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Sheila Chelangat surprises and Hicham Amghar wins in Istanbul

Sheila Chelangat was the surprise winner of the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon. The Kenyan smashed her personal best and clocked a fine 66:47 despite rainy weather conditions and slippery roads. Fellow-Kenyan and debutant Miriam Chebet took second with 67:14 while Ethiopia’s Zewditu Aderaw was third in 68:17. The women’s race had a very good depth with eight runners finishing inside 69:00. Hicham Amghar of Marocco, who was runner-up a year ago, won the men’s race with a personal best of 59:47. Dinkalem Ayele was second in 59:55 while fellow-Ethiopian Gemechu Bute took third with 60:03. 

A record number of 14,200 runners entered the 19th edition of the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon, a World Athletics Gold Label Road Race. This includes athletes who competed in a 10k race staged parallel.

Sheila Chelangat, who was the tenth fastest woman on the start list with a personal best of 69:38, took the lead relatively early in the race. The 26 year-old Kenyan ran behind a pacemaker when she moved clear between 7 and 10 k. Despite the poor weather conditions she was able to keep the pace high and was so strong that she was never challenged. “I am really happy with my performance and the victory. However the weather was poor and the roads were slippery,“ said Sheila Chelangat, who achieved her biggest career victory so far in Istanbul. “I am not yet planning a marathon debut,“ said the Kenyan, who only ran her half marathon debut last month in Lille, where she was second. 

Competing for second place Miriam Chebet and Zewditu Aderaw were battling between 10 and 13k. Then Kenya’s debutant Chebet was able to move away from the Ethiopian. Running her debut half marathon in Istanbul the former European 5,000 m Meraf Bahta finished in 16th position with 72:51. The Swede was the best European in the race, but missed the qualifying standard for the continental championships in Rome in June by over a minute.

In the men’s race a bigger leading group passed the 10k mark in 28:39. In-form Dinkalem Ayele was among the leaders, along with Hicham Amghar and Gemechu Bute. Ayele was the winner of the Lisbon Half Marathon this spring, but in the final stages the Ethiopian could not get passed Amghar. The runner from Marocco was in the lead after 17k with Ayele and Bute close behind. Finishing runner-up and beaten by just six seconds a year ago this time Amghar made sure he is the number one. With 59:47 he was eight seconds ahead and improved his PB from 2023 by six seconds. 

“Despite the weather I was able to run a personal best, so I am very happy. It was better to have rain instead of wind,“ said the 29 year-old winner, who celebrated one of his best career performances. “I may well return to Istanbul in November for my marathon debut. I really like the way the organisers take care of the elite runners here,“ said Hicham Amghar.

While Ethiopia’s pre-race favorite Solomon Berihu did not finish, Canada’s Cameron Levins was the fastest non-African runner in eighth place. He clocked a fine 60:38, missing his national record by just 20 seconds. Further down the results list there was a national record for the Virgin Islands: Eduardo Garcia ran 63:53 for 29th place. 

The reigning European half marathon champion Tadesse Abraham of Switzerland finished in 24th position with 63:18. “It was a good race, but mentally I am not well,“ said Tadesse Abraham, who still has to come to terms with with loss of his fellow-Swiss marathon runner Adrian Lehmann, who died after a heart attack just eight days ago. “I came to Istanbul to run and get this a bit out of my head. Taking this into account I am satisfied with my performance today.“


1. Hicham Amghar         MAR 59:47

2. Dinkalem Ayele             ETH 59:55

3. Gemechu Bute             ETH   60:03

4. Antony Kimtai               KEN     60:16

5. Benard Bitwott               KEN     60:18

6. Solomon Kipchoge         KEN     60:19

7. Mathew Samperu         KEN      60:27

8. Cameron Levins           CAN     60:38

9. James Kipkoech     KEN       60:43

10. Edward Pingua     KEN     61:08


1. Sheila Chelangat           KEN 66:47

2. Miriam Chebet               KEN 67:14

3. Zewditu Aderaw           ETH 68:17

4. Betelihem Afenigus       ETH 68:33

5. Ftaw Zeray                     ETH 68:39

6. Betty Kibet   KEN 68:39

7. Gladys Chepkurui           KEN 68:50

8. Aberash Shilima           ETH 68:52

9. Ruth Jebet                   BRN 69:10

10. Meseret Dinke             ETH 69:53

(04/28/2024) Views: 465 ⚡AMP
Istanbul Half Marathon

Istanbul Half Marathon

WE ARE RUNNING A HALF MARATHON ON THE WORLD’S FASTEST RACE COURSE! The Historical Peninsula race course, home to 8,000 years of history, is enthusiastically run every year accompanied by the unique beauty of Istanbul! This unique Istanbul Half Marathon race course, which holds Türkiye’s first athletics record with the Women’s World Half Marathon record in 2021 and ranks first...


Berihu, Ayele and Zeray ready for fast racing in Istanbul on Sunday April 28

Solomon Berihu of Ethiopia and Kenya’s Gladys Chepkurui head a very strong field of elite runners at the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon on Sunday. They feature personal bests of 59:17 and 65:46 respectively. The men’s field is really impressive since eight runners have already broken the one hour mark and another nine feature personal bests of sub 61:00.

There are seven women with sub 68:00 PBs and an additional three have run under 70:00. A couple of European runners will try to achieve the qualifying times for the European Championships in Rome in June. Among them are Turkey’s record holder Ali Kaya, who will start a comeback, and Sweden’s debutant Meraf Bahta. The required times stand at 61:40 and 70:30 for men and women respectively.

Organisers of the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon, which is a Gold Label Road Race of World Athletics, have registered a record number of 14,200 runners. This includes a 10k race staged parallel on Sunday. Turkey’s number one road race is one of the world’s major half marathons and has a world record course. Three years ago Kenya’s Ruth Chepngetich broke the global mark in Istanbul with 64:02. While the world record has been improved since the course record still stands and will likely remain in place on Sunday. 

