Running News Daily

Running News Daily is edited by Bob Anderson in Mountain View, California USA and team in Thika Kenya, La Piedad Mexico, Bend Oregon, Chandler Arizona and Monforte da Beira Portugal.  Send your news items to Advertising opportunities available.   Over one million readers and growing.  Train the Kenyan Way at KATA Running Retreat Kenya.  (Kenyan Athletics Training Academy) in Thika Kenya.  Opening in june 2024 KATA Running retreat Portugal.  Learn more about Bob Anderson, MBR publisher and KATA director/owner, take a look at A Long Run the movie covering Bob's 50 race challenge.  

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The 2020 Run The Rome Marathon Canceled Due to Coronavirus

Another big marathon has canceled – the Rome Marathon organizers announced that the 2020 Rome Marathon is canceled.

Here is the statement from the Rome Marathon organizers on their Facebook page: “This is a message that we never wanted to write but unfortunately, following the health emergency in progress and the Government Decree, the #ACEARunRomeTheMarathon of 29 March has been canceled.

We have worked and invested so much into it. We did it with passion and professionalism. We changed the name, logo, communication.

We thought of a marathon and an entirely new village. We had organized a great course offering music and surprises that would have surely amazed everyone.

Like you, we worked very hard during the #RRTMGetReady training sessions, which we organized for free in Rome and in many Italian cities. We met, laughed and shared emotions with you. We also planned projects and especially goal time to be hit during the race.

We photographed, filmed, as well as reposted your stories, your training sessions and achievements thousands of times.

Let’s freeze this experience, passion and desire. Health is the only asset that we must NEVER jeopardise. But we would like to make you a promise: we will double the efforts, enthusiasm, and color next time. The eternal city together with its beauty and history is here forever.

Now, let’s put away those sad faces, as we are still marathon runners. We are strong, tenacious and stubborn. Nothing can stop our desire to run.

We look forward to seeing you in 2021, your registration fee will be moved and guaranteed FOR ALL next year. We’ll see you at the finish line in Via dei Fori Imperiali, which is the road used by the Romans steering their chariots. Finally, in the shadow of the Colosseum, we will put two medals around your neck. One for 2020, as a symbol of your strength and perseverance; and one for 2021 as a metaphor for your double victory.

The one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell.

However, when we get up, we will RUN.”

Yes, they did say that the registration fee for all who had registered is good for next year and will be moved for 2021. That is a great move by them for sure to bring runners back next year.

(03/05/2020) ⚡AMP
Run Rome The Marathon

Run Rome The Marathon

When you run our race you will have the feeling of going back to the past for two thousand years. Back in the history of Rome Caput Mundi, its empire and greatness. Run Rome The Marathon is a journey in the eternal city that will make you fall in love with running and the marathon, forever. The rhythm of your...


There is a group of 33 runners called the Streakers who have finished every Gate River Run

Thousands of runners will lace up their running shoes this weekend for the 43rd annual Gate River Run.

Every year, there is a special group of runners called the “Streakers.” There are 33 Streakers who have run the race every year since it started in 1978.

Art Collier is a streaker. He says he has continued doing the race every year to stay healthy and in shape. He's crossed the finish line 42 times.

“I think it’s a certain exhilaration of an accomplishment, that you made it another year doing something you’ve been doing for over thirty years and I made a commitment to it," explained Collier.

The long-time runner said the running group creates a sense of community on the course.

"There's a lot of comradery, a lot of good people along the way," said Collier.

Carol Newby is also a streaker.

"I'm just very blessed because a lot goes on during the year prior to the River Run, you have injuries, you have surgeries, you have this, you have that and being a part of them, I'm blessed because I can continue to do it," said Newby.

(03/05/2020) ⚡AMP
by Jennifer Ready
Gate River Run

Gate River Run

The Gate River Run (GRR) was first held in 1978, formerly known as the Jacksonville River Run, is an annual 15-kilometer road running event in Jacksonville, Fla., that attracts both competitive and recreational runners -- in huge numbers! One of the great running events in America, it has been the US National 15K Championship since 1994, and in 2007...


Focused and ready to run, Dr. Daniel Bridge qualifies for the elite Boston Marathon field

Dr. Daniel Bridge’s love for running pretty much dates back to when he first figured out that he could and has just grown stronger over the years. A little boy who loved to just “run around” to a high school freshman who thought going out for track would be a great way to spend some time with his friends, to a high school senior who won State Cross Country in 2003, to an adult who just competed in his first marathon, running has been and continues to be an important part of Bridge’s life.

“I mostly stumbled upon competitive running when I was a freshman,” said Bridge. “I had a bunch of friends doing track and field and thought it would be a great time hanging out with them.  I have always been inspired by Steve Prefontaine.  He always left everything out on the track. He made running seem really cool.”

Bridge won the 2003 State Cross Country Meet, by less than one second. Even at that time he was heeding some very important advice, “don’t look over your shoulder to see where you competition is.”

“I had no idea how close second place was,” Bridge smiled. “I’m glad the race wasn’t 20 feet longer or he probably would have passed me!”

After graduating from Shelby High School, Bridge went on to attend and graduate from chiropractic school, becoming part of the family chiropractic business operating in Shelby, Cut Bank and Chester. He had dreams of running a marathon since he was just a little kid and the time training for such an event was finally available. He took advantage of the opportunity, dedicating himself since that time to logging in the grueling miles needed in order to be able to compete. 

“I run Monday through Saturday,” Bridge shared. “I prefer running outside, but 90 percent of my runs have been on the treadmill this winter. Treadmills are terribly boring, but it’s nice not to have to don so many layers and brave the treacherous weather. Saturdays are my long runs, topping out at 22 miles during marathon training. My biggest week was 75 miles for this marathon training. Most weeks are 50-60 miles.”

Bridge was ready to compete and ran his first marathon, the Museum of Aviation Marathon, in Warner Robins, Ga., last month. His brother-in-law is currently stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., which afforded him a place to stay and someone to cheer him on as he completed the marathon in fantastic time.

“I was able to go visit them and they were my support crew,” said Bridge. “I took third place, with a time of 2:48:20. The men’s cutoff, for my age group, is 3:00 for Boston, so I did qualify. I plan on running it next year, assuming the Corona Virus doesn’t shut it down.”

It is a major accomplishment for someone who has not competed in a marathon before to qualify for Boston their first time out. Bridge is one of very few to meet this incredible milestone.

“Daniel did amazing,” said Bridge’s high school cross country coach, Debbie Munson. “It is almost unheard of for someone to qualify for Boston their first marathon.”

Running is definitely not for everyone. Right about now many are probably thinking “there is absolutely no way I could, or would, want to do that!” But running is a great cardiovascular activity and stress alleviator and most of those who do forge ahead with it end up doing it for years.

“I think it’s easier to stay in running shape as opposed to starting and stopping, so I would like to continue running for the rest of my life. ” said Bridge. “I like to get my running done first thing in the morning. That helps me to get it out of the way so it’s not hanging over my head all day. On top of that, it wakes me up for the day. It makes me happier and gives me more focus throughout the day.”

(03/05/2020) ⚡AMP
by Jennifer Van Heel Shelby
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


Seoul Marathon Has Been Canceled Due to Coronavirus

The 2020 Seoul Marathon has been canceled due to the coronavirus. In some good news for those registered, full refunds will be given to all runners.

The 2020 Seoul Marathon was scheduled to take place on March 22 and now, a bit less than 3 weeks from the start date, the organizers of the Seoul Marathon have decided to cancel this year’s running of the event.

Unlike Tokyo Marathon, the Seoul Marathon will be issuing refunds to all runners. Here is their statement on this matter:

2020 Seoul Marathon cancellation and refund, Seoul Marathon Organizing Committee is officially announcing the cancellation of 2020 Seoul Marathon due to the outbreak of COVID-19. There will be a full refund for every participant. If you have paid with a credit/debit card, a refund will be automatically made. If you have paid with a wire transfer, please leave your bank account detail as you apply for a refund on our official website. It might take a while for the refund to be processed. Thank you for your understanding and hope you all be safe and healthy.

This is definitely going to be a disappointment to the 44,000 runners that were set to participate in the various events for the Seoul Marathon. However, I have to say that the organizers did a great job with this.

First of all, they cancelled it before the taper for runners would begin. This can help those that were planning on running to keep their running  program going as they look for another event. The second thing was that they are giving a full refund. They still would have had to make outlays for many things leading up to the marathon but they are not taking that out of the pockets of the people who registered.

Both of those things are likely to go a long way in creating some loyalty from runners who were signed up for this year. Also, while I am sure that many runners would have preferred a longer wait-and-see mode, I think it was the right call to cancel it now.

South Korea has been hit hard already with the coronavirus in terms of numbers compared to other countries and they likely would have seen many runners either not want to come or unable to come for the race. This is due to things like countries warning against travel there right now due to the coronavirus.

(03/05/2020) ⚡AMP
Seoul International Marathon

Seoul International Marathon

The only marathon hosted in the heart of the Korean capital. Seoul marathon is the oldest marathon race hosted in Asia andis one of the fastestmarathon in the world. First held in 1931, Seoul marathon is the oldest marathon eventcontinuously held in Asia, and the second oldest in the world followingthe Boston Marathon. It embodies modern history of Korea, also...


The Virgin Money London Marathon is in danger to be cancelled

The London Marathon has never been canceled before in its 39-year history, but organizers may have to pull the plug on one of the six World Marathon Majors should the coronavirus epidemic get worse.

The annual 26.2-mile (42.195km) race is set to take place on April 26, attracting around 45,000 runners and one million spectators.

The sheer volume of people is a concern for British health officials as large gatherings could be a hotbed for the spread of the disease, known as Covid-19 and which originated from the Chinese city of Wuhan.

As of yesterday, there have been 51 reported cases with no deaths in Britain.

While the UK's Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes it is still "far too early" to make any decisions about the race, authorities are prepared to cancel it should the outbreak turn into a global pandemic.

Speaking on the BBC Breakfast program on Tuesday, he said: "Right now, we do not recommend the canceling of mass events and schools.

"There may be things we have to do down the line that we don't want to, but we will need the powers to do that, hence proposing emergency legislation."

In response to his comments, Hugh Brasher, the event director of the London Marathon, said: "We are monitoring closely the developments relating to the spread of coronavirus and noting the updates and advice given by the UK government, the World Health Organization and other UK public bodies.

"With just under eight weeks to go before the event... we will continue to monitor the situation."

The contagion has already affected other races, with last weekend's Tokyo Marathon taking place on empty streets, while the Paris Half Marathon was scrapped.

The country has been most affected by the virus in Europe, with 2,502 infections and 79 deaths.

(03/05/2020) ⚡AMP
TCS London Marathon

TCS London Marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 1981 and has been held in the spring of every year since 2010. It is sponsored by Virgin Money and was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and Welsh athlete John Disley. It is organized by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel...


Former world cross country champion Irene Cheptai is set for Prague half marathon

Former world cross country champion Irene Cheptai will be seeking her first international title after maternity leave when she lines up at the Prague Half Marathon later this month.

Cheptai, who won the 4th edition of Maria Soti cross country last weekend in Elgeyo Marakwet, said her plan was to run well in local races as part of her build-up for the upcoming races that include the Prague.

“I used the Maria Soti race as part of my speed work and endurance ahead of  Prague. This will be my first international race this year and I am hoping for good results,” said Cheptai.

After Prague, she said she will be seeking to make a cut in the  Team Kenya to the Tokyo Olympics during the national trials in June.

“I want to gain a slot into the team ahead of the Olympic Games. It has been a while since I represented my country in major races and this year, I want to show the world of what I am made of,” said Cheptai.

She said she will be competing in 5,000m because she has been consistent in the race especially on the local front where she has won a few races. 

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP
by Emmanuel Sabuni
Prague Half Marathon

Prague Half Marathon

Start the RunCzech season with one of the biggest running events in the Central Europe! Every year the Sportisimo Prague Half Marathon excites spectators with performances of elite athletes breaking records. Enjoy a course with incomparable scenery in the heart of historic Prague that follows along the Vltava river and crisscrosses five beautiful bridges. Take in majestic views of the...


Kenyan-born Bahraini runner Ruth Jebet handed four-year ban for doping violation

Kenyan-born Bahraini runner Ruth Jebet has been handed a four-year ban after she was found guilty of testing positive for the banned blood booster r-EPO (recombinant erythropoietin), the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) said on Wednesday.

Jebet, the 2016 Olympic 3,000m steeplechase champion, was suspended in February 2018 after she failed an out-of-competition test.

