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Articles tagged #Harry Hunter
Today's Running News


Harry Hunter, 75, set to take part in Marathon Des Sables in Morocco

Harry Hunter will soon be flying out to Morocco to take part in the Marathon Des Sables in aid of Alexander Devine Children's Hospice.

Harry Hunter, 75, from Windsor, will be taking part in the race in April and hopes to raise funds for the hospice, which is the only specialist children's hospice serving Berkshire and surrounding counties.

The race is in its 38th year and is a multiday race held in southern Morocco, in the Sahara Desert. This year the total distance is 252km over six stages. 

A fellow boot camper of Mr Hunter's has described him as an "inspirational character", having served for 22 years in the Blues and Royals in Windsor.

He is not a stranger to extreme challenges for charity and is "well known" in the area.

Mr Hunter will be 76 years old on the second day of the race, making him the oldest man to run it.

A fundraiser on Just Giving has been launched with a target of raising £2,000 for charity.

Alexander Devine Children's Hospice currently supports over 165 children and their families, but they are committed to growing their service and reaching out to every child and their family that needs them.

The hospice needs £2.8 million of funding each year and most of this comes from donations.

(03/26/2024) Views: 369 ⚡AMP
by Daisy Waites
Marathon Des Sables

Marathon Des Sables

The Marathon des Sables is ranked by the Discovery Channel as the toughest footrace on earth. Seven days 250k Known simply as the MdS, the race is a gruelling multi-stage adventure through a formidable landscape in one of the world’s most inhospitable climates - the Sahara desert. The rules require you to be self-sufficient, to carry with you on your...

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