However there could still be another very fast time from the women’s winner on Sunday. With a personal best of 66:04 Ftaw Zeray is the second fastest on the start list behind Gladys Chepkurui. It was three weeks ago when the 26 year-old ran her first race of the year and finished runner-up in the Berlin Half Marathon. In very difficult conditions with temperatures well over 20 Celsius she still ran 67:22. “I have well recovered from the race in Berlin. I feel I can run a personal best on Sunday,“ said Ftaw Zeray, who was sixth in the World Half Marathon Championships last year. 

With regard to the weather forecast high temperatures will not be a problem for Ftaw Zeray on Sunday in Istanbul. But with six other women who have already run sub 68:00 the challenge is likely to be tougher than in the German capital. While Gladys Chepkurui missed her flight to Istanbul and will now arrive half a day later, she will hardly be delayed when it comes to racing fast. The Kenyan clocked her 65:46 PB in Barcelona a year ago and has run sub 70:00 eleven times.

Ethiopians Betelihem Afenigus and Aberash Shilima are the next fastest on the entry list with PBs of 66:46 and 67:26 respectively. However a debutant could also be in the mix for a place on the podium: Just 21 years old Miriam Chebet showed great form and consistency this year with three sub 31:00 times at 10k. When she won the race in Ibiza, Spain, in January she clocked a fine PB of 30:40.

Another promising debutant is Sweden’s Meraf Bahta. The European 5,000 m champion from 2014 is a late entry to the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon. The 34 year-old is the Swedish 10k record holder with a 31:22 PB from 2022. The former Eritrean could qualify for the European Championships if she runs 70:30 or faster in her debut. Due to an injury Italy’s Giovanna Epis had to withdraw from the race in Istanbul.

Solomon Berihu is the fastest runner on the start list with his PB of 59:17. He ran this time back in 2019 in New Delhi and has not raced for almost a year. “I had an injury that kept me away from training. Now, I am feeling better and I am back in shape,“ explained the 24 year-old Ethiopian, who hopes to come back with a bang on Sunday. “My first goal is to win the race, but I am also hoping to run 59:30 or even faster.“ The Istanbul course record stands at 59:15.

Another Ethiopian is among the hot favourites: Dinkalem Ayele has shown great form this year when he improved to 59:30 in Barcelona and then won the Lisbon Half Marathon in very warm conditions with 60:36. “I am in good form and confident that I can go close to 59 minutes if weather conditions are suitable,“ said 23 year-old Dinkalem Ayele.

Solomon Kipchoge will probably be among the athletes who will challenge the two Ethiopians. The Kenyan, who improved his half marathon PB by almost two and a half minutes last year when he ran 59:37 in Lille, chose to come to Istanbul because of the fast course. “I will not start the race with a certain time or placing in mind. It depends on how my body will feel during the race. But I will try to improve my PB,“ said Solomon Kipchoge, who has the same surname as the double Olympic Champion Eliud Kipchoge. “I have no connection to Eliud, I am often asked about this outside Kenya. I am happy to be asked, because Eliud is a legend.“

Having not race since 2020 Ali Kaya surprised the organisers when he asked them to include him on the start list for a comeback race. The 30 year-old former Kenyan, who competed for Turkey since 2013, is a former winner of the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon. When he took the race in 2016 he established a national record of 60:16 that still stands today. The 61:40 qualifying time for the European Championships could be a goal for Ali Kaya. Spaniard Juan Antonio Perez, who has a PB of 60:58, will probably also target this time.

Elite runners and personal bests


Solomon Berihu ETH 59:17

Edmond Kipngetich KEN 59:25

Dinkalem Ayele ETH 59:30

Solomon Kipchoge KEN 59:37

Benard Biwott KEN 59:44

Antony Kimtai KEN 59:45

Tadesse Abraham SUI 59:53

Hicham Amghar MAR 59:53

Hillary Kipchumba KEN 60:01

Abraham Kipyatich KEN 60:03

Gemechu Bute ETH 60:12

Ali Kaya TUR 60:16

Cameron Levins CAN 60:18

Vincent Mutai KEN 60:20

Edward Pingua KEN 60:44

Benard Sang KEN 60:57

Juan Antonio Perez ESP 60:58

Albert Rop BRN 61:05

Mathew Samperu KEN 61:06

Tegegn Tamerat ETH 61:15

Ashenafi Moges ETH 61:22


Gladys Chepkurui KEN 65:46

Ftaw Zeray ETH 66:04

Betelihem Afenigus ETH 66:46

Aberash Shilima ETH 67:26

Anchinalu Dessie ETH 67:30

Zewditu Aderaw ETH 67:44

Betty Kibet KEN 67:44

Ruth Jebet BRN 68:22

Zinashwork Yenew ETH 69:16

Sheila Chelangat KEN 69:38

Meseret Dinke ETH 70:39

Amina Bettiche ALG 71:38

Miriam Chebet KEN Debut

Meraf Bahta SWE Debut

(04/26/2024) Views: 477 ⚡AMP
Istanbul Half Marathon

Istanbul Half Marathon

WE ARE RUNNING A HALF MARATHON ON THE WORLD’S FASTEST RACE COURSE! The Historical Peninsula race course, home to 8,000 years of history, is enthusiastically run every year accompanied by the unique beauty of Istanbul! This unique Istanbul Half Marathon race course, which holds Türkiye’s first athletics record with the Women’s World Half Marathon record in 2021 and ranks first...


Berihu and Chepkurui head Istanbul elite fields

With fast races and deep elite fields the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon has in recent years established itself among the world’s most prestigious races at the distance.

It looks certain that this pattern will be continued when the 19th edition takes place on 28th April. The current elite start list features 18 runners who have personal bests faster than 1:01:00 and nine women who have already run faster than 1:08:00. There are only very few other half marathons in the world who can match such an impressive depth. Ethiopia’s Solomon Berihu is currently the fastest athlete on the list with a PB of 59:17 while Gladys Chepkurui of Kenya heads the women’s field with 1:05:46.