“The panel... imposes a period of ineligibility of four years upon the athlete,” the AIU said in a statement.

“The period of provisional suspension imposed on the athlete from Feb. 4 2018 until the date of the Tribunal Award shall be credited against the total period of ineligibility.”

Jebet told the AIU in March 2018 that she had never taken the substance intentionally and the matter was referred to the disciplinary tribunal.

The AIU, however, was of the opinion that the violation was committed intentionally and said she took one-and-a-half years to admit to the offence while rejecting numerous invitations to do so earlier.

The 23-year-old admitted to the presence of r-EPO in her sample and its use in October last year and waived her right to the analysis of the B sample as she could not afford the costs.

The AIU also ordered the disqualification of all her results between Dec. 1 2017 and Feb. 4 2018 along with the forfeiture of medals, points, prize and appearance money.

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP
by Pritha Sarkar

The AIMS has taken the decision to cancel their 23rd World Congress, over coronavirus fears

The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) has taken the decision to cancel their 23rd World Congress, scheduled to take place in Batumi, Georgia between 23 - 26 April 2020.

In a statement released to the media, the body explained the reason for their decision was based on the risk of the spread of the coronavirus.

"Due to the ongoing global spread of ‘COVID-19’ (or ‘Coronavirus’), on 28 of February the World Health Organization (WHO) revised their assessment of the risks of further spread and impact of the infection from ‘high’ to ‘very high’.

Taking the advice of the WHO, the AIMS Board, in consultation with the Local Organization Manager have decided, to protect the health of AIMS Members, speakers and visitors, that the right decision is to suspend the Congress as scheduled.

It has been proposed that the AIMS Organizing Committee (AOC) of the Batumi World Congress should determine, as soon as possible, whether the Congress be canceled completely, or postponed to a later date.

The AIMS Board have decided that a formal decision on a rescheduled date and location will be taken in the next three months (March to May)," the statement concluded.

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP

Roma-Ostia half marathon cancelled due to coronavirus

Yesterday the organizers had confirmed the event. Today, in a meeting in the Prefecture attended by the governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, and the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, was judged as "inappropriate for the running" of the race.

In the end there is no running. The Rome-Ostia half marathon, which was scheduled for Sunday, March 8, on the roads to the Lido of the capital, and confirmed yesterday, was canceled today due to the coronavirus emergency.

Yesterday the confirmation, today the cancellation, Yesterday the organizers had confirmed the event, "barring any future interventions". 

Today, in a meeting in the Prefecture on the coronavirus emergency, convened by the prefect Gerarda Pantalone and attended by the governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, and the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, was assessed as "inappropriate for the half marathon to take place" .

The statement of the Capitol, The Capitol then issued a cancellation of the test and a statement: "A meeting was held this morning in the Prefecture on the topic of the epidemiological emergency coronavirus, convened by the prefect Gerarda Pantalone.

Also attended by the governor of Lazio Nicola Zingaretti and the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi. The medical-health evaluations from the competent bodies have led to the assessment of the Roma-Ostia 2020 half-marathon, a sports event scheduled for Sunday, March 8, as inappropriate. "

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP
Roma Ostia Half Marathon

Roma Ostia Half Marathon

Italy's most popular half marathon, this road race is a popular event for runners of all abilities. The Roma-Ostia Half Marathon is an annual half marathon road running event which takes place in the spring in Rome, Italy. The course begins in the EUR district of the city and follows a direct south-easterly route to the finish point near the...


Huawei Kenya and Safaricom pump millions into Lewa Safari Marathon

Huawei Kenya have now joined Safaricom PLC as the major sponsors for this year's Safaricom Lewa Marathon that will now be known as Lewa Safari Marathon.

The 21st edition of the Lewa Safari Marathon, which will be held on June 27 this year, seeks to raise Sh50 million just like the previous year for community projects and wildlife conservation at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy chief executive officer, Mike Watson disclosed on Wednesday that Huawei Kenya and Safaricom have each coughed Sh15 million sponsorship for the event that has been limited to an entry of 1400 participants.

The funds have also helped support community conservation in Northern Kenya, protection of endangered species and other wildlife and their habitat and investing in ranger welfare.

Safaricom chairman Michael Joseph welcomed Huawei Kenya into the project.

However, Joseph noted with concern that the main wildlife conservation efforts in Kenya have been championed and financed privately by people mostly from abroad.

“There is is little support from the corporates locally and locals,” said Joseph. “I want to challenge the whole country and the corporates to join in conservation since this is our national heritage. We need to safe guard this for the generations to come.”

Huawei Kenya key account director, Stanley Shenlei noted that they have supported Lewa Safari Marathon for the last 20 years to a tune of Sh100 million. "We have seen the positive impact the Lewa Conservancy has had on wildlife and surrounding communities. It is truly incredible," said Shenlei.

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP
by Ayumba Ayodi
Safaricom Lewa Marathon

Safaricom Lewa Marathon

The first and most distinctive is that it is run on a wildlife conservancy, which is also a UNESCO world heritage site. The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is home to a number of endangered and threatened species- and also a catalyst for community development for its neighboring communities. For the past 17 years, funds raised from the marathon have gone...


Stephanie Davis and Sarah Inglis are part of a ten-strong Great Britain and Northern Ireland team that will travel to Poland for the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships

The event will see Davis, who runs for Clapham Chasers, make her GB debut and her selection is just reward for the impressive run of form she has been on.

Since running her first marathon in September 2018, Davis has propelled herself into Olympic contention having run under the qualifying time when she clocked 2 hours 27 minutes 40 seconds in the Valencia Marathon, propelling herself to ninth on the British all-time list.

The 29-year-old then followed that run up with a half-marathon personal best last weekend in the Big Half in London, clocking 71 minutes 15 seconds to finish third in the British team trials for the World Championships.

Inglis, of Lothian Running Club, will add this GB vest to the couple she won on the track last summer.

The 28-year-old, who is based in Canada, moved to thirteenth on the British all-time list when she clocked 70 minutes 24 seconds at the Houston half-marathon in January.

They are part of the British team led by former European Championship medalist, Chris Thompson, and Lily Partridge.

Ahead of the championship, team leader Chris Jones said: “The full squad of 10 for the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in Gdynia showcases some of Great Britain’s most in-form athletes over the distance, exemplified by the performances at the trials and the form we have seen already this season.

“The team we have selected shows a good range of previous British international experience and features new names to the international scene and I hope this strength will be reflected in the overall outcome.

“The championships will serve as an excellent opportunity for athletes to continue their upward trajectory on the roads and I hope that we can achieve a strong team position overall.”

(03/04/2020) ⚡AMP
by Susan Egelstaf
World Half Marathon Championships

World Half Marathon Championships

The Chinese city of Yangzhou will host the 2022 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships. China, one of the fastest-growing markets in road running, had 24 World Athletics Label road races in 2019, more than any other country. It hosted the World Half Marathon Championships in 2010 in Nanning and will stage the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Nanjing in 2021. ...


More about the Legendary Texas Tech track and field distance runner Sally Kipyego who qualified for Tokyo Olympics

Legendary Texas Tech track and field distance runner Sally Kipyego qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics Saturday in the marathon. Kipyego, 34, competed at the US Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta, where she ran 2:28.52 to claim the third and final spot on the roster.

The Kenyan-born runner will represent the United States in Tokyo this summer, a goal she has had since becoming a U.S. citizen in 2017. She was one of three to make the U.S. team Saturday, joining 10-time national champion and fellow Kenyan immigrant Aliphine Tuliamuk and Molly Seidel.

"What a great accomplishment for Sally," said Director of Track & Field and Cross Country Wes Kittley, who coached Kipyego at Tech from 2006-2009. "Red Raiders far and wide are so proud of what she has accomplished."

Kipyego's return to the Olympics is being praised across the track world, as the former Tech runner has battled through considerable adversity to make it back to the Games. After earning silver in the 10,000m in London in 2012, Kipyego had to pause her training in 2017 while she was pregnant with her daughter, Emma. During her pregnancy, she was unable to run from 18 weeks through childbirth. In the months following, she struggled with pneumonia and malaria, making a return to racing shape even more difficult. Ultimately, she was forced to delay her comeback and withdraw from the NYC Marathon in November 2018.

Still, Kipyego persevered, eyes set on Tokyo. A member of the elite Oregon Track Club, she lived and trained in her home country of Kenya, using the altitude to bolster her regimen. By early 2019, she had worked her mileage up to 115 per week at marathon pace.

In April of that year, she attempted a comeback at the Boston Marathon but walked off the course after 18 miles due to fatigue. Though the plan was to not run another marathon until Saturday's Trials, Kipyego, seeking redemption and a confidence boost, entered the Berlin Marathon last September. It was the perfect decision, as she ran a lifetime best of 2:25.10. Five months later, of course, she would complete her comeback and earn a spot on the U.S. team.

"It's just a testament to her incredible hard work and dedication to the sport," said head distance coach Jon Murray, who coached Kipyego to three straight NCAA and Big 12 titles in cross country. "Coming back from pregnancy and some of the rough times she's had these past few years really shows her commitment. At Tech, she hated to lose, and I think that shows in her continued pursuit to be back in race shape and be the best that she can be."

Kipyego's career at Tech is considered one of the greatest of any collegiate athlete in any sport in NCAA history. During her four years in Lubbock, she won eight national titles. Kipyego is the only NCAA athlete ever to win four national titles in one year, doing so in 2007 when she won championships in cross country, the indoor 3000m, indoor 5000m and the outdoor 10,000m. She is the only Big 12 runner ever to win three consecutive conference titles in cross country. Kipyego owns the outdoor school records in the 1500m, 5000m and 10,000m, and ran on the record-holding distance medley relay. Indoors, her records in the mile, 3000m and 5000m still stand today, as do her 5k and 6k cross country marks.

In 2019, Kipyego was inducted into the Texas Tech Athletic Hall of Fame.

(03/03/2020) ⚡AMP
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Fifty-six years after having organized the Olympic Games, the Japanese capital will be hosting a Summer edition for the second time, originally scheduled from July 24 to August 9, 2020, the games were postponed due to coronavirus outbreak, the postponed Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8 in 2021, according to the International Olympic Committee decision. ...


2020 Tokyo Olympic Games could be postponed to end of year

In a potentially seismic event postponement, Japan’s Olympic minister has said that the Tokyo 2020 Games could be moved from the summer until later in the year due to the coronavirus.

Speaking in Japan’s parliament, Seiko Hashimoto said Tokyo’s contract with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) “calls for the Games to be held within 2020… this could be interpreted as allowing a postponement.”

The Games are due to be held from July 24 to August 9.

“We are doing all we can to ensure that the Games go ahead as planned,” Hashimoto added in a BBC report. IOC president Thomas Bach said last week that the organization is “fully committed” to hosting the event in the summer.

Any change of date for the Olympics would have a huge effect for broadcasters the world over.

Sporting events to be canceled or postponed due to the outbreak include the 2020 World Indoor Athletics Championships and the Chinese Grand Prix.

The film and TV industries have largely avoided cancelling major industry confabs to date though the Hong Kong Filmart was postponed. Cinemas in multiple European markets have been closed and the industry in China has been significantly impacted.

Globally, around 86,000 people have been infected by the virus, which has spread to more than 50 countries. More than 3,000 people have died – the vast majority in China’s Hubei region, where the outbreak began in December.

(03/03/2020) ⚡AMP
by Andreas Wiseman
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Fifty-six years after having organized the Olympic Games, the Japanese capital will be hosting a Summer edition for the second time, originally scheduled from July 24 to August 9, 2020, the games were postponed due to coronavirus outbreak, the postponed Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8 in 2021, according to the International Olympic Committee decision. ...


Groundwork Endurance has announced its partnership with Skechers for the 35th annual Carlsbad 5000 presented by National University

The global footwear company will serve as official footwear partner as well as title sponsor of the Skechers Performance Elite Invitational, the event’s iconic professional races, set to take place on Sunday, March 22, 2020.

“I am extremely excited that Skechers has officially joined forces with the Carlsbad 5000. Their dedication and commitment to the running community is unmatched and we look forward to working with their talented team to ensure that our 35th year is the best yet,” said Meb Keflezighi, co-owner of Carlsbad 5000 and longtime Skechers-sponsored athlete.

“We’re pleased to again join Meb and the Carlsbad 5000 organization as title sponsor of the iconic Elite Invitational race—especially since Edward Cheserek will attempt a repeat win,” said Michael Greenberg, president of Skechers. “This event is known as the world’s fastest 5K, so it’s a great opportunity to illustrate how our award-winning and innovative Skechers GO RUN footwear can help runners get their speed on.”

