouts and races and assists in recovery afterward. “Poor nutrition could also make our tissues more inflamed,” he says, “and therefore cause injuries, or even cause gastric disorders during exercise and low energy.”

Cliff agrees and adds that any athlete competing at a high level is following a healthy, balanced nutrition plan. She says that means eating enough calories to support your training, as well as getting a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. As a predominantly plant-based athlete (though not fully vegetarian), Cliff says getting enough protein is her biggest struggle. To improve her intake, she tries to find little ways to include protein-rich foods into every meal and snack.

“A smoothie is a great way to get more protein in because you can add a lot of things like chia seeds, hemp hearts and yogurt,” she says. Cliff also really likes using the Näak Nutrition cricket protein powder, which provides a lot of protein with a low environmental footprint. And before you ask, Cliff says no, the cricket powder doesn’t taste like you’re eating bugs.

“That’s one of the things I love about Näak, that they find ways to sneak protein into food in a way that you can’t taste it, but it’s there,” she says. “The great thing about the cricket powder is that it’s a complete protein.”

Minh-Anh Pham, co-founder of Näak Nutrition, says they understand not everyone is ready to eat crickets yet, which is why the company has also developed a line of plant-based bars and powders. “Our mission is to make sport nutrition more sustainable,” he explains. “We want to give you maximum nutrition with a minimum impact on the environment.”

“I love this stuff,” says Pidhoresky. “The taste, texture, what they strive for as a company as they aimto be kinder to the environment…and if you are scared of crickets you can opt for the vegan protein powder or bars!”

Like Cliff, Blanchard also says adequate protein intake is a priority in his nutrition plan, and if cricket protein really isn’t your thing, he enjoys Näak’s vegetarian products, like their protein bars and powders, to help him meet his needs. Both the cricket products and vegetarian products have a smooth brownie texture, no gastro-intestinal discomfort and long-lasting energy. “I love the recovery protein powder because it is vegetarian and digests very well,” he explains. “I have never had an upset stomach like with other protein powders.”

When asked what nutrition advice she would give to recreational and competitive runners, Cliff says the most important thing is to be aware of your training volume and be really cognizant that you don’t put yourself into an energy deficit. “Don’t try to cheat your body out of the nutrients and calories it needs to recover,” she says. “In the long run, it will pay off.”

In a similar vein, Pidhorseky says runners need to respect the 30-minute window after a workout and fuel appropriately. “You will recover so much better and achieve so much more,” she adds.

Näak Nutrition holds the values of sustainability and community close, and the company donates three per cent of their profits to the B.C. Parks Foundation, which manages the parks in both B.C. and Alberta. To learn more about the Näak products or the company’s sustainability and community initiatives, head to

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by Brittany Hambleton

Rare Puma track spike featured on Pawn Stars

A pair of prototype track spikes from Puma made an appearance on the American hit reality TV show Pawn Stars. The limited-edition 296 track spike was created leading up to the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, and is widely considered to be worth over USD $100,000.

A pair of prototype track spikes from Puma made an appearance on the American hit reality TV show Pawn Stars. The limited-edition 296 track spike was created leading up to the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, and is widely considered to be worth over USD $100,000.

The owner brought them to the pawnshop asking for USD $150,000. The shop’s owner brought in a shoe expert to appraise the shoe, and he discovered that the shoes were in their original box and had never been worn. Then a sports memorabilia expert predicted the shoes could were worth six figures at auction, since they were one of only 100 pairs that came from Germany to North America. The shop owner offered $90,000, but the shoes’ owner refused to sell them for less than $100,000, and left.

The 296 prototypes were worn by the ’68 Games 200m gold medallist Tommie Smith at his U.S. Olympic Trials, helping him set the old 200m American record in 1968, which was unratified because the spikes were illegal.

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

Course record holder Daniel Kibet aims to regain Istanbul Marathon title

Kenya’s Daniel Kibet seeks a second victory when he returns to the N Kolay Istanbul Marathon, a World Athletics Elite Label road race, on Sunday (7).

The 25-year-old, who was inspired by former world record-holder Paul Tergat, produced a surprise two years ago when he won the race despite starting as a pacemaker, improving the course record to 2:09:44.

He may well have to break the record again to repeat his victory. With a dozen runners on the start line featuring sub-2:10 PBs, organisers hope that the event can regain the Turkish all-comers’ record it lost to Izmir in April, when Ethiopia’s Tsegaye Getachew ran 2:09:35.

“I am happy to be back in Istanbul and my aim is to regain my title,” said Kibet, who set his PB of 2:06:49 when finishing fifth at the Seville Marathon in 2019.

“I am ready for a faster time than in 2019, but my main focus will be on victory. The question always is: will the favourites in the first group follow the pace of the pacemakers or will they sit back? You will not want to be the only athlete to go with the pacers.”

Kibet first raced the Istanbul Marathon in 2018. “I was in really good shape, but got a hamstring problem after 32 kilometres, which forced me to drop out,” he explained.

“Knowing the course in Istanbul is an advantage. It is fast, but some parts are difficult, especially the last three kilometres with some uphill sections.”

Leading the entry lists with their respective personal bests of 2:05:25 and 2:21:59 are Ethiopia’s Bazu Worku and Mamitu Daska.

Joining Kibet and Worku among the men’s race entries are Ethiopia's Yitayal Atnafu Zerihun, the 2019 runner-up who has a best of 2:06:21, plus 2:06:25 runner Chele Dechasa and Abayneh Ayele, who has run 2:06:45 and finished fourth at the 2016 World Half Marathon Championships in Cardiff.