In total around 16,000 runners are expected to compete in the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon, including a 10k race staged parallel on 28th April. Turkey’s number one road race features a Gold Label of World Athletics, reflecting the high standards of the event. Registration for the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon is still possible at:

“The Türkiye İş Bankası İstanbul Half Marathon stands out with its historic route. It is also one of just a smaller number of races in the Gold Label category worldwide“, said Race Director Renay Onur. “Our race is a special event that brings together both internationally renowned athletes and talented newcomers. This year, elite athletes from many different countries will take part. Despite a month remaining until the deadline, the registration record has already been broken and we expect to have 16,000 athletes.”

With his personal best of 59:17 Solomon Berihu is just two seconds slower than Istanbul’s course record, set by Kenya’s Rodgers Kwemoi two years ago in windy conditions. It remains to be seen if the 59:15 record will be challenged next month. While Berihu is the fastest on paper a fellow Ethiopian has lately shown very good form: Dinkalem Ayele clocked a personal best of 59:30 for fourth place in Barcelona earlier this year. He then went on to take the prestigious Lisbon Half Marathon this month. Running in very warm conditions and without a pacemaker for much of the distance his winning time of 1:00:36 would most likely have been much faster in different circumstances.

23 year-old Ayele is the third fastest on the start list behind Berihu and Edmond Kipngetich. The Kenyan clocked 59:25 in Copenhagen two years ago. He has consistently run fine half marathon times, clocking times below 60:00 four times in the past three years. A runner from Kenya with a prominent name could be in for a surprise: Solomon Kipchoge (who is not related to the double Olympic champion Eliud Kipchoge) must still be regarded as a newcomer despite being already 27. He first raced in Europe in 2022, when he clocked 1:02:00 in Italy’s Trento Half Marathon. Last year Kipchoge improved significantly when he finished fifth in Lille with 59:37.

Cameron Levins might well try to challenge the African favorites. A year ago he broke the Canadian half marathon record when he won the race in Vancouver with 1:00:18. The Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon will be his first major race in a year, when Levins will compete in the Olympic marathon in Paris.

In the women’s field the fastest runner on the start list has shown great consistency in the half marathon: Gladys Chepkurui clocked her personal best of 1:05:46 in Barcelona last year, when she was fourth in a fast race. The 29-year-old has already run the half marathon under 70:00 on eleven occasions. Last year she competed at eight races over her favorite distance, winning three of them and finishing runner-up three times. Gladys Chepkurui already showed fine form this year as well, when she was third in Barcelona and second in New York with 1:06:34 and 1:09:27 respectively.

Ftaw Zeray is another athlete whose focus is very much on the half marathon. 2023 was her best year so far. The Ethiopian took third in the competitive Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon in the United Arab Emirates with 1:06:04, which remains her personal best. Zeray then was sixth in the World Half Marathon Championships in Riga, Latvia. This performance suggests that the 26 year-old should be able to improve her personal best.

Sheila Chelangat is an athlete who has just run her half marathon debut. The Kenyan was runner-up in Lille this March with 1:09:38. She has been a good track runner, featuring a fine PB of 14:40.51 in the 5,000 m. After a solid debut in Lille there is more to come from her.

Italy’s Giovana Epis is an experienced marathon runner, who was 12th at the World Championships in Budapest last year and has fine PB of 2:23:46. In the half marathon she has not yet broken 1:10:00 which she should be well capable of. Epis’ personal best stands at 1:10:15 and she is the leading European entrant of the Türkiye Is Bankasi Istanbul Half Marathon.

(03/26/2024) Views: 315 ⚡AMP
N Kolay Istanbul Half Marathon

N Kolay Istanbul Half Marathon

The Istanbul Half Marathon is an annual road running event over the half marathon distance (21.1 km) that takes place usually in the spring on the streets of Istanbul, Turkey. It is a IAAF Gold Label event. The Istanbul Half Marathon was first organized in 1987. After several breaks it was finally brought back to life in 2015 when the...


Brigid Kosgei sets lofty ambitions at Lisbon Half Marathon as big bonus awaits

Kenya’s Brigid Kosgei is keen to make history at the Lisbon Half Marathon on Sunday as she seeks to use the race to tune up for next month’s London Marathon.

Kenya’s Brigid Kosgei is keen to break her half marathon personal best during the Lisbon Half Marathon on Sunday.

The former marathon world record holder is using the Lisbon Half Marathon to gauge her level of preparedness for the London Marathon set to take place on April 21 and she feels she can lower her half marathon personal best of 1:04:49.

"I'm really happy to be here again. I wanted to run this race because I want to test my speed for London Marathon in April,” Kosgei said on Friday.

“I come here to see how my body respond. I'm feeling good, I'm happy, did a good preparation. The course is very fast and I hope to have a good race on Sunday. If the weather is good, I will try to break my personal best in half marathon.”

The 30-year-old is no stranger to the Portuguese capital having won the 2016 Lisbon Marathon but she will come up against a stellar field on Sunday, in want has been termed the fastest half marathon in the world.

Seeking to upstage her is compatriot Vivian Cheruiyot, the 2018 London Marathon champion, whose last race was the Valencia Marathon in 2019 when she finished fourth.

There are also Kenyans Betty Chepkemoi, Pauline Esikom and Vivian Melly, Ethiopia’s Bosena Mulatie, fourth at the 2023 Istanbul Half Marathon and Senayet Getachew, the 2023 Junior World Cross-Country champion, who will be keen to upstage her.

The men’s field has attracted 10 athletes with the best marks under one hour. Abraham Kiptum will be returning and he is the biggest highlight, with a personal best of 59.09.