The event also announced that headlining the 2020 Skechers Performance Elite Invitational will be Kenya’s Edward Cheserek and Dejen Gebremeskel of Ethiopia. Cheserek, the defending Carlsbad 5000 champion and Skechers elite athlete, matched what was then the IAAF 5km road world record in a winning time of 13:29 at the 2019 Carlsbad 5000. The 17-time NCAA National Champion holds personal bests of 3:49.44 for the mile and 13:04.44 for 5,000 meters on the track. He recently ran a sub-4:00 mile, finishing second at the Camel City Elite Races with a time of 3:59.84.

“Winning the Carlsbad 5000 last year was an incredible experience and I am looking forward to racing again in March,” said Cheserek. “This event has everything you could want in a road race. The course is beautiful and the huge crowds make the atmosphere very special.”

Gebremeskel was a virtual unknown before arriving in Carlsbad for the first time in 2010, when he finished second to Eliud Kipchoge. His victory the following year sparked a four-year run of dominance at the event – the longest winning streak in its event history. He would also add a fifth win in 2017. In addition to his impressive success at the Carlsbad 5000, Gebremeskel has earned two world championship medals over 5000 meters, taking silver at the 2012 London Olympics and a bronze medal at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics.

“It’s fantastic that King Ches will be returning to Carlsbad after his record run last year. Defending his title won’t be easy with Dejen Gebremeskel in the field and we expect a battle for the ages at this year’s race!” said Keflezighi.

As the official footwear partner, Skechers will maintain a strong digital presence in the lead up to race week festivities and will host an interactive experience for participants and spectators at the Health & Wellness Expo over event weekend.

The Carlsbad 5000 will celebrate its 35th edition the weekend of March 21-22, 2020. Since 1986, the prestigious event has seen 17 World records and eight U.S. records, as well as numerous national and age group marks. The famous seaside course starts and finishes in downtown Carlsbad, taking runners past some of Southern California’s most scenic coastal views along the way. The full day of racing begins at 6:55am on Sunday, March 22 with events for all ages and abilities. At 12:00pm, the Skechers Performance Elite Invitational takes center stage as the world’s fastest pros compete for a substantial prize purse and pursue new records.

(03/03/2020) ⚡AMP
Carlsbad 5000

Carlsbad 5000

The Carlsbad 5000 features a fast and fun seaside course where 16 world records have been set. Both rookie runners and serious speedsters alike enjoy running or walking in Carlsbad. Weekend festivities kick off Saturday morning with the beloved Junior Carlsbad, a kids-only event in the heart of Carlsbad Village featuring fun runs, toddler trots, and diaper dashes! On Sunday,...


Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock says that London Marathon could be canceled because of Coronavirus

Matt Hancock said officials are looking into restricting participation in the marathon next month, which is the largest mass-participation sporting event in the world, over the ‘serious possibility’ of Covid-19 becoming a ‘pandemic’. However, the health secretary added it was ‘far too early’ to make any decisions.

The 26.2 mile race is currently still scheduled to take place on April 26 and attracts around 1 million spectators across the capital, which officials worry is a hotbed for the virus spreading. Speaking on BBC Breakfast this morning, the health secretary told of the government’s battle plan – unveiled later today – to contain the virus, which has so far infected 39 people in the UK.

Mr Hancock said although officials are not currently planning to axe major events and close schools, emergency legislation could be introduced to do so, should the outbreak turn into a national crisis. He said: ‘Right now, we do not recommend the cancelling of mass events and schools as well should not be closing unless there is a positive case and the schools have the advice to close.

‘There maybe things we have to do down the line that we don’t want to, but we will need the powers to do that hence proposing emergency legislation’. Hugh Brasher, events director at the London Marathon, said in a statement: ‘We are monitoring closely the developments relating to the spread of coronavirus and noting the updates and advice given by the UK Government, the World Health Organisation and other UK public bodies. ‘With just under eight weeks to go before the event on Sunday 26 April, we will continue to monitor the situation.’

Should the virus become a major outbreak in the UK, Mr Hancock said he was more than confident the NHS would be able to cope with the added pressure. He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: ‘A lot of people, not least because it is mild, will be best off at home than in hospital so we are expanding the number of home ventilation kits that are available so that can be done.

‘The NHS, of course, has a full plan for this and prepares for this even when there isn’t an outbreak. ‘Inevitably in the case of this becoming widespread of course there will be much more pressure on the NHS, but the NHS is prepared for this sort of challenge.’ He added that production of home ventilation kits was being ramped up to ensure people are tested as early as possible, adding that for ‘most people who catch this virus, it’s relatively mild, and a bad cough’.

Mr Hancock said scientists were not calling for an end to handshaking, adding medical advice says the impact of the gesture is ‘negligible’, but insisted people should wash their hands more often.


(03/03/2020) ⚡AMP
by Elisa Menendez
TCS London Marathon

TCS London Marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 1981 and has been held in the spring of every year since 2010. It is sponsored by Virgin Money and was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and Welsh athlete John Disley. It is organized by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel...


Chris Thompson and Lily Partridge lead the British team for World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Gdynia 2020

Thompson was a shade outside his personal best as he took the British title at Sunday’s Vitality Big Half in 1:01:07, finishing second to Kenenisa Bekele having disputed the lead for the first five miles, and the 38-year-old Briton earns his first British vest on the road, 22 years after making his track debut at the World U20 Championships.

Fresh from lowering the British Under-23 record for the half marathon to 1:02:00 in London, Jake Smith will also represent Great Britain & Northern Ireland on the roads for the first time, having made his British track debut at last year’s European Under-23 Championships in Gävle, Sweden.

Having finished as the third and fourth British athletes home at the trial, both Ross Millington and Mohamud Aadan declined selection for the championship.

With the selection policy stating that automatic selection can be offered to the next eligible athlete if declined by auto-qualifiers, 2017 British Marathon gold medalist Josh Griffiths earns his first British vest in almost three years courtesy of his eighth-place showing at the trials.

Doha team member Ben Connor, who has already clocked 1:01:34 for the distance in 2020, will look to improve on his individual 64th place finish at the 2018 edition of the championships in Valencia, while Matt Leach, who has twice run for Britain in the European 10,000m Cup, completes the senior men’s team.

On the women’s side, Partridge earns her first British vest since the 2018 European Championships in Berlin and will look to better her 1:10:31 personal best clocking, set in 2015, when she takes to the start line in Poland. Sarah Inglis, who moved to 13th on the all-time British list with a strong run in Houston in January, also gains selection.

British debuts are handed to Samantha Harrison and Stephanie Davis, who clocked respective personal bests of 1:11:01 and 1:11:15 for second and third-place finishes at the Big Half, with fourth place finisher, Hayley Carruthers, also earning her first British vest.

(03/03/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
World Half Marathon Championships

World Half Marathon Championships

The Chinese city of Yangzhou will host the 2022 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships. China, one of the fastest-growing markets in road running, had 24 World Athletics Label road races in 2019, more than any other country. It hosted the World Half Marathon Championships in 2010 in Nanning and will stage the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Nanjing in 2021. ...


Ryan Smith rules men's field, Anne Theisen pulls out women's win at Napa Valley Marathon

The 42nd Annual Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon, boasting its largest field ever, did not disappoint on Sunday.

Far from it, in fact.

The field of 5,000 registered runners for the marathon, half marathon and 5K were treated to stellar views, mild weather and the type of hospitality and community feel that have attracted runners from all over the world.

“We kind of need to wait for it to flush out until the very end, but so far so good,” said second-year Race Director Michelle La Sala as the latter half of the marathon field began to come across the finish line at Vintage High School. “We have had lots of happy people finish today, lots of PRs (personal records). It was a really fast day and the weather was great. We’re definitely excited and want to see what we can do from here.”

While a community event in the truest sense, none of the top finishers were Napa Valley natives. Both the men and women’s winners of the full marathon were out-of-staters, but the top finishers in the second annual half marathon hailed from the Bay Area.

With a time of 2 hours, 27 minutes and 47 seconds, Ryan Smith, 40, of Boulder, Colorado won the full 26.2-mile race on the men’s side, while 47-year old Anne Theisen of Mazama, Washington, was the fastest woman to cross the line, doing so in 2:52:58.

Smith ran alone for the majority of his time on the course on Silverado Trail, which began in Calistoga and ended at Vintage High School in north Napa. He finished almost three minutes ahead of second-place finisher Nicholas Budzyn of Citrus Heights.

Smith said after the race that he actually prefers running alone, and that by looking at previous times he figured that might be a possibility again on Sunday.

“It’s a great marathon,” Smith said. “It’s kind of my jam. I like the low-key ones. It’s just something a bit more mellow and fun about it.”

Sporting a mullet, Budyzn, a collegiate hockey player-turned-endurance runner, had no complaints about his performance.

“I feel like it went great,” he said. “I ran smart but pushed when I wanted to. I was conservatively aggressive and was able to hold it together and finish strong.”

Theisen, meanwhile, had competition nipping at her heels. She came in with arms raised in victory just 20 seconds ahead of Catherine Medvene, 30, of New York. Unlike Smith, Theisen didn’t come in expecting a top finish but that reality showed itself relatively early on.

(03/02/2020) ⚡AMP
by Gus Morris
Kaiser Napa Valley Marathon

Kaiser Napa Valley Marathon

As one of California's top tourist destinations, Napa Valley has been home to this race for decades. When it comes to scenic, it just doesn't get better than Napa in the spring. The narrow valley is covered in grape vines that stretch high up the hillsides on either side. The colors are crisp green, blue and yellow at that time...


iTAB is excited to announce a new partnership with the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon presented by ASICS

Over 27,100 athletes from all 50 states and more than 78 countries will set out from Dodger Stadium, on 8th March 2020, to accomplish a personal dream by reaching the Finish Line in Santa Monica. The Stadium to the Sea course is considered one of the most scenic in the world.

The iTAB is a small engraved plate which is secured onto the ribbon with a custom-made buckle. Runners simply collect their medal at the finish line and their iTAB arrives in the mail a few weeks later, laser engraved with their name and finish time.

Los Angeles Marathon runners can order an iTAB during the race registration process or by logging into their account at any time before the race day.

“The dedication and commitment it takes to cross the finish line of the Los Angeles Marathon is something that should be celebrated,” said Steve Powell, CCO. “This year’s event will welcome the largest field in our 35-year history, and we are excited to give runners the opportunity to commemorate their personal achievement and lifetime memories with iTAB.”

About iTAB, We believe "Every Race Tells a Story..."

The iTAB is a simple, yet innovative, product which transforms a conventional finisher medal into YOUR personal finisher medal.

Founded 12 years ago, the iTAB is now enjoyed by over a million happy athletes across the globe - enabling them to personalise and commemorate their medal with their name and a unique finishing time, creating a memory that will last forever!

We've partnered with 500+ races globally, offering a seamless service to enhance a participant’s race day experience and generate income for organisers. Globally we work with the largest mass participation running event, half marathon, 12K, triathlon and fun run; along with the largest OCR race series USA, 10-mile road race and 15K road race.

In the UK we are proud to work with the largest running & swimming event series.

(03/02/2020) ⚡AMP
Los Angeles Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon

The LA Marathon is an annual running event held each spring in Los Angeles, Calif. The 26.219 mile (42.195 km) footrace, inspired by the success of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, has been contested every year since 1986. While there are no qualifying standards to participate in the Skechers Performnce LA Marathon, runners wishing to receive an official time must...


Defending champion Geoffrey Kamworor and Kibiwott Kandie will lead Team Kenya for the 24th edition of the World Half Marathon being held March 29 in Gdynia

Athletics Kenya have named Kamworor, who is going for his fourth consecutive title, in the men’s team of five that includes Kibiwott Kandie, who is fresh from winning the Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Half Marathon last month in the United Arab Emirates.

Before heading to United Arab Emirates where he won the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon on February 21, Kandie had handed Kenya Defence Forces its first National Cross Country title in 17 years, stunning Kamworor on February 15 at the Ngong race course.

Kamworor, the reigning World Half Marathon record holder, sealed his hat-trick when won the race in Valencia, Spain in 2018, beating Kenyan born Abraham Naibei Cheroben of Bahrain and Eritrean Aron Kifle to second and third places respectively.

Kamworor set his personal best of 58:01 when he set a new World Half Marathon record in Copenhagen on September 15, 2019.

Kandie also set his personal best of 58:58 when winning at RAK on February 21.