Kenya’s defending champion Bernard Sang, who ran his PB of 2:11:49 to win in Istanbul last year, also returns.

The women’s race will feature eight runners who have personal bests under 2:28. The former Dubai and two-time Frankfurt Marathon champion Daska, who was third in the 2017 New York City Marathon, is the fastest on paper with her PB set in 2011.

She will line up alongside Kenya’s Jackline Chepngeno, who has shown some promising recent form with a half marathon PB of 1:09:07 set when finishing second in Paris in September, while her marathon best of 2:24:38 was run in 2018.

They will be joined by two other sub-2:26 athletes in her fellow Kenyans Janet Rono and Sheila Jerotich, the 2018 Commonwealth Games marathon fourth place finisher.

(11/06/2021) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

N Kolay Istanbul Marathon

At the beginning, the main intention was simply to organise a marathon event. Being a unique city in terms of history and geography, Istanbul deserved a unique marathon. Despite the financial and logistical problems, an initial project was set up for the Eurasia Marathon. In 1978, the officials were informed that a group of German tourists would visit Istanbul the...


2021 Athens Authentic Marathon to be held November 13-14

The 38th Athens Authentic Marathon will be held on the weekend of November 13-14, and a press conference on the annual run will be held on Wednesday, November 10, organizers said.

A new feature this year is that each race will consist of two groups that start at different times, in observance of health protocols due to the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 30,000 runners have registered so far, including 10,000 in the main race.

Deputy Sports Minister Lefteris Avgenakis will run the 5km race that starts from the Bodossakis Mansion on Amalias Avenue, at Syntagma Square, at 8 a.m. on Sunday. 

The press conference will be held at 1.30 p.m. at the covered Taekwondo Stadium. Half an hour earlier, the Marathon Expo 2021 fair will be inaugurated and will be open until November 13 (10 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

(11/05/2021) ⚡AMP
Athens Marathon

Athens Marathon

The Athens Classic (authentic) Marathon is an annual marathon road race held in Athens, Greece, normally in early November. The race attracted 43.000 competitors in 2015 of which 16.000 were for the 42.195 km course, both numbers being an all-time record for the event. The rest of the runners competed in the concurrent 5 and 10 kilometers road races and...


2022 Union Home Mortgage Cleveland Marathon Opens Registration for its 45th Event

The Union Home Mortgage (UHM) Cleveland Marathon today announced that registration is now open for its 45th race to take place May 21-22 in downtown Cleveland.

After canceling the event in 2020 and postponing the ’21 event because of the pandemic, marathon organizers have worked closely with city officials to return the event to its traditional third weekend in May.

“We’re excited to build on recent momentum and excitement from runners, volunteers and sponsors to bring back this amazing race next spring,” said Race Director Ralph Staph. “Runners have shown they want things to be back to normal and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone back at the start line in seven short months.”

Mass gatherings have been sidelined for nearly two years and race organizers continue to work closely with health and safety officials from the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County and the State of Ohio to ensure maximum safety while giving runners the best that Cleveland has to offer.

More than 5,000 individuals participated in the recent event from all over the world, but 90% were from Ohio.

“This is a local event, celebrating local achievements and helping local causes,” Staph said.

Course and route information will be available early next year. Runners are encouraged to register early as events are expected to sell out.

For more information or to register, visit and connect with the marathon on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

About the Union Home Mortgage Cleveland Marathon

One of the 50 oldest races in the country, the Union Home Mortgage Cleveland Marathon features the following opportunities: Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K, Kids’ Run and Challenge Series. Online registration and additional information is available at

(11/05/2021) ⚡AMP
by Running USA
Cleveland Marathon

Cleveland Marathon

The Cleveland Marathon features a relatively flat and fast course, great volunteer support and a scenic view of downtown Cleveland and its major landmarks. The course has been designed for our athletes to enjoy views of Browns Stadium, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Lake Erie and many other Cleveland highlights. The Cleveland Marathon began in 1978 in an...


Ethiopian Kenenisa Bekele will be making his TCS New York City Marathon debut this sunday

As a four-time Olympic medalist, 16-time world champion and the second-fastest marathoner in history, Kenenisa Bekele is one of the world’s greatest long-distance runners of all-time. In 2021, he will making his TCS New York City Marathon debut.

Bekele is the second of six children and began running in primary school when he was inspired by Haile Gebrselassie. With the natural ability to accelerate very quickly at the end of long-distance races, Bekele worked his way up the junior and senior international competition circuit, ultimately winning the 10,000-meter world title at the 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 World Athletics Championships, in addition to the 5,000-meter title in 2009. He held both the 5,000 and 10,000 meter world records for nearly 15 years until they were broken in 2020.

In his Olympic debut at the Athens 2004 Games, he won gold in the 10,000 and silver in the 5,000, and four years later in Beijing took gold in both distances. During that time, he also won 11 gold medals at the World Cross Country Championships.

In 2014, he produced the sixth fastest marathon debut ever, winning the Paris Marathon in a course-record time of 2:05:04. In 2016, he won the Berlin Marathon in what was then the third-fastest time in history. He has also finished on the podium twice at the London Marathon. 

Bekele’s most recent marathon appearance was one for the history books, winning the 2019 Berlin Marathon in the second-fastest time ever, only two seconds off the world-record time set by Eliud Kipchoge in Berlin the year prior.

He is married to Ethiopian actress Danawit Gebregziabher and off the track owns a construction business, having built commercial buildings in the Addis Ababa and Arsi regions of Ethiopia.

(11/05/2021) ⚡AMP
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...

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