He will face a stern test from Ethiopians Solomon Berihu (59.17) and Dinkalem Ayele (59.30), but also compatriots Brian Kwemoi and Bravin Kipkogei Kiptoo (both with 59.37).

American Leonard Korir, third in the last month's US Olympic Marathon Trials, will also be in the race.

Korir achieved the needed spot in the podium, but not the time to guarantee the place in Paris. That's why he chose Lisbon to try to run a fast time, and maybe break the American record (59:43).

"I heard so many good things about the race, I heard that it's super fast. There were some guys that run fast here, like Jacob Kiplimo. I wanted to run something faster, and I told myself 'let me try to go to Lisbon',” said Korir.

“I heard the organisation is very good, the course is very nice. I just want to see if I can run a quick time, to see how my body feels before running a marathon in the near future,” added the 37-year-old American.

Lisbon Half Marathon oragnisers have set aside a €150,000 (Ksh22,044,775) bonus for new world records with the times to beat being 57:31 set by Ugandan Jacob Kiplimo, at this same race in 2021, and 1:02:54 by Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey in Valencia.

(03/16/2024) Views: 372 ⚡AMP
by Joel Omotto


EDP Lisbon Half Marathonis an annual internationalhalf marathoncompetition which is contested every March inLisbon,Portugal. It carries World Athletics Gold Label Road Racestatus. The men's course record of 57:31 was set byJacob Kiplimoin 2021, which was the world record at the time. Kenyanrunners have been very successful in the competition, accounting for over half of the total winners, withTegla Loroupetaking the...


Brigid Kosgei fine tuning for London Marathon at Lisbon Half Marathon

Former world marathon record holder Brigid Kosgei will be keen to gauge her form at the Lisbon Half Marathon ahead of her return to the London Marathon.

Former world marathon record holder Brigid Kosgei is the star attraction for the Lisbon Half Marathon, where she intends to have a great build-up for the London Marathon.

The 30-year-old will use the 21km race scheduled for Sunday, March 17 to gauge form and pace for the marathon that takes place in the capital city of England.

In addition to Kosgei, there will be other big names in the ladies' elite in Lisbon, with six more women with personal bests under 68 minutes.

Bosena Mulatie (65.46), Tigist Menigstu (66.20), and Betty Chepkemoi Kibet (66.37) will be hoping to stop Kosgei who suffered an injury last season and was forced to withdraw from the London Marathon.

Pauline Esikon (67.15), Vivian Melly (67.35) and Zewditu Aderaw Gelaw (67.25) are the other highlights beyond Kosgei.

The men’s field has attracted 10 athletes with the best marks under the hour. Abraham Kiptum will be returning and he is the biggest highlight, with a personal best of 59.09.

He will face a stern test from Ethiopians Solomon Berihu (59.17) and Dinkalem Ayele (59.30), but also compatriots Brian Kwemoi and Bravin Kipkogei Kiptoo (both with 59.37).

Meanwhile, several European athletes like the Norwegian Sondre Nordstad Moen (59.48), the Germans Amanal Petros (60.09) and Hendrik Pfeiffer (62.05), the Irish Stephen Scullion (61.08), Hélio Gomes and Rui Pinto have also confirmed participation. Brazilian Daniel do Nascimento, with a personal record of 61.03, will also be present, in what is his first race with Nike.

(03/13/2024) Views: 364 ⚡AMP
by Abigael Wuafula


EDP Lisbon Half Marathonis an annual internationalhalf marathoncompetition which is contested every March inLisbon,Portugal. It carries World Athletics Gold Label Road Racestatus. The men's course record of 57:31 was set byJacob Kiplimoin 2021, which was the world record at the time. Kenyanrunners have been very successful in the competition, accounting for over half of the total winners, withTegla Loroupetaking the...


World half marathon bronze medalist Yalemzerf Yehualaw breaks race record at Great Ethiopian Run

Yalemzerf Yehualaw opened her 2022 season in spectacular style by claiming victory at the Total Energies Great Ethiopian Run 10km, taking 38 seconds off her own race record with 31:17.

Her winning time is the fastest 10km ever recorded at altitude, with Addis Ababa standing 2350m above sea level. Gemechu Dida won a close men's race in 28:24, just five seconds shy of the long-standing race record.

Yehualaw, who set the previous event record of 31:55 in 2019, came into the race eager to impress after having to withdraw from the Valencia 10km just two weeks ago. Today she ran a smart race, making her break from long-time leader Girmawit Gebregziabiher, the 2018 world U20 5000m bronze medalist, just past the 7.5km mark after cresting the hill near the National Palace.

At the 9km turn at Urael Church, Yehuawlaw accelerated dramatically and pulled clear of her rival, cruising to the finish line to win by 12 seconds from Gebregziabiher, who clocked 31:29. Double world U20 medalist Melknat Wedu, still just 17 years of age, finished third in 31:45.

The men’s race was much closer, with six athletes still in contention in the final 500 meters. In the end it was Dida who took a surprise victory over former Dubai Marathon champion Getaneh Molla with Boki Diriba finishing third as two seconds separated the podium finishers.

The highest-placed non-Ethiopian athlete was Kenya’s Cornelius Kibet Kemboi, who finished sixth in 28:39. A total of 17,600 runners finished the mass race.