(03/02/2020) ⚡AMP
by Ayumba Ayodi
World Half Marathon Championships

World Half Marathon Championships

The Chinese city of Yangzhou will host the 2022 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships. China, one of the fastest-growing markets in road running, had 24 World Athletics Label road races in 2019, more than any other country. It hosted the World Half Marathon Championships in 2010 in Nanning and will stage the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Nanjing in 2021. ...


Ultrarunner Jim Walmsley runs 2:15:05 marathon debut at U.S. Olympic Trials

Jim Walmsley, one of the world’s best ultrarunners, ran his marathon debut at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Trials. On Saturday, Walmsley finished in 22nd and crossed the line in 2:15:05.

A year ago, we looked at Walmsley’s training as the Houston Half-Marathon approached. At Houston he nailed a 1:04:00, exactly the time he needed (down to the second) to qualify for the marathon trials. Following his 2019 Houston race, he went on to win a 50-mile race in Hong Kong and take 43 seconds off the 50-mile world record before shattering his own course record at Western States.

There’s no doubt Walmsley is a tough racer, but this was his first time racing a road marathon, and he didn’t quite have the chops to make the 2020 Olympic team. With that said, he ran an extremely impressive debut, on a windy day and on a hilly course.

The runner sat in the chase group (which included Galen Rupp, the eventual winner) for the first half of the race. That group was on pace for a sub-2:10 marathon, am ambitious pace for most of the runners.

Walmsley would fade, but not too much, averaging 5:10 miles and closing in 5:17. He finished ahead of some very impressive names like Jared Ward and Connor McMillan.

On Saturday, Rupp has made his fourth Olympic team, winning the 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in 2:09:20. Second place went to first-time Olympic qualifier Jake Riley, and third to five-time Olympic qualifier, masters runner Abdi Abdirahman. At 43, Abdirahman is also the oldest American ever to qualify for the Olympic marathon.

(03/02/2020) ⚡AMP
by Madeleine Kelly
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


Rod Waterlow, 82, will be the oldest qualified runner for the 2020 Boston Marathon

Vancouverite Rod Waterlow enjoys running marathons, but it's the fear of death that really keeps him going. 

Waterlow, 82, trains three days a week no matter the weather or how he feels about hitting the trails that day.

"There are days when I just don't want to get up, and I think maybe I won't go today," Waterlow said, sitting next to a pastel-coloured sofa in his modest west-side home.

"And that's the beginning of the end really." 

Waterlow — a chatty chap with a London accent and a lanky build — will be the oldest runner to qualify for the upcoming Boston Marathon on April 20.

At his qualifying race in Oregon last fall, he came in 18 minutes faster than the required time for his age category. At Boston, there will be 15 men older than 80 taking part in the prestigious race, among a total of 30,000 marathoners. 

This will be Waterlow's third time at Boston. It's surprising that he would return — the last time he raced there, in 2014, he fell ill mid-way through and it took him nearly six hours to finish. He was later diagnosed with acute pneumonia. 

But his wife of 47 years, Karen Waterlow, isn't surprised that he keeps on going. 

"If there's something he wants to achieve he'll set out and achieve it," she said.

Waterlow, a former architect and emergency planner for the Vancouver School Board, didn't start running until he was 47.

He was drinking a pint on St. Patrick's Day in 1984 when he found out the friend he was with was training for the Vancouver marathon. Waterlow had never heard of it. 

After his friend completed the race, Waterlow was impressed — and inspired. He signed up for training at the YMCA and ran his first marathon the following year. 

And just like that, he was hooked. Since then, he has raced in over 100 half-marathons and 34 full marathons. Today, he trains three times a week. 

"When I'm really in the zone, I'm not even thinking about it," he said. "It's like a Zen feeling." 


(03/02/2020) ⚡AMP
by Maryse Zeidler
Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Among the nation’s oldest athletic clubs, the B.A.A. was established in 1887, and, in 1896, more than half of the U.S. Olympic Team at the first modern games was composed of B.A.A. club members. The Olympic Games provided the inspiration for the first Boston Marathon, which culminated the B.A.A. Games on April 19, 1897. John J. McDermott emerged from a...


Molly Seidel had never run a marathon until Feb 29 where she made the 2020 US Olympic Marathon team

The US Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta February 29 was Molly Seidel’s First Marathon. 

Seidel, 25, has two jobs, shares an apartment with her sister and runs turkey trots in costume. No, she can’t believe this is happening, either.

What does it feel like to qualify for the 2020 Olympics in your debut marathon?

Molly Seidel was ebullient when she qualified for the U.S. Olympic marathon trials.

She had been a standout athlete in college, but in recent years she had struggled with injuries. She’d started working at a coffee shop in Boston and babysat to make ends meet. She hoped for a good race at the trials in Atlanta on Saturday, but tried not to have big expectations.

It would be her first marathon, after all. She never could have predicted it would lead to the Olympics.

Seidel, 25, ran away with second place at the trials, finishing in 2 hours 27 minutes 31 seconds and securing one of three spots on the U.S. women’s team for the Tokyo Games this summer.

Seidel is known for her performances in 5,000- and 10,000-meter races. She won the Foot Locker Cross Country Championship in 2011and has four N.C.A.A. titles. She qualified for the Olympic marathon trials with her time in the half marathon, a 1:10:27 in San Antonio in December.

“I had no idea what this was going to be like,” she said after the race on Saturday. “I didn’t want to oversell it and put way too much pressure on, knowing how competitive the field was going to be. But talking with my coach, I didn’t want to phone it in just because it was my first one.”

The challenging course played to Seidel’s strengths. She called herself a racer, not someone who would thrive in a time trial. And she said the conditions — a hilly course on a chilly, windy day — played to her advantage.

In a race that included some of the biggest names in running — Jordan Hasay, Sara Hall, Molly Huddle, Emma Bates, Des Linden — Seidel flew under the radar until she broke away from the pack along with Aliphine Tuliamuk and Sally Kipyego in Mile 21. When she made the move, she said she knew she would “make the team or spectacularly go down in flames.” All three made the Olympic team, with Tuliamuk in first with a time of 2 hours 27 minutes and 23 seconds.


(03/01/2020) ⚡AMP
by Talya Minsberg
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Fifty-six years after having organized the Olympic Games, the Japanese capital will be hosting a Summer edition for the second time, originally scheduled from July 24 to August 9, 2020, the games were postponed due to coronavirus outbreak, the postponed Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8 in 2021, according to the International Olympic Committee decision. ...


Babies Don’t Wait for Running

At the back of the Trials pack, two pregnant women and one mom who gave birth four weeks ago are thankful they’re healthy enough to run.

Four weeks after giving birth, Stefanie Slekis finished the Olympic Marathon Trials in 3:14:00. Lauren Philbrook, who is 33 weeks pregnant, stepped off the course after 8 miles in 1:06:20 (8:18 pace). Her friend Rachel Hyland, who is 27 weeks pregnant, stopped at halfway in 1:47:07 (8:11 pace).

There were 511 women who hit the qualifying standard for the Trials. They range in age from 16-year-old Tierney Wolfgram to 48-year-old Perry Shoemaker. They come from a variety of professions and motivations.

Only three will make the Olympic team. But the others see the value in being at the start line, adding to the masses, showing what women are capable of at different stages of life.

(03/01/2020) ⚡AMP
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


De Oliveira and Lalonde crowned Pan American cross-country champions

Applying different running tactics, Johnatas de Oliveira and Genevive Lalonde made history for Brazil and Canada respectively by earning their country’s first ever senior title at the 4th Pan American Cross Country Cup in Langford, Canada, on Saturday (29).

Lalonde, the Pan American Games and Canadian record holder for the steeplechase, dominated the women’s race almost from start to finish, moving away from the rest of the field just 10 minutes into the race.

The 28-year-old found no opposition through the three remaining laps of the five-loop course along the gold course at Bear Mountain Resort and crossed the finish line in 37:37, 32 seconds ahead of her next competitor, Carrie Verdon of the USA. Peru’s Lizaida Thalia Valdivia overtook Canada’s early leader Natasha Wodak in the final stages to secure bronze in 38:12.

“This is a good start to the 2020 season and looking to the lead up to the Olympic Games,” Lalonde told Athletics Canada. “Going up the hill, I kept my rhythm and kept it smooth and I took it out more than I expected. We’re here to inspire you so we’re going to keep running, keep racing.”

Having moved to the west coast of Canada a month earlier, Lalonde’s dominant display came as no surprise, considering the two-time national cross-country champion finished 20th at last year’s World Cross Country Championships, making her the highest-placed woman from the Americas.

In the men’s race, the Brazilian duo of Johnatas de Oliveira and national champion Daniel Ferreira took the early pacing, closely followed by USA’s four-time NCAA champion Anthony Rotich, in a group that included 12 men from Brazil, Peru, Mexico and five USA runners.

Some 21 minutes into racing, De Oliveira and Rotich started to separate themselves from the rest of the field, setting the stage for the final lap. With the last 180 metres of the race in elevation, De Oliveira took a narrow edge. Rotich launched his sprint on the home stretch and both crossed the finish line in 32:50. The photo finish determined the gold for the unheralded Brazilian, second at the National Cross Country Championships a month earlier.

“This is the most important result of my career,” De Oliveira told the Brazilian Athletics Confederation. “I have only been a competitive runner for four years. It was a sensational finish, but I was not going to give up, especially all I went through in this cold weather (8C).”

The 29-year-old, who competed at least year’s World Cross, improved on his silver medal performance at the 2019 South American Cross Country Championships.

Peru’s Paul Ramirez bided his time and moved into the bronze medal position in the final lap, securing the fourth individual bronze medal for his country on the day.

Gilberto Silvestre Lopes, twice a silver medallist at continental events, finished 10th this time.

In the U20 races, the USA finished 1-2 in the men’s 8km with Corey Gorgas (27:15) and Evan Bishop (27:20). Peru’s Alejandro Alania overtook Mexico’s Cesar Daniel Gomez at the line for bronze. Both were timed at 27:35.

In the U20 women’s 6km race, the first one of the championships, USA’s Brooke Rauber took gold in 23:12, ahead of Canada’s Sadie Sigfstead (23:23) and Peru’s Jhenifer Melchor (23:46).

The Pan American Championships, held in North America for the first time, is held in even years as the South American and NACAC events in odd years. Athletes from The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, El Salvador, Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, also competed at the biennial event, first held in 2015.

(03/01/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

Kenenisa Bekele breaks Mo Farah's course record at the Vitality Big Half

Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele broke Mo Farah's course record in the men's Vitality Big Half race in London with a time of one hour and 22 seconds.

Bekele shaved 1:18 minutes off the record set in 2019 by Briton Farah, who missed out with an Achilles injury.

Britain's Lily Partridge won the elite women's race for the first time with a time of 1:10:50.

Two-time marathon winner Shelly Woods made a successful return to the capital in the women's wheelchair race.

Brent Lakatos won the men's wheelchair event with six-time Paralympic champion David Weir in second.

Britain's Christopher Thompson finished second in the men's race, with Jake Smith in third.

The full London marathon will take place on Sunday, 26 April.

Bekele's victory sets up an exciting head-to-battle with Eliud Kipchoge, as the two fastest marathon runners of all time line up for April's race.

"The new course record is a great bonus. I wasn't focused on time today, I just wanted to win," said Bekele.

"I'm on schedule in my preparation for the London Marathon in April. There's no question about the crowds in London being great.

"They were cheering all around the course and it felt like a great place to be."

Partridge - running in her third London half-marathon - cruised to victory in the women's race.

Her compatriots Samantha Harrison and Stephanie Davis finished second and third respectively.

"My coach said to me before the start that the goal was to win," said Partridge.

"It wasn't about the time today. It's my fastest ever half marathon during a marathon build-up."


(03/01/2020) ⚡AMP
The Vitality Big Half

The Vitality Big Half

Created by London Marathon Events Ltd, in partnership with Sported,The Vitality Big Half is a community running festival, taking place in London in March. This one-day event offers a host of running distances, from a challenging half marathon to a free one-mile course, as well as a family-friendly festival of food, music and activities. What’s happening? Take part with friends...


Rupp and Tuliamuk will be running the marathon at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Galen Rupp and Aliphine Tuliamuk booked their spots to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games after churning out impressive victories at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials Marathon in Atlanta on Saturday (29).

Contested in chilly and windy conditions on a challenging undulating course, the goal was straightforward: finish in the top-three and an Olympic berth would be yours.

Rupp, who won the 2016 trials race in his debut over the distance and then went on to take Olympic bronze in Rio, used that experience to his advantage.

The Portland, Oregon, native broke from early leader Brian Shrader in the 16th mile, with Augustus Maiyo, Atlanta Track Club member Matt McDonald and Abdi Abdirahman in tow. That leader's group remained intact until mile 20 where Rupp put in a surge that created a three second cushion on Maiyo and McDonald, with Abdirahman another four seconds back.

Soon thereafter, the battle for the win was over as Rupp surged away, first to a 17 second lead after 21 miles, a lead he extended to 29 a mile later. He was a solitary figure when he crossed the line in 2:09:20, forced to wait nearly a minute to see who'd be joining him in Tokyo.

Jacob Riley, running sixth and 11 seconds behind the chase group at mile 23, fought his way into contention over the next two miles to eventually finish second in 2:10:02. Abdirahman held off Leonard Korir to finish third in 2:10:03 and punch his ticket for a fifth Olympic appearance at age 43.

"It's incredible. I feel relief almost more than anything," said Rupp, who has raced just twice since his fifth place finish at the Chicago Marathon in October 2018. Sidelined by a major foot injury, he returned to action in Chicago last October but didn't finish. "It's been a long year and a half.

Tuliamuk wins the waiting game. In contrast, 11 women were in contention for win when they reached the half in 1:14:38 before the pack began to string out by mile 16. There, Kellyn Taylor, debutante Molly Seidel and Tuliamuk formed the leading triumvirate, with Laura Thweatt, Des Linden and Sally Kipyego running another second back.

That pack remained until the 21st mile when Tuliamuk and Seidel decided to take command. Running together, they built a seven second lead over Kipyego a mile later, and extended it to 22 seconds by mile 23. Tuliamuk then broke away in the 25th mile to finish unchallenged in 2:27:23, seven seconds ahead of Seidel.

Kipyego, who won Olympic 10,000m silver for her native Kenya in 2012 and becames a US citizen last year, took the third spot in 2:28:52, 11 seconds ahead of one of the pre-race favourites, Des Linden.

"It was amazing," said Tuliamuk, a native of Kenya, who became a US citizen in 2016. "When we broke away, I kept saying 'Molly, let's go'. I knew it wouldn't happen by itself."

Seidel, who qualified for the trials by virtue of a 1:10:27 win at the Rock ’n’ Roll San Antonio Half Marathon in December, suffered from eating disorders and injury during and since her successful college career at Notre Dame where she took NCAA titles in cross country and indoors and outdoors on the track. She wasn't an unknown in Atlanta but was considered a long shot.

"I didn't think I was going to be here," she said. "I'm still in shock right now."

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon sporting event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors. Sponsored by Tokyo Metro, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World...


Birhanu Legese win the Tokyo Marathon clocking 2:04:15 while Suguru Osako sets a new Japanese record with 2:05:29

The Tokyo marathon mass race was cancelled  because of the worldwide panic concerning the Coronavirus.  However, the elite race took place as scheduled.  What a race it was.  Perfect running weather.  Birhanu Legese from Ethiopia was the overall winner clocking 2:04:15.  He also won last year. 

Suguru Osako was the first Japanese across the line  setting a new national record with 2:05:29. This giving him a big pay day.  Lonah Cemtai Salpeter set a new course record in winning the women's race clocking 2:17:45.  Legese, wearing Nike's much-discussed carbon-plated shoes, hit the front before the 40 kilometre mark, winning by more than half a minute but missing out on Wilson Kipsang's 2017 record of 2:03.58.

Somali-born Belgian Bashir Abdi (2:04.49) pipped Ethiopian Sisay Lemma (2:04.51) to second place in a race for the line.

Japan's Suguru Osako finished fourth in 2:05.29, improving his own national record by 21 seconds and locking up Japan's third and final spot in the men's field for the Tokyo Olympics later this year.

Lonah Korlima Chemtai Salpeter, who runs for Israel, won the women's race in a record time of 2:17.45, 50 seconds ahead of Birhane Dibaba with her fellow Ethiopian Sutume Asefa Kebede a distant third two minutes back.

Sarah Chepchirchir owned the previous women's record of 2:19:47 from the 2017 race.

Suguru Osako's national record brought him a 100 million yen bonus (US$950,000) from the Japan Corporate Track and Field Federation as part of their "Project Exceed" initiative to improve performances in the build-up to the Olympics Games.  "It is not clear if the same person can be paid the bonus twice," says Bob Anderson, MBR editor.  "This is still being confirmed."

Suguru Osako (ÅŒsako Suguru, born 23 May 1991) is a Japanese long-distance runner. He won the 10,000 metres gold medal at the 2011 Summer Universiade in Shenzhen and holds the Asian junior record for the half marathon. He held the Japanese National Record for the marathon of 2:05.50 set at the 2018 Chicago Marathon, where he finished third.


(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon sporting event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors. Sponsored by Tokyo Metro, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World...


Aliphine Tuliamuk is the women’s U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials champion

Rio 2016 marathon bronze medallist Galen Rupp and Kenyan-born Aliphine Tuliamuk have won the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in cold and windy conditions in Atlanta, Georgia, to confirm their spots on Team USA at Tokyo 2020.

Rupp won in two hours, nine minutes 20 seconds, repeating his feat from four years ago in Los Angeles.

There was a three-way race to the end for the second and third places, taken by Jacob Riley and Abdi Abdirahman.

Abdirahman will become the oldest Team USA runner in Olympic history at 43 when he attends his fifth Olympic Games this summer. He made his debut at Sydney 2000.

Tuliamuk finished in two hours, 27 minutes 23 seconds.

In her first-ever marathon, Molly Seidel finished second. Sally Kipyego, the marathon silver medallist for Kenya at London 2012, took the final spot.

Rupp has had to deal with a turbulent last 18 months or so.

His last finished marathon was the Chicago Marathon in October 2018, and has had Achilles surgery since. Rupp also retired from last year's Chicago race through injury.

"I feel relief, almost, more than anything," Rupp said after crossing the finish line.

"It's been a really long year and a half."

Tuliamuk said: "It was amazing, I actually still don't believe it happened. When we pulled away, Molly and I, I said 'Molly let's go' because I knew I wasn't going to finish it by myself.

"I thought I had went too early. This is just a big day for me and I am so grateful to have won the trials."

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


Galen Rupp won the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials for a second straight time

Galen Rupp won the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials for a second straight time, returning from a coaching change and major injury to repeat as champion.  The trials were held Feb 29 in Atlanta Georgia.

Rupp, a two-time Olympic medalist, clocked an unofficial 2:09:20 to win by about 42 seconds and qualify for his fourth Olympics. He is joined on the Olympic team by second- and third-place finishers Jacob Riley and Abdi Abdirahman.

Rupp was the  2016 Olympic Marathon Bronze Medalist.  The 33-year-old Galen is from Portland Oregon.  At the 2012 Olympics Galen was the 10,000m Silver Medalist.

Today was a bit challening. The wind was very strong but the temp was perfect being 50 degrees at the start.

After 20 miles Galen was in total control. The big question of the day was who was going to place second and third. At 25 miles Abdirahman, Maiyo, Korir and Riley were within two seconds of each other with Jacob Riley leading them. 31-year-old Riley best time before today was 2:10:36.

Jacob Riley finished second clocking 2:10:02 a new personal best for him.  Abdirahman, 43, will break Bernard Lagat‘s record as the oldest U.S. Olympic runner in history. He will become the second American runner to compete in five Olympics, joining Gail Devers, according to Olympic historian Bill Mallon.

Jared Ward, who was sixth in the Rio Olympic marathon, began fading from a chase pack soon after Rupp surged to the lead in the 16th mile.

Rupp finished a marathon for the first time since October 2018. In between, he underwent Achilles surgery and dropped out of the 2019 Chicago Marathon with a calf injury. He also lost career-long coach Alberto Salazar to a doping suspension last fall.

Rupp was not implicated by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency and has a clean drug-testing record.

“I feel relief, almost, more than anything,” Rupp told Lewis Johnson on NBC. “It’s been a really long year and a half.”

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
by Nick Zaccardi
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


Organizers of the London Marathon are closely monitoring the spread of the coronavirus as the outbreak continues to disrupt sporting events across Europe

On Saturday, the French health minister Olivier Veran confirmed that the Paris half-marathon - due to be held on Sunday - had been canceled due to the coronavirus epidemic in the country.

The French government has also decided to ban all indoor public gathering of more than 5,000 people, while Serie A football matches within Italian regions affected by the outbreak have also been postponed. 

Elsewhere in the sporting world, this weekend's matches in the top two divisions in Switzerland had already been postponed after the government banned all events involving more than 1,000 people, while Ireland's Six Nations clash against Italy in Dublin next month has been postponed.

Meanwhile, Fifa president Gianni Infantino promised on Friday to do whatever is necessary to help combat the continued spread of the virus.

With the London Marathon scheduled to take place on 26 April, organizers will continue to monitor the latest developments as the world attempts to contain the outbreak.

Hugh Brasher, Event Director at London Marathon Events, told: "We, along with the rest of the world, are monitoring closely the developments relating to the spread of coronavirus and noting the updates and advice given by the UK Government, the World Health Organization and other public bodies.

"With two months to go before the event on Sunday 26 April, we will continue to monitor the situation."

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
by Tom Doyle
TCS London Marathon

TCS London Marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 1981 and has been held in the spring of every year since 2010. It is sponsored by Virgin Money and was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and Welsh athlete John Disley. It is organized by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel...


Paris Half Marathon Canceled Due to coronavirus

The 28th edition of the Paris Half-Marathon, which was to take place this Sunday, March 1, 2020 in the streets of the French capital with a route between the Gare d'Austerlitz and the François Mitterrand Library, is canceled. 

Due to the epidemic of Coronavirus which rages in the world, the gatherings of more than 5,000 people, including the semi-marthon of Paris, are canceled!

Considered one of the most popular events on the French sports calendar, the Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris  was due to return this Sunday, March 1,  2020 with a new and  28th edition  ! First announced maintained , the race is finally canceled the day before the event because of the epidemic of Coronavirus which rages in the world. All multinational gathering of more than 5000 people being considered dangerous.

This year, the  21.1 km Paris half-marathon  was expected to make many runners sweat around major historic sites in eastern Paris: Bastille, Rue de Rivoli, Hôtel de Ville, Quays of the Seine, Bois de Vincennes and its Castle, Pont de Tolbiac. Note that the start of the race will be on the quays of Austerlitz . Expected arrival on the Quays François Mauriac (in front of the François Mitterrand Library ).

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
Semi de Paris

Semi de Paris

Paris Half Marathon (French: Semi de Paris) is an annual half marathon held normally every March in Paris, France since 1993. It currently holds IAAF Bronze Label status. Kenya's Stanley Biwott is the men's course record holder, with his winning time of 59:44 from the 2012 race. The women's course record is held by Nigsti Haftu (ETH), who ran a...


Branded the Ironwoman of Romanian athletics, Constantina Dita enjoyed a lengthy and successful career as one of the world’s foremost female endurance runners

With a reputation for thriving on hard work and regularly logging more than 200km a week in training, Dita also excelled in cold, wet and windy conditions.

So when she awoke on the morning of the 2005 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in Edmonton, Canada, to light rain and chilly temperatures, the US-based distance runner was unperturbed about what she faced.

“The rain worked in my favor, I always run well in the rain,” explains Dita, who for the past 19 years has been based in Boulder, Colorado.

“Often in Boulder we have cold weather and strong winds and sometimes I’d run 30km in a strong wind. But I never gave up. I never train inside at the gym.”

First of eight world half appearances in 1998, Few athletes embraced the World Half Marathon Championships more than the Romanian who made the first of her eight appearances at the event in 1998. 

That was in Uster, Switzerland, where she placed 29th and secured team silver for Romania. At the 1999 edition in Palermo she placed 13th before finishing 32nd in Bristol 2001 and 22nd the following year in Brussels.

New Delhi bronze and Chicago Marathon win on back-to-back weekends, Besides placing a disappointing 20th when struggling in the intense heat at the Athens Olympic Games her 2004 season was also a success. She claimed a podium spot for third in that April’s London Marathon and bounced back from her Olympic pain to win a bronze medal at the World Half Marathon Championships in New Delhi.

“In New Delhi the temperature was nowhere near as hot as it had been in Athens,” she recalls. “It was a very flat course and I just kept patient in the race. It was nice to finally win an individual medal (at the World Half Marathon Championships).”

World marathon bronze and half marathon gold in 2005, “It was such a happy feeling to win my first gold medal at a major championship,” she explains. “For me, it was amazing and it was close (in terms of achievement) to what it would have been winning a gold medal at the track and field World Championships.”