Leading results


1 Yalemzerf Yehualaw (ETH) 31:17

2 Girmawit Gebrzihair (ETH) 31:29

3 Melknat Wedu (ETH) 31:45

4 Gete Alemayehu (ETH) 32:06

5 Bosena Mulate (ETH) 32:17

6 Hawi Feyisa (ETH) 32:18

7 Birtukan Wolde (ETH) 32:22

8 Anchinalu Desse (ETH) 32:38

9 Mebrat Gidey (ETH) 32:42

10 Ayenaddis Teshome (ETH) 32:49


1 Gemechu Dida (ETH) 28:24

2 Getaneh Molla (ETH) 28:25

3 Boki Diriba (ETH) 28:26

4 Moges Tuemay (ETH) 28:31

5 Getachew Masresha (ETH) 28:33

6 Cornelius Kibet Kemboi (KEN) 28:39

7 Teresa Ggnakola (ETH) 28:43

8 Solomon Berihun (ETH) 28:55

9 Ashenafi Kiros (ETH) 28:59

10 Antenayehu Dagnachew (ETH) 29:05.

(01/24/2022) Views: 1,259 ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
the Great ethiopian 10k run

the Great ethiopian 10k run

The Great Ethiopian Run is an annual 10-kilometerroad runningevent which takes place inAddis Ababa,Ethiopia. The competition was first envisioned by neighbors Ethiopian runnerHaile Gebrselassie, Peter Middlebrook and Abi Masefield in late October 2000, following Haile's return from the2000 Summer Olympics. The 10,000 entries for the first edition quickly sold out and other people unofficially joined in the race without...


Kiplimo breaks world half marathon record in Lisbon

Uganda’s Jacob Kiplimo broke the world record* at the EDP Lisbon Half Marathon on Sunday (21), clocking 57:31 at the World Athletics Label road race.

The world half marathon champion won by more than two minutes and took one second off the previous world record set by Kenya’s Kibiwott Kandie in Valencia last year.

Kiplimo, who finished third in the 10,000m and fifth in the 5000m at the Tokyo Olympics earlier this year, passed through the first 5km in 13:40, having already dropped the rest of the field.

By the time he reached 10km in 27:05, he had a lead of about one minute over the chase pack and was well on schedule to break Kandie’s world record.

Kiplimo passed through 15km in 40:27, the fastest time ever recorded for the distance and indicative of a sub-57-minute finish. With no nearby competitors to work off, Kiplimo’s pace dropped slightly in the closing stages, but he managed to just finish inside the world record, crossing the line in 57:31.

Ethiopia’s Esa Huseyidin Mohamed finished second in 59:39, just ahead of compatriot Gerba Beyata Dibaba, who was given the same time for third place. The top nine men all finished inside 60 minutes.

The women’s race was a close affair as Ethiopia’s Tsehay Gemechu won in 1:06:06 from Kenya’s Daisy Cherotich (1:06:15) and Joyce Chepkemoi (1:06:19).

Leading results

Women1 Tsehay Gemechu (ETH) 1:06:062 Daisy Cherotich (KEN) 1:06:153 Joyce Chepkemoi (KEN) 1:06:194 Hiwot Gebrekidan (ETH) 1:08:005 Vibian Chepkirui (KEN) 1:08:026 Ethlemahu Sintayehu Dessi (ETH) 1:08:167 Yitayish Mekonene Agidew (ETH) 1:08:188 Jess Piasecki (GBR) 1:09:449 Tsige Haileslase Abreha (ETH) 1:10:3110 Debash Kelali Desta (ETH) 1:11:01

Men1 Jacob Kiplimo (UGA) 57:312 Esa Huseyidin Mohamed (ETH) 59:393 Gerba Beyata Dibaba (ETH) 59:394 Hillary Kipkoech (KEN) 59:415 Ibrahim Hassan (DJI) 59:416 Milkesa Mengesha (ETH) 59:487 Antenayehu Dagnachaw (ETH) 59:488 Edmond Kipngetich (KEN) 59:499 Isaac Kipsang (KEN) 59:5210 Solomon Berihu Weldeslassie (ETH) 1:00:00

(11/21/2021) Views: 1,241 ⚡AMP
by World Athletics


EDP Lisbon Half Marathonis an annual internationalhalf marathoncompetition which is contested every March inLisbon,Portugal. It carries World Athletics Gold Label Road Racestatus. The men's course record of 57:31 was set byJacob Kiplimoin 2021, which was the world record at the time. Kenyanrunners have been very successful in the competition, accounting for over half of the total winners, withTegla Loroupetaking the...


Africa cross country silver medalist Leonard Barsoton is now eyeing New Delhi Half Marathon

Fresh from competing at the World Half Marathon in Gdynia, Poland, former Africa cross country silver medalist Leonard Barsoton is now eyeing honors in New Delhi Half Marathon.

In an interview, Barsoton said his mission in New Delhi will not only be to win the title but also to improve on his 59:09 personal best.

“I am working towards this and I am sure come the New delhi event, I will be ready,” said Barsoton.

The New Delhi race will be his third this year after finishing sixth at the Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Half Marathon and winning Kolkata 25km road race, where he lowered Ethiopia’s Kenenisa Bekele’s

“This will be my first race after World Half Marathon and I know I am capable of pulling it off,” he noted.

Barsoton, who is also the Africa Games 10,000m silver medalist, bragged that he is an all weather runner hence he is not worried of the harsh climatic conditions in New Delhi.

Barsoton will enjoy the company of fellow Kenyans  Josphat Boit (59:19) and Edwin Kiptoo (59:26).

Others in the race are Abraham Cheroben (Bahrain) and Ethiopia’s Guye Adola, Amdework Walelegn, Andamlak Belihu and Solomon Berihu.

(11/18/2020) Views: 1,506 ⚡AMP
by Emmanuel Sabuni
Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon

Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon

The Airtel Delhi Half Marathon is a haven for runners, creating an experience, that our citizens had never envisaged. The streets of Delhi converted to a world-class running track. Clean, sanitized road for 21.09 kms, exhaustive medical support system on the route, timing chip for runners, qualified personnel to ensure smooth conduct of the event across departments. The race...


2020 Delhi Half Marathon (Nov 29th) Is Loaded As Usual – 12 sub-60 men and 9 sub-70 women will compete

Race promoters Procam International are happy to announce that defending champions Andamlak Belihu and Tsehay Gemecu will return to the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon for the 16th edition of this prestigious World Athletics Gold Label Road Race on Sunday 29 November.

The Ethiopian pair will both be aiming for an unprecedented third successive victory in the Indian capital.