Dita also enjoyed the additional bonus of helping inspire her country to team gold – which she describes as an “amazing” feeling.

She is also still running and last year she completed the Berlin (3:07) and New York City (3:30) marathons. This year she hopes to continue with her quest to complete the full set of six Marathon Majors by running the Boston Marathon. She was planning to contest Tokyo, but the mass race was canceled due to the outbreak of the coronavirus in Japan.

Yet despite her considerable marathon accomplishments, the 49-year-old former Olympic champion still holds the World Half Marathon Championships with great affection.

“To win my gold medal was a great achievement and it gave me much encouragement to run better in other races,” she explains.

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics

Canada’s Rachel Cliff withdraws from Tokyo Marathon

On February 17, the Tokyo Marathon announced that its mass participation race was canceled due to coronavirus. Although the elite and wheelchair races will still go ahead as planned on Sunday, several athletes—including Canada’s Rachel Cliff—have announced they won’t be racing. 

Cliff said that her main reason for withdrawing from Tokyo was not out of a fear of getting sick, although the coronavirus did indirectly affect her decision. When the race organizers cancelled the mass participation event, the men’s elite field cut-off time was adjusted to 2:21 to limit the race field to a total of just 200 competitors.

“It was looking spread out from 2:21 to 2:30,” Cliff said. She has a marathon PB of 2:26:56, which she was looking to better in Tokyo to improve her chances of being selected for the Canadian Olympic marathon team.

The 2:21 men’s cut-off meant that Cliff could have potentially been stuck running alone for much of the race. She understandably didn’t want to go all that way to run a marathon in which she might not have someone who could help pace her.

“It was a really tough decision,” she said. “Training went well. We’ll see when the results are out if it was the right decision or not.” As it stands now, Cliff said she isn’t sure how her schedule will unfold.

“It’s been tough, because I’ve been tapering for this one,” she said. “Whether I decide to jump into another marathon this spring remains to be seen.”

Cliff isn’t the only athlete to withdraw from Tokyo after the changes were announced. Manuela Schär, the 2019 women’s wheelchair champion in Tokyo, has also pulled out, citing concerns surrounding coronavirus, as reported by the Japan Times.

(02/29/2020) ⚡AMP
by Ben Snider-McGrath
Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon sporting event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors. Sponsored by Tokyo Metro, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World...


Four-time Olympic Trials Marathon qualifier Patrick Rizzo, will run his last race tomorrow in Atlanta

It will all come to an end next Saturday, Leap Day. Patrick Rizzo, one of the most decorated and versatile distance runners in the United States, will run his last professional race at the Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta. A testament to his longevity, it will be Rizzo’s 4th Olympic Trials race (NYC 2008, Houston 2012, LA 2016, and now Atlanta); a remarkable achievement which solidifies his running legacy.

Over his stellar 15-year pro career, the 36-year-old Rizzo notched numerous top 10 finishes at U.S. Championship distances from 8K to the marathon. He earned victories in the half-marathon in major races throughout the U.S. including Denver, Seattle, and his native Chicago. Internationally, he’s had top finishes in London (11th), the Ohme 30K in Tokyo (3rd), and in representing the USA at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico (8th).  

He set his marathon personal best of 2:13:42 at the U.S. Olympic Trials in Houston, finishing 13th.

As recently as this past November, Rizzo finished on the podium at the Rock ‘N Roll Half Marathon in Las Vegas and followed that up in December by running 2:17:53 at the California International Marathon in Sacramento. During his career, Rizzo was sponsored by Brooks, Mizuno, and Skechers.

“I’ve had the privilege of being Patrick’s agent for the past 3 years and we have been friends since he started his career here in Michigan with the Hansons – Brooks Distance Project back in 2006,” said Chris Mengel of Elite Runner Management. “Coming from North Central College, an NCAA Division 3 school in his native Illinois, Patrick was a fearless runner who was never afraid to compete against the best athletes in the country and the world on the biggest stages. He loved being a pro runner and undoubtedly, will miss it. Frankly, I think we will miss him even more. The sport needs more Rizzos.”

Rizzo recently took a job as an account compliance manager with VF Corporation and moved from Colorado Springs to Nashville, Tennessee. He resides there with his wife, Emily, and their children Judah and Bonnie.

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


World marathon record holder Eliud Kipchoge and David Rudisha lead Absa initiative to boost education in Kenya

World record holders Eliud Kipchoge and David Rudisha are among five athletes signed up by Absa Bank Kenya PLC to power their “Torch of possibilities run” initiative that seeks to raise funds for education in Kenya.

ABSA Bank Kenya managing director and CEO Jeremy Awori said the bank also intends to partner with the ministries of sports and education in the initiative that seeks to raise funds for education, sports and the future for Kenyan children.

Others athletes included in the campaign are two-time world marathon champion Catherine Ndereba, former world 800 meters champion Janeth Jepkosgei and three-time Diamond League 3,000 meters steeplechase winner Paul Kipsiele Koech.

Awori said that the athletes will participate and champion the cause in five races to be held in Eldoret, Nairobi, Nyeri, Kisumu and Mombasa where they also intend to raise funds from entry fees and sponsorship from other corporates.

Awori added that the campaign is aimed at motivating emerging and future athletes, as well as millions of young Kenyans to aspire for greatness.

Eldoret will open the proceedings on March 21 followed by Nairobi on March 28 where entry fees across all the events is Sh1,000.

Awori said they will inject Sh45 million into the cause that is divided between two major projects with Sh20 million going towards the construction of ablution blocks in 40 primary schools across the country.

“Sh25 million will be used to set up 66 computer centers across the country in partnership with Computer for Schools project,” said Awori during the launch at Movenpick Hotel, Nairobi, that was attended by all the contracted athletes save for Kipchoge, who gave a recorded speech.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed, Director of Secondary Education Paul Kibet, who represented Cabinet Secretary for Education George Magoha and Athletics Kenya CEO Susan Kamau, among others, graced the launch.

“We wanted to bring possibilities of life in education through sports and the place to experience that is young people,” said Awori, adding that they picked on the athletes because of their remarkable status in sport.

Awori highlighted the intention of the bank to keep differentiating itself through participating in projects that are attuned to the needs of the communities in which it operates.

In the last three years, the bank has invested Sh161 million to support 574 university students through the Absa Scholarship program.

Amina said the best gift the country can give to the youth is good education and health through programs like sports and hailed Absa’s initiative.

“Sanitation and especially ablution blocks have been a challenge in schools. Our first phase is the primary schools first moving to secondary hence Absa’s initiative will help us,” said Amina, adding that they intend to construct 19 sports academies across the country where children coming from such programs will continue to pursue their sporting talent.”

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
by Ayumba Ayodi

Basketball star Kieron Achara swops basketball for marathon running

Kieron Achara  is pounding the cyclepaths of Paisley for another challenge - running for mental health charity SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) at the Stirling Scottish Marathon.

At 6ft 10in in his size 15 trainers, crossing the finishing line will earn him a place in the record books as Scotland’s tallest marathon runner. However, his motivation for partnering SAMH is intensely personal.

Achara has witnessed first-hand the mental struggle of fellow professional sportsmen and women as they come to terms with their sporting mortality.

A crushing loss of identity and purpose as they go from the adulation of millions on the world stage, to anonymous twenty or thirty-something in civvy street on the first rung of the job ladder. It is the closest thing to grief – so much so that sports psychiatrists say “athletes are the only people who die twice”.

Achara sees the partnership with SAMH as an opportunity to talk openly about mental health; to challenge more Scots to express their feelings and share their inner thoughts and fears with family and friends.

He grew up in Stirling and as the tall, black kid, stood out from the crowd. However, he learned to embrace his uniqueness and went on a journey that saw him study in the USA, become Scotland’s youngest internationalist, captain Glasgow Rocks and play at the Commonwealth Games and Olympics.

“I don’t think I suffered from depression, however, I went through a difficult transition as my career neared its end,” Achara said of his retirement from basketball.

“For the first time in my life I felt I couldn’t control things; I was playing poorly, the team was playing poorly then I started becoming obsessed by a few trolls on Twitter, who were consistently criticizing my performance.

“I ended up playing to trying to please them. I would judge my performance by what two or three people were writing about on Twitter. I then took the decision to quit one Christmas and it was like a weight off my shoulders.

“However, when the time came, it was real shock when I saw my name had suddenly been removed from the basketball team group chat. That was so final – I was no longer Kieron Achara basketball player with team-mates, manager and physios. I was Kieron from Paisley, looking for a job with a baby on the way.”

Achara believes the key to good mental health is purpose in life, something he has found through his two children and a rekindled interest in sport. He began training again before making the commitment to run his hometown marathon of Stirling, in a frame that was perfectly designed for basketball, but faces challenges in navigating 26.2miles, albeit through some of the country’s most scenic countryside.

“Running helps me feel good, mentally and physically. It’s accessible, you don’t need a gym membership and is satisfying seeing your progress.”

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
Stirling Scottish Marathon

Stirling Scottish Marathon

“Run through the heart of Scotland and run through history” Run the most picturesque marathon in the world! The winner of the men’s and women’s elite competition will walk away with a £2,000 cash prize. There are cash prizes for the top three runners in each age group. ...


The organizers of the Lake Biwa Marathon Ask People Not to Come Cheer

The organizers of the Mar. 8 Lake Biwa Marathon have asked people not to come cheer along the course in order to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

People involved with the race are being asked to wear masks and wash their hands, and alcohol disinfectants are being distributed as measures against infection.

The post-race award ceremony at a local hotel and an elementary school students' 1000 m track race during the marathon have been canceled in order to reduce the number of people assembled.

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
by Brett Larner
Osaka Marathon

Osaka Marathon

In 2022 the Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon and Osaka Marathon were held together. For 2023 the name of the marathon will be Osaka and both men and women can run the race. The original male-only competition was first held in 1946 and, having taken place every year since then, it is Japan's oldest annual marathon race. The early editions of...


Organizers confirm extra 2km to ultra-marathon route for the Two Oceans Marathon

Organizers of the Two Oceans Marathon have confirmed that this year's ultra-marathon will be run over a distance of approximately 58km - some 2km further than the previous 50 editions of the race.

While there has been wide-spread speculation among the running community in recent weeks as to a change in route, organizers, via a press release to the media, race stakeholders and runners, confirmed "small changes" to the ultra-marathon route for the 51st running of the race on Easter Saturday, April 11, 2020.

The new route - which is still to be announced - will add approximately 2km to the overall distance, turning the 56km race first held in 1970 into a 58km outing for the 11 000-strong field.

Entrants concerned over finishing before the cut-off gun sounds have been assured that the various medal cut-offs and overall finishing time will be adjusted accordingly.

Finer details regarding the exact ultra-marathon route will be announced "soon".

Suffice it to say, Thompson Magawana's men's 1988 record (3:03:44) and Frith van der Merwe's women's mark (3:30:36) set in 1989 will remain intact for at least another year.

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
Two Oceans Marathon

Two Oceans Marathon

Cape Town’s most prestigious race, the 56km Old Mutual Two Oceans Ultra Marathon, takes athletes on a spectacular course around the Cape Peninsula. It is often voted the most breathtaking course in the world. The event is run under the auspices of the IAAF, Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Western Province Athletics (WPA). ...


An assault on both the men's and women's records is expected at the Tokyo Marathon, a World Athletics Platinum level, on Sunday

The best fields ever assembled for this race in the Japanese capital will be targeting Wilson Kipsang's 2:03:58 and Sarah Chepchirchir's 2:19:47 course records, both set in 2017.

Three entrants with lifetime bests faster than Kipsang's mark head the men's field, all three from Ethiopia. Birhanu Legese is the fastest at 2:02:48, Getaneh Molla next at 2:03:34 with Sisay Lemma just a couple ticks behind with 2:03:36. All three set their bests in 2019 - Legese and Lemma in Berlin and Molla in Dubai - so should be near top form now.

Five more runners - Asefa Mengstu, Dickson Chumba, Hayle Lemi, El Hassan El Abbassi, and Titus Ekiru – come armed with sub-2:05 bests. The favorite may be Legese, the defending Tokyo Marathon champion, who recorded his personal best behind Kenenisa Bekele's world record attack in the German capital.

Although Molla stated his time goal as 2:03:55, he may be ready to run faster given his PB was set in his debut over the distance. The most ambitious runner may be Lemma who said he's gunning for a 2:02:00 performance.

Dickson Chumba, who won this race in 2014 and 2018, is going for a record third victory. He has run in every Tokyo Marathon since 2014 and never finished further back than third.

Aga and Dibaba head deep women's field, Four runners with personal bests faster than Chepchirchir's course record time will start the women’s race: Ruti Aga, who clocked 2:18:34 in Berlin in 2018; Birhane Dibaba who ran 2:18:46 in last year's quality Valencia race; Kenyan Valary Aiyabei, who clocked 2:19:10 in Frankfurt last year; and Israel's Lonah Chemtai Salpeter, who has a 2:19:46 best set in Prague last year.

With 2:19:52 credentials, Tigist Girma rounds out the sub-2:20 field. Four others have dipped under 2:22.

Dibaba, who has run in Tokyo five times, is the only multiple winner, collecting victories in 2015 and 2018. She said she's targeting a 2:18:30 performance and a third victory. Aga, the defending Tokyo champion, is aiming for a lifetime best. Although her marathon best is only 2:24:11, Senbere Teferi, with a 1:05:32 career best one of the fastest half marathon runners in history and the Ethiopian record holder, should also be capable of running with the field's sub-2:20 runners.

"We have been preparing for the Tokyo Marathon 2020 while implementing preventive safety measures, however, now that case of COVID-19 has been confirmed within Tokyo, we cannot continue to launch the event within the scale we originally anticipated," organizers said.

(02/28/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon sporting event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors. Sponsored by Tokyo Metro, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World...


London Marathon Events today announced plans to provide a great experience for the back of the pack runners at the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 26 April

Here’s what’s new for 2020: The Start: the mass race will start earlier, at 09:30. Participants will again be started in a series of waves.  For the first time, participants who think they will take more than 7:45 hours to complete the marathon have been offered the opportunity to start at the back of either the second or third wave to give them more time (8 hours 35 minutes or 8 hours 20 minutes respectively) to complete the event.

Tailwalkers: a group of approximately 50 Tailwalkers will walk the entire route at 8:00 hour pace as a mobile cheer squad for the back of the pack. The Tailwalkers will start at the back of the final wave at 10:30 and the 8:00 pace time will begin once these Tailwalkers cross the Start Line. To add to the atmosphere, there will also be a bus with a DJ playing music, which will join the route at the merge point (just after Mile 3) and drive behind the Tailwalkers.

Virgin Money Angels: a team of 80 Virgin Money Angels will support anyone who is struggling and needs help. The Virgin Money Angels will work in pairs, covering Mile 16 to 26, positioned about 400m apart and will remain in place until the Tailwalkers have passed.

Participant support: Drinks Stations, timing mats and the event photographers will stay in place until the back of the pack has passed. The convoy of clear up vehicles will follow the DJ bus and organizers will ensure this convoy does not impinge upon the back of the pack.

Road reopening times: Transport for London and the local authorities have given permission  for later road reopening times from Mile 23 onwards (Tower of London) which means 8:00 hour pace participants are able to stay on the road throughout. The Tailwalkers will assist anyone who falls behind the 8:00 hour pace and guide them on to the pavement, staying with them through to the Finish. This is likely to be a very small number of participants but the ambition is to assist everyone to reach the Finish Line on The Mall.

Staff support: a senior London Marathon Events staff member will be at the back of the pack throughout the event to ensure there is no repeat of contractors overlapping with the back of the pack participants and Tailwalkers. Hugh Brasher, Event Director for the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon, said: “We have worked very hard over the past months to put in place these plans that ensure that runners at the back of the pack have the best possible experience on the day. We’d like to thank the back of the pack runners from 2019 who shared their experiences with us and the working group that helped us come up with these ideas.”

(02/27/2020) ⚡AMP
TCS London Marathon

TCS London Marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 1981 and has been held in the spring of every year since 2010. It is sponsored by Virgin Money and was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and Welsh athlete John Disley. It is organized by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel...


The Napa Valley Marathon 2020, has the largest field ever with over 5,000 entrants

the 42nd Annual Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon, second-year Race Director Michelle La Sala has been busy putting the final touches on this year’s event.

“We prepare all year long to have this week to prepare for all of the many things that are not set in stone and change on a dime,” she said Monday morning.

On that particular day, she was updating the event’s website and social media pages to spread the news that all the races had officially sold out. The final spots had been reserved late Sunday night.

One of the main reasons for the down-to-the-wire sellout was because of the expanded field this year. After the success of the inaugural half marathon in 2019, the organization extended the caps on both that race and the full marathon for this year.

“We’ve taken just over 700 more people across the board in all three events this year for this sellout, so we’re super excited,” La Sala said. “It’s going to be a great year. The weather is looking good, but we are coming into this race as the largest Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon ever.”

In total, she said, more than 5,000 people will be participating in this year’s marathon, half marathon and 5K combined, all taking place this Sunday, March 1. Two thousand have registered for the full, 2,500 for the half, and 600 for the 5K.

Sunday will also be one of the coolest days temperature-wise all week. The high is forecast to be 59 and the low at 39, according to, which also says it will be “mostly cloudy and cool.” The forecast also says that the chance of rain will be 25 percent.

Twenty-one countries and 47 American states will be represented on Sunday. La Sala said there are “many” entrants from the Bay Area as well as from across the rest of California. She also added that they’ve had sign-ups from New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica and the United Kingdom, to name a few.

“We’re excited to showcase the Napa Valley to them,” she said.

While this is the largest field ever seen for this event, La Sala did concede that the marathon won’t feature as many elite entrants as it has in the past. That’s because the U.S. Marathon Olympic Trials are being held in Atlanta, Georgia, this weekend, as well, and most of the country’s premier distance runners will be competing there.

(02/27/2020) ⚡AMP
by Gus Morris
Kaiser Napa Valley Marathon

Kaiser Napa Valley Marathon

As one of California's top tourist destinations, Napa Valley has been home to this race for decades. When it comes to scenic, it just doesn't get better than Napa in the spring. The narrow valley is covered in grape vines that stretch high up the hillsides on either side. The colors are crisp green, blue and yellow at that time...


World marathon bronze medalist Amos Kipruto is planning to break the course record on his second appearance at Tokyo Marathon

World marathon bronze medalist Amos Kipruto is planning to lower his personal best time and perhaps break the course record on his second appearance at Tokyo Marathon on Sunday.

Kipruto, who ran his personal best of two hours, five minutes and 43 seconds when finishing fourth at the 2017 Amsterdam Marathon, believes a good show in Tokyo should set a good stage for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Former world marathon record holder Wilson Kipsang holds the course record time of 2:03:58 set in 2017.

Another fast time on the course was set last year by Ethiopian Birhanu Legese, who won the race in 2:04:48.

“I am expecting a pretty fast race with a possibility of the field breaking the 2:03 barrier,” said Kipruto, who is determined to finish in a better podium place than in 2018 when he settled third in 2:06:33, a race won by compatriot Dickson Chumba in 2:05:30.

“I have really trained well since claiming bronze at the World Championships last year and I feel ready to battle,” explained Kipruto, who has been training in Kapsabet with the 2Running team under Italian coach Claudio Berardelli.

I know the field will go at a great pace but my plan is to beat my personal best for a possible victory.

It will be his third World Marathon Majors race, having finished third at 2018 Tokyo before chalking a second place finish at 2018 Berlin Marathon where compatriot Eliud Kipchoge set a new world marathon record of 2:01:39. Kipruto returned a time of 2:06:23 with Kipsang wrapping up the podium place in 2:06:48.

(02/27/2020) ⚡AMP
Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo Marathon

The Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon sporting event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors. Sponsored by Tokyo Metro, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual event in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World...


American Olympian and US. Army veteran Paul Chelimo is scheduled to be the guest speaker for the 24rd Air Force Marathon

Paul Chelimo was the 2016 Olympic silver medalist at 5000 meters in Rio and the 2017 World Championship bronze medalist at 5000 meters.

He is training for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo in August, with the 5K Olympic Trials coming up June 19-28 in Eugene, Oregon.

“We are honored and humbled to have not simply one of the world’s best runners join us at the 24th Air Force Marathon, but for him to be a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces means so much to our entire team, our volunteers, our participants and this entire community,” said Brandon Hough, Air Force Marathon director.

Born in Iten, Kenya, Chelimo moved to the United States on a running scholarship in 2010. After graduating from the University of North Carolina majoring in public health, he joined the Army’s World Class Athlete Program.

“I want to talk about the grit and the grind that comes from running and training,” Chelimo said. “I want to motivate the beginners and those who are regular runners and impart how to run a really fast 5K. I want those who listen to my story to learn what it takes to be a successful runner and how to prevent injuries.”

Chemilo will speak at the Breakfast of Champions and the Gourmet Pasta dinner on Sept. 18.

The Air Force Marathon, presented by Northrop Grumman, USAA and Boeing, is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020.

(02/27/2020) ⚡AMP
Air Force Marathon

Air Force Marathon

The first official marathon was held on September 20, 1997, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Air Force, and is held the third Saturday in September each year. 2023 marks the 27th year and is set forSeptember 16th, 2023. To commemorate our rich history in flight, each year one aircraft is chosen to be highlighted during the marathon and on...


Galen Rupp and Jared Ward, who placed first and third at the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials – Marathon lead the way Saturday, headlining a deep and talented men’s field that brings together the best of the best

The U.S. Olympic Team Trials – Marathon are the second stop on the 2020 USATF Running Circuit. The top three finishers Saturday will represent the United States as the Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer. Fans can tune-in for the live broadcast beginning at 12:00pm ET on NBC or NBC Sports Gold, with the men’s race beginning at 12:08pm ET and the women’s race starting at 12:20pm ET. 

While Rupp had to drop out of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon in October, he still enters Saturday’s race as the prohibitive favorite. Rupp ran the top qualifying mark at the Prague Marathon in 2018, finishing in 2:06:07, while earning fifth at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon that fall in 2:06:21. In addition to earning bronze in the marathon at the Olympic Games in Rio, finishing second at the Boston Marathon in 2017 and winning in Chicago in 2017, Rupp has unmatched big-race experience against the field.

The Portland-based runner recently ran a tune-up half marathon in Arizona, finishing in 1:01:19, proving he’s in excellent shape. Not to be outdone, Ward also has some impressive finishes to his name after finishing third in Los Angeles four years ago.

The Utah-based standout placed sixth at the Olympic Games in Rio and has consistently shown his ability to finish well up the results at major events. 

Ward ran to an eighth-place effort at the Boston Marathon last spring, finishing in 2:09:25, while earning top American status at the TCS New York City Marathon in November with a sixth-place effort. Recently running 1:01:36 at the Aramco Houston Half Marathon and finishing as the top American gives Ward plenty of momentum heading into Atlanta. On paper, Leonard Korir is the next top challenger.

While Korir has only run one marathon, it was a great performance. At the Amsterdam Marathon last fall, Korir ran the second fastest qualifying mark of Saturday’s field, placing 11th overall in 2:07:56, making him the top American performer over the distance in 2019. Along with his success on the USATF Running Circuit, as well as on the track, Korir certainly has the ability to push for the win. Next up is Scott Fauble.

The HOKA ONE ONE Northern Arizona Elite star has proven himself time and time again the past two years, quickly rising the ranks of American marathoning. Fauble placed seventh at the TCS New York City Marathon in 2018, finishing only four seconds behind Ward, while placing as the top American at the Boston Marathon in 2019 in 2:09:08, while beating Ward. 

The trio of Jacob Riley, Jerrell Mock and Parker Stinson are also prime to put themselves in contention over the final miles, pushing for a spot on the Olympic team. The trio finished ninth, tenth and eleventh at the 2019 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Riley has the most experience of the group and his 2:10:53 effort in Chicago rank him as one of the top five fastest in the field Saturday.

Two other notable top contenders are Elkanah Kibet and Shadrack Biwott. Kibet has quietly become one of America’s best marathoners, having placed 11th at the Boston Marathon in 2019 and eighth at the 2018 Boston Marathon. Owning a personal best of 2:11:51, he ranks well in Saturday’s field.

The trio of Matt Llano, Andrew Bumbalough and Chris Derrick are also looking to make an Olympic-sized result Saturday. Bumbalough enters with a 2:10:56 best coming at the 2019 Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

Another trio of incredibly experienced veterans are also entered and will be looking to make one more push for an Olympic berth. Bernard Lagat, Abdi Abdirahman and Dathan Ritzenhein are all American distance running legends. Each has qualified for at least three Olympics and represented the United States extremely well on the world stage.

(02/26/2020) ⚡AMP
by Scott Bush
2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

2024 US Olympic Trials Marathon

Most countries around the world use a selection committee to choose their Olympic Team Members, but not the USA. Prior to 1968, a series of races were used to select the USA Olympic Marathon team, but beginning in 1968 the format was changed to a single race on a single day with the top three finishers selected to be part...