“I have been training well in (the Ethiopia capital) AddisAbaba for the last couple of months and I am very thankful to have the opportunity to race in Delhi, a city I always enjoy returning to and racing in,” commentedBelihu, who will turn 22 just over a week before race day.

“This has been a difficult year, for everyone around the world, not just professional athletes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and I have been training alone much more than that I am normally used to but my fifth place at the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships in Poland last month has assured me that I am in good shape and I am confident I can put up a good defence of my title,” he added.

Belihu’s compatriot Guye Adola still holds the ADHM course record with 59:06 that the latter clocked in 2014 but Belihu has gone very close in the last two years with 59:18 and a personal best 59:10 in 2018 and 2019 respectively.

He will be aiming to finally go into new territory on the streets of Delhi, perhaps even going under 59 minutes, and confirm his place as the most successful runner in ADHM history after having also placed second in his race debut in 2017.

An unprecedented 13 men in the ADHM 2020 elite field have run under the world class benchmark of one hour, and five of them have actually run faster than Belihu in their careers including Adola who returns to Delhi for the first time since his record run six years ago.

The fastest man in the field is Bahrain’s 2018 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships silver medallist Abraham Cheroben, who holds the Asian record for the distance with 58:40.

Two other men to watch will be the Ethiopian pair of Amdework Walelegn, who was second in Delhi last year and also took the bronze medal at 2020 World Athletics Half Marathon Championships last month, and 2017 and 2019 world 5000m champion Muktar Edris, who will be making his half marathon debut.

Last year, Tsehay Gemechu improved her own women’s course record from 2018 by no less 50 seconds when she ran a stunning personal best of 66:00

Ideally, Gemechu would like to go even faster this year but, like so many runners around the world, her training and racing this year have been hugely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“COVID-19 is a disaster which has affected everyone’s life all over the globe and, definitely, it has affected my training, not least in the early stages of the pandemic when we were all fearful of infection. Later, my coach and I decided to take care of ourselves, taking into account all the advice from the World Health Organisation, and I started my own individual training programme with my main goal of coming back to Delhi, although since September I have had some races on the track,”reflected Gemechu, who will turn 22 in December.

“Like all the athletes who will be coming to Delhi, I’d like to express my thanks to the race promoters Procam International who have committed their time and effort and invested their money in making sure this race goes ahead while we all respect the appropriate health measures,” sheadded.

Gemechu will have a host of outstanding rivals in this year’s race, arguably the strongest women’s field ever seen in the history of the ADHM with seven women having run under 67 minutes.

Among them are two of her compatriots, Yalemzerf Yehualaw and Netsanet Gudeta.

The in-form Yehualaw finished second in the ADHM 2019, just one second behind Gemechu, and showed she’s a rising star of women’s distance running by finishing third at the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships last month in a personal best of 65:19. Gudeta, the 2018 world half marathon champion. was eighth in Poland but helped Ethiopia to team gold.

Both the men’s and women’s races have a first prize cheques of US$27,000 with a total prize money purse (combined men and women) of US$233,270.

The ADHM 2020 will be unlike any previous edition with an estimated 60 elite international and Indian runners in action on the Delhi roads, with the traditional start and finish still in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. The event will follow the highest level of safety and hygiene standards with bio-secure zones to ensure a COVID-19 free race.

Non-elite runners of all abilities will have the chance to participate virtually from any location, running at any time between 25-29 November via the ADHM App. Details of how to download and use this app can found on the ADHM 2020 website

Procam International Pvt. Ltd. A-262, 1st Floor, Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024. India, Tel. +91112433 5984/85/86 Fax +911141634836

Elite fields for the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2020 (with personal bests)


Andamlak Belihu (ETH) 59:10

Abraham Cheroben (BRN) 58:40

Guye Adola (ETH) 59:06

Amdework Walelegn (ETH) 59:08

Leonard Barsoton (KEN) 59:09

Solomon Berihu (ETH) 59:17

Josphat Boit (KEN) 59:19

Edwin Kiptoo (KEN) 59:26

Stephen Mokoka (RSA) 59:36

Abrar Osman (ERI) 59:47

Aron Kifle (ERI) 59:51

Dawit Wolde (ETH) 59:58


Tsehay Gemechu (ETH) 66:00

Yalemzerf Yehualaw (ETH) 65:19

Ruth Chepngetich (KEN) 65:30

Netsanet Gudeta (ETH) 65:45

Evaline Chirchir (KEN) 66:01

Brillian Kipkoech (KEN) 66:56

Irene Cheptai (KEN) 67:39

Mimi Belete (BRN) 68:16

Failuna Matanga (TAN) 69:36

Nazret Weldu (ERI) 70:51

Tsigie Gebreselama (ETH) debut

Hawi Feysa (ETH) debut

Eva Cherono (KEN) debut

(11/15/2020) Views: 1,016 ⚡AMP
by Lets Run

The men's elite field for Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon features one of the fastest ever assembled

Ethiopia's Mule Wasihun, who was third at the London Marathon last year in 2:03:16, brings a 59:34 career best to the line, but Julien Wanders of Switzerland, the European record holder at 59:13, has gone even faster. In all, 11 men have lifetime bests under 60 minutes.

Wanders, 23, has said training has been going very well after his 27:13 European 10km record run in Valencia last month, encouraging him to set his sights on the 59-minute barrier.

"It is a course that I like quite a lot," he said. "My training group helped me to arrive here in good shape.”

The field also includes world leader Alexander Mutiso Munyao at 59:09, Solomon Berihu (59:17), Amdalak Belihu (59:10) and Edwin Kiprop Kiptoo (59:26).

A record 5,064 runners will compete across a variety of race categories, including the half marathon, a relay, 5km and a 1km fun run.

(02/20/2020) Views: 1,433 ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Rak Half Marathon

Rak Half Marathon

The Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon is the 'world's fastest half marathon' because if you take the top 10 fastest times recorded in RAK for men (and the same for women) and find the average (for each) and then do the same with the top ten fastest recorded times across all races (you can reference the IAAF for this), the...