Bermuda´s runner, Sean Trott will test himself against world’s best at the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in Gdynia, Poland

Sean Trott will compete in a maximum field of 20,000 runners from 61 countries at the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in Gdynia, Poland, on March 29.

Trott will be Bermuda’s only representative at the event, which is limited to 20,000 participants.

“This is big opportunity; definitely a race that I have heard about for a while,” Trott said.

“It’s one of those races I’d hoped to go to before my career was over. When I was presented with the opportunity, I jumped on it.

“Apparently, they are hosting two races side by side, the actual championship race and a mass participation race where anybody can enter. Each country was able to put forward, I believe, a maximum of three athletes who could represent them in the championship race.

“I’ll try not to be too star-struck when I see some of those runners who I have looked up to over the years standing next to me.”

Bermuda had hoped to have more runners compete at the event. Donna Raynor, the Bermuda National Athletics Association president, said: “We sent out invites to a few athletes who were unavailable to compete, but Sean was available and very excited to represent Bermuda in this event. This is the first time we have sent someone to this event and we are pleased that we can provide Sean with this opportunity.”

Nathan Armstrong had two first-place finishes in the three events in which he competed in the group 1 NJ State Sectionals at Bennett Indoor Athletic Complete last weekend.

Armstrong won the 1,600 meters in a time of 4min 29.02sec and first in the 3,200 meters in 9:52.12. He was also fourth in the 800, clocking a time of 2:04.97.

Meanwhile, Tiara DeRosa won the shot with a throw of 14.61 at the SWAC Indoor Championships in Birmingham, Alabama, representing the Mississippi Valley State University.

DeRosa was also sixth in the weight throw, breaking her own Bermuda record of 14.89, which she set 12 months ago, with a throw of 16.56.

(02/26/2020) ⚡AMP
by Lawrence Trott
World Half Marathon Championships

World Half Marathon Championships

The Chinese city of Yangzhou will host the 2022 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships. China, one of the fastest-growing markets in road running, had 24 World Athletics Label road races in 2019, more than any other country. It hosted the World Half Marathon Championships in 2010 in Nanning and will stage the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Nanjing in 2021. ...


Brigid Kosgei's 2:14:04 world marathon record has been ratified

Brigid Kosgei, who celebrated her 26th birthday on 20 February, shattered the previous mark at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on 13 October, slicing a massive 81 seconds from the 2:15:25 record Paul Radcliffe set in 2003 - when Kosgei was just nine years old.

The Kenyan's world record ambitions were clear from the outset. Opening with a blistering 15:28 first 5km, she settled into an unprecedented rhythm that quickly turned her run into a race against Radcliffe's long-standing record. Reaching 10km in 31:28, she churned out subsequent five-kilometer segments of 15:58 and 16:01 to reach the midway point in 1:06:59, itself a world-class time for the half marathon which put her on schedule for an astonishing 2:14:00 performance.

She forged on with 16:06, 15:45 and 15:56 five-kilometer splits, putting her on pace to finish more than a minute inside of Radcliffe's record after 35km. Looking remarkably comfortable, she powered on alone after her male pacers drifted away near the 40km mark, and, realizing the enormity of what she was about to achieve, ran with a smile on her face over the race's waning stages. 

“When I crossed the line it was really amazing. I was not expecting to break the world record," said Kosgei, who successfully defended her Chicago title.

“I was well prepared for the race, and at the starting point I knew it maybe would be a record - or not, so long as I would be near to a record. But I was not expecting it.

“But when I got to 15 kilometers I realized I was at the record pace. And then for me it was a matter of perseverance, and then I could become the world record holder.”

(02/26/2020) ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Bank of America Chicago

Bank of America Chicago

Running the Bank of America Chicago Marathon is the pinnacle of achievement for elite athletes and everyday runners alike. On race day, runners from all 50 states and more than 100 countries will set out to accomplish a personal dream by reaching the finish line in Grant Park. The Bank of America Chicago Marathon is known for its flat and...


Study finds more women blood doping than men in endurance track events

The biological passport was introduced to elite track and field in 2011 to catch cheaters by monitoring changes in their blood samples (which can catch blood doping). Blood doping is the practice of boosting red blood cells for improved athletic performance. 

A research article in Frontiers in Physiology looked at a total of 3,683 blood samples from the 2011 and 2013 World Championships and analyzed the data on athletes from 209 countries. The study’s findings are shocking, and show that while some countries are playing by the rules, other aren’t.

More women than men were found to have blood doped at the 2011 World Championships. They found 22 per cent of dopers were female and 15 per cent were male.

There wasn’t much of a change in blood doping prevalence from 2011 to 2013. Researchers found an overall blood doping prevalence of 18 per cent in 2011 and 15 per cent in 2013 (both data sets are from the World Championships).

Blood doping accounted for significantly fewer infractions when compared to generalized doping practices in endurance runners. While blood doping came in at an 18 per cent overall prevalence rate, doping in general was 44 per cent–a shockingly high statistic.

There are massive discrepancies between countries. This means that some countries are playing within the rules and others aren’t even making an effort. While the section that compared nations’ rates of doping doesn’t identify these countries by name, it’s clear that elite sport is far from a level playing field. Some nations had a completely clean card, with none of their athletes showing blood doping on their biological passport, while other countries were hitting numbers as high at 74 per cent showing infractions.

This was the first study of its kind on blood doping and will hopefully help NSOs (national sporting organizations) and anti-doping agencies catch and prevent future cheaters.

(02/26/2020) ⚡AMP
by Madeleine Kelly

Japanese Emperor Naruhito is excited for 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games despite coronavirus concern

Japanese Emperor Naruhito, who turns 60, has spoken of his excitement for Tokyo 2020 as well as his the "concern" caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

At a news conference to mark his birthday, Naruhito spoke of his memories of attending the 1964 Summer Olympic Games, which were also held in Tokyo.

"At the Closing Ceremony, the athletes didn’t march in all their separate countries’ teams but all together, and in such good humor," he said, according to Reuters.

"That could be the basis of my unchanging and long-held, earnest hope for world peace."

Those Games took place less than 20 years after the end of Second World War and were important in normalizing Japan's international relations. 

Naruhito was four when the Japanese capital hosted the Olympics for the first time.

"I hope this Olympics and Paralympics will deepen understanding of other people in the world and the preciousness of peace - especially among young people," the Emperor added.

He also spoke of the coronavirus outbreak, which has now claimed more than 2,450 lives worldwide.

Almost 80,000 people are infected, including 780 in Japan, many of whom were on a cruise ship.

"This new coronavirus is a concern," Narihito commented. "I would like to send my sympathies to those who are infected and their families. "At the same time, my thoughts are with the efforts of those who are treating them and working hard to prevent the spread of the infection. 

"I hope their efforts will bear fruit soon." Numerous sporting events have been postponed, canceled or rescheduled - including some Tokyo 2020 test events and qualifiers - because of the outbreak.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission chairman John Coates said this week that he was "very satisfied" with steps taken to ensure Tokyo 2020 will be safe to attend, while the IOC was previously told by the World Health Organization that there was "no case" for moving the Games.

(02/26/2020) ⚡AMP
by Ali Iveson
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Fifty-six years after having organized the Olympic Games, the Japanese capital will be hosting a Summer edition for the second time, originally scheduled from July 24 to August 9, 2020, the games were postponed due to coronavirus outbreak, the postponed Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8 in 2021, according to the International Olympic Committee decision. ...


Mayor of Jerusalem, announced on Monday that new immigrants to Israel will be able to run for free the Jerusalem Winter Marathon

Those that immigrated within the last year are invited to run without paying fees. To the new immigrants- I am proud and excited to host you in the Jerusalem Marathon.

Moshe Lion, mayor of Jerusalem, announced on Monday that new immigrants to Israel will be able to run for free in the Jerusalem Winter Marathon. The move was made to encourage more immigrants to participate in the largest sporting event in Israel. 

"Participants are running together in the Jerusalem Marathon, all of Israel, including the new immigrants. Those that immigrated within the last year are invited to run without paying fees. To the new immigrants- I am proud and excited to host you in the Jerusalem Marathon." said Lion. 

Immigrants that immigrated to the country between January 1, 2019, and March 20, 2020 will be able to register and run for free. 

Registration for the 2020 winter marathon will end on March 14, with six different kinds of options for the participants to chose from. Options include a full marathon (42.2 km), a half-marathon (21.1 km) a 10 km race, 5 km race, a family marathon (1.7 km), and a community marathon (800 m). The race itself is scheduled to take place on March 2.

The community marathon in the past was held to accommodate participants with special needs, and for raising awareness for social issues.

Last year many runners joined packs of advocacy groups and associations championing new research and programs combating these social issues in Jerusalem. Social advocacy groups such as Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities took part.

The international World Bnei Akiva movement also participated and brought some 300 members and alumni to "join together from countries around the world to run the Jerusalem Marathon along with terror victims and IDF soldiers."

(02/25/2020) ⚡AMP
by Celia Jean
Jerusalem Marathon

Jerusalem Marathon

First held in 2011, the Jerusalem International Winner Marathon has become a major event with 30,000 participants, of which hundreds are elite competitors and runners from abroad. The course was especially selected to recount Jerusalem's 3,000-year historical narrative since the beginning of its existence. The race challenges runners while exposing them to magnificent views, exquisite landscapes and fascinating historical sites...


A record-breaking number of applicants have entered to run the 20th Annual 2020 TCS New York City Marathon

A record-breaking number of applicants have entered to run the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon in the 50th anniversary edition of the most anticipated and iconic annual mass sporting events in New York City and the largest marathon in the world.  This year’s race, set for Sunday, November 1, will feature the sport’s top professional athletes along with runners of all ages and abilities from countries around the globe.

New York Road Runners (NYRR), the world’s premier community running organization, has organized the race since it began in 1970 as a four-lap race in Central Park. One hundred twenty-seven runners started that first race and 55 finished. Fifty years later, over 1.2 million runners have crossed the race’s legendary finish line. Last year’s field featured the world’s largest marathon with 53,640 finishers. 

“We are extremely proud to celebrate 50 years of this amazing event that’s meant so much to so many in New York City and around the world,” said Michael Capiraso, president and CEO of New York Road Runners.  “This year’s TCS New York City Marathon will be extra special for all the runners and supporters who will represent the millions who have helped create one of the most historic sporting events of all time.” 

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the race, NYRR provides runners with various opportunities to gain entry. Each year thousands of runners earn an entry though a range of methods (Entry methods link).  Others apply to gain a spot through the entry drawing, which has been taking place since 1980. This year’s marathon drawing will be the largest ever, with approximately 185,000 applications, which is 50% higher than in 2019.

Approximately 4,200 runners will be accepted through the drawing. Applications were received during a two-week open registration period from January 30 to February 13, as well as a special application held during the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon. Applicants who were not among the 50 runners selected in the special application were automatically entered into this drawing. 

Guaranteed entry claims were also the highest in history, increasing by 20% over the 2019 total.  The most popular forms of guaranteed entry featured a series of NYRR initiatives including the 9+1 program, which was the most popular form of guaranteed entry and saw a 21% jump from 2019.  Runners qualifying on time at an NYRR marathon or half marathon in 2019 saw a 42% rise in entries.

Other guaranteed entrants include participants in NYRR virtual racing, runners who have completed 15 or more New York City Marathons, and entrants who officially canceled their entry to the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon. 

Runners who do not gain entry through the drawing or a guaranteed method can still participate in this celebratory event by running for a charity or registering through an international tour operator. The TCS New York City Marathon provides an incredible platform for charities to fundraise. The NYRR Official Charity Partner Program raises millions of dollars annually and includes more than 450 nonprofit organizations with the aim to support their missions and services. Participating charities can offer guaranteed entry to runners who fundraise on their behalf. Among the charities, NYRR Team for Kids is the TCS New York City Marathon’s largest charity and raises funds for NYRR’s free youth running programs.

In honor of the 50th anniversary, the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon will be recognized in a year-long celebration showcasing the marathon’s history and the impact it has had on New York City and millions of people around the world. Approximately 53,000 runners are expected to take part in this historic and memorable race.

(02/25/2020) ⚡AMP
TCS  New York City Marathon

TCS New York City Marathon

The first New York City Marathon, organized in 1970 by Fred Lebow and Vince Chiappetta, was held entirely in Central Park. Of 127 entrants, only 55 men finished; the sole female entrant dropped out due to illness. Winners were given inexpensive wristwatches and recycled baseball and bowling trophies. The entry fee was $1 and the total event budget...

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