Switzerland’s Julien Wanders has already smashed one of his European records in 2020, and he will be looking to another record in Ras Al Khaimah

Switzerland’s Julien Wanders  is confirmed to compete at the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon on 21 February. He is one of eleven athletes with lifetime bests under the one hour-mark to be recruited for this year’s race. 

It was in the same race last year when Wanders set the current mark of 59:13 to break Mo Farah’s previous record of 59:32. Farah has since run faster - 59:07 in the Great North Run last September - although that mark was set on a downhill course and is not valid for record purposes.

Wanders has started his season in stellar form with a third place finish in the 10K Valencia Ibercaja in 27:13 - he also equaled his European 5km record of 13:29 en route - which sliced twelve seconds from his previous record and the Iten-based Swiss has aspirations of following suit in Ras Al Khaimah next month.

“RAK will be a perfect opportunity to test my shape and lower my PB over the half marathon before the World Championships in March,” said Wanders, referring to the World Half Marathon Championships in Gdynia, Poland on March 29.

Wanders finished eighth at the last edition of the World Half Marathon Championships and fourth in the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon last year - something he will be looking to improve upon judging by his comments after last year’s race. "The only thing is I was fourth! I just missed out on the podium but otherwise I'm happy," he said.

The men’s field also includes Ethiopians Andamlak Berihu (59:10), Mosinet Geremew (59:11), Solomon Berihu (59:17) and Amdework Walegegn (59:22) and Kenya’s Benard Kimeli (59:07 PB) who finished one place ahead of Wanders in Valencia.

(01/22/2020) Views: 1,729 ⚡AMP
Rak Half Marathon

Rak Half Marathon

The Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon is the 'world's fastest half marathon' because if you take the top 10 fastest times recorded in RAK for men (and the same for women) and find the average (for each) and then do the same with the top ten fastest recorded times across all races (you can reference the IAAF for this), the...


World marathon record-holder Brigid Kosgei is the standout name in the women’s field for the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon

Brigid Kosgei who broke the world marathon record (pending ratification) with her stunning 2:14:04 run in Chicago last year, will return to the UAE after finishing seventh at the 2018 edition of the race. Her official half marathon PB is 1:05:28, but she also won last year’s Great North Run – a slightly downhill point-to-point course – in 1:04:28, the fastest time in history for 13.1 miles.

“I am really excited to come back to the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon after two years,” said Kosgei. “I know that this year the line-up is one of the best ever for a half marathon and I really hope to run fast.”

The 25-year-old Kenyan is one of several women in the field with a PB inside 66 minutes. She will line up against Fancy Chemutai, whose best of 1:04:52 is just one second shy of the world half marathon record, 2016 world half marathon champion Peres Jepchirchir, who briefly held the world record following her 1:05:06 victory in Ras Al Khaimah in 2017, Ethiopia’s Netsanet Gudeta, who set a women-only world record to win the 2018 world half marathon title, and Joan Melly Chelimo, the fourth-fastest woman in history.

Rosemary Wanjiru, who recently went to third on the world all-time 10km list with 29:50, will be making her half marathon debut.

In the men’s race, world marathon silver medalist Mosinet Geremew will take on Two-time Prague Half Marathon winner Benard Kimeli and European record-holder Julien Wanders.

Ethiopian trio Andamlak Belihu, Solomon Berihu and Amdemwork Walelegn are also in the field along with Kenyan duo Alexander Mutiso and Kibiwott Kandie.

(01/22/2020) Views: 1,778 ⚡AMP
by World Athletics
Rak Half Marathon

Rak Half Marathon

The Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon is the 'world's fastest half marathon' because if you take the top 10 fastest times recorded in RAK for men (and the same for women) and find the average (for each) and then do the same with the top ten fastest recorded times across all races (you can reference the IAAF for this), the...


Ethiopia’s Tsehay Gemechu smashes her own Airtel Delhi Half Marathon course record

Ethiopia’s Tsehay Gemechu retained her Airtel Delhi Half Marathon title in 1:06:00 on Sunday (20), taking 50 seconds off the course record she had set 12 months ago at the IAAF Gold Label road race.

Gemechu’s compatriot Andamlak Belihu also retained his title, clocking a PB of 59:10 to finish within four seconds of the course record.

The women’s race came down to a thrilling head-to-head duel over the final five kilometres between the 21-year-old defending champion and her compatriot Yelamzerf Yehualaw.

A large pack went through 5km in 15:43 before the male pacemakers brought the leading group of six past 10km in 31:22, indicating that the course record was very much under threat. One by one, runners became detached until only Gemechu and Yehualaw remained as they went through 15km in 47:05.

Coming into the final kilometre, Yehualaw – who won the African Games half marathon title in August – edged in front and briefly looked like she was going to cause an upset. But with the finish line approaching, Gemechu dug deep and managed to claw her way past her rival to notch up a personal best while becoming just the second woman to retain a title in Delhi.

“I was tired after Doha (where she finished fourth in the World Championships 5000m two weeks ago) but I wanted to come here and fight for the course record. I knew I was mentally strong,” said Gemechu, who becomes the sixth-fastest Ethiopian woman for the distance.

Yehualaw, even younger than the winner having turned 20 in August, took more than three minutes off her previous best for the distance when finishing just one second behind Gemechu in 1:06:01.

Zeineba Yimer, who started to lose contact with the leading pair just before 15km, held on to make it an Ethiopian 1-2-3 when she crossed the line in third place in 1:06:57, the same position as she had finished in 2018. Kenya’s 2017 world cross-country champion Irene Cheptai had a solid half marathon debut to finish fourth in 1:07:39.

The men’s contest also saw a thrilling head-to-head battle over the final few kilometres.

Six men passed 10km in 28:08. Belihu was still accompanied by another Ethiopian, Solomon Berihu, and the Kenyan pair of Kibiwott Kandie – who had made much of the pace in the middle stages of the race – and Alfred Barkachas.

The lead quartet reached 15km in 42:11 but between 17 and 18 kilometres firstly Barkach and then Kandie couldn’t stay with the relentless momentum and surges from the two Ethiopians and drifted backwards.

Berihu pushed again at 18km and Belihu looked in trouble for several minutes but recovered his poise and reeled in his rival with little more than a kilometre remaining before pulling away for victory.

“At about 18km I started to suffer some back pain; that possibly cost me the course record,” said Belhiu, who still managed to take eight seconds off his PB to move to seventh on the Ethiopian all-time list. “I have been mainly focusing on the track season in my training until recently but I always knew I was going to come here and so I had that in mind.”

Berihu, just 20, posted one of the fastest half marathon debuts ever when he came home second in 59:17 while Kandie hung on for third in 59:33.

(10/20/2019) Views: 1,656 ⚡AMP
Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon

Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon

The Airtel Delhi Half Marathon is a haven for runners, creating an experience, that our citizens had never envisaged. The streets of Delhi converted to a world-class running track. Clean, sanitized road for 21.09 kms, exhaustive medical support system on the route, timing chip for runners, qualified personnel to ensure smooth conduct of the event across departments. The race...


Berihu wins Dam tot Damloop, Dutchman Ali finishes fourth

Solomon Berihu won the Dam tot Damloop on Sunday. One week after setting a big PB at the Copenhagen Half Marathon, Kenya’s Evaline Chirchir was the first athlete to cross the line at the Dam tot Damloop on Sunday (22), finishing just one second shy of the long-standing course record at the IAAF Silver Label road race.

The 10-mile race starts in Amsterdam and finishes in Zaandam. As is tradition, the women’s field set off 6:04 – the difference between the men's and women's course records – ahead of the men’s field, then the first three finishers are awarded bonuses of €5000, €3500 and €2500 respectively.

In sunny and warm weather (16-18C) with relatively low humidity and a moderate tailwind, Chirchir ran with compatriot Irene Cheptai and Israel’s Dagnechew Selamawit to break away as a lead trio.

Chirchir reached the finish line in Zaandam in 50:32, three seconds ahead of Cheptai. Selamawit was third in 50:48. Chirchir narrowly missed out on breaking the 50:31 course record set back in 1987 by Norwegian distance legend Ingrid Kristiansen.

Chirchir’s winning performance is the third-fastest time ever recorded by a woman over 10 miles, but the point-to-point course means times aren’t record-eligible.

Half way through the men’s race, Ethiopia’s Solomon Berihu, Kenya’s John Langat and Uganda’s Joel Ayeko detached themselves from the rest of the lead pack. Berihu accelerated at 12km and broke away from Langat and Ayeko.

In the hunt to be the overall first finisher, Berihu wasn’t close to catching Chirchir, who finished 1:21 ahead of the Ethiopian, but he was a comfortable winner of the men’s title in 45:49. Langat was second in 46:20 and Ayeko third in 46:40.

The bonuses for the first three overall finishers went to the top three women.

Mohamed Ali was the first Dutch finisher, clocking 46:51. Michel Butter, who is currently preparing for the New York City Marathon on 3 November when he hopes to finish in a qualifying spot for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, was 13th in 48:59.

(09/22/2019) Views: 1,911 ⚡AMP
Dam tot Damloop

Dam tot Damloop

On Sunday, 50,000 runners can join the Dam tot Damloop. The unparalleled atmosphere, the tunnel, one of the world's largest business streets and the fact that starting and finishing in two different cities make this event so special. The distance is 10 English Mile, which also includes a number of world top runners each year. In addition, the Mini Dam...


Evaline Chirchir hopes to cross the finish line first at the Dam Tot Damloop

This year’s Dam tot Damloop, could be one of the few races in the long history of the IAAF Silver Label road race in which a woman crosses the finish line first.

As has been tradition at this 10-mile race between Amsterdam and Zaandam, the women’s field sets off 6:04 – the difference between the men's and women's course records – ahead of the men’s field. The first athlete to finish, man or woman, will receive a €5000 bonus.

Following her 1:06:22 PB at the Copenhagen Half Marathon last week, Evaline Chirchir will start as the favorite. The Kenyan has also clocked some impressive times at 10km this year, including 30:43 in Valencia and 31:17 in Brunssum, and will be keen to improve on her fifth-place finish from last year.

Irene Cheptai, the 2017 world cross-country champion, recently clocked a season’s best of 31:27 over 10km, while Jip Vastenburg carries the Dutch hopes.

The women’s race record of 50:31 has been held by Ingrid Kristiansen since 1987, but last year’s winner Lonah Salpeter came close to it with 50:45.

Former 1500m specialist Chala Regasa of Ethiopia set a 10km PB of 27:23 earlier this year and will be making his Dam tot Damloop debut. Compatriot Solomon Berihu, aged 19, is another strong contender and has set PBs of 13:02.08 for 5000m and 27:02.26 for 10,000m this year.

Ethiopian Olympian Ayele Abshero, a 2:04:23 marathon runner, finished third in this race back in 2010 in a PB of 45:33, but doesn’t seem to be in that same kind of form this year. Kenya’s John Langat also returns to Amsterdam in a bid to do better than his 12th-place finish last year.

The weather forecast for Sunday morning seems ideal with temperatures between 16-18C and the wind on the runners’ backs.

(09/21/2019) Views: 1,884 ⚡AMP
Dam tot Damloop

Dam tot Damloop

On Sunday, 50,000 runners can join the Dam tot Damloop. The unparalleled atmosphere, the tunnel, one of the world's largest business streets and the fact that starting and finishing in two different cities make this event so special. The distance is 10 English Mile, which also includes a number of world top runners each year. In addition, the Mini Dam...

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