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David Bett Kiprotich wins the San Blas Half Marathon

David Bett Kiprotich did not climb the famous El Ajoguillo hill first, which almost always helps predict the winner of the San Blas Half Marathon. However, Kiprotich broke that routine by conquering the international test this Sunday, where the runners who won the local branch set new personal bests for the distance.

Kiprotich won with an advance in the descent after El Ajoguillo, the famous hill sector located at kilometer 15 of the 21-kilometer test. He climbed second in that sector and on the descent he overtook Kenyan Peter Njeru, who had been first since kilometer five and was unable to maintain his position in the final six kilometers of the race.

Meanwhile, Arnaldo Martinez from Coam and Paola Figueroa from Guaynab won the national category with new personal times, in addition to a top 10 for Martinez on the arrival list.

The pride of the town of San Blas crossed the finish line in ninth place overall.

“Push. I knew I could win the race because I trained well,” said Njeru, who crossed the finish line with a time of one hour, three minutes and 18 seconds (1:03:18). He escorted Mulatie to the finish line with 1:03.26.

Some 12 runners from the continent of Africa ran in Coamo, which registered a record number of 2,100 runners and which, as always, had the support of the Coamenos motivating the runners on both sides of the route to the finish line, which is located one block away. from the recreation square.

Among those Africans, Kenyan Yoyland Chemutay dominated the second half of the race and was the winner of the women’s event with a time of 1:14.19. She was followed by the Ethiopian Mercuria Alem.

Martinez, who ran the first kilometers with the group of Africans, finished with a time of 1:08.11, which is a personal best. His best time was 1:09.54. The Coameno felt satisfied, although he believes that he could have made a better record.

“It was a personal best, although it is not the time I expected. But I’m happy. I know that little by little I am reaching the positions,” Martinez said.

Martinez finished in ninth position overall. He was the second non-African in the top ten after Chilean Hugo Gatrileo.

Jose Gonzalez and Kenneth Figueroa finished second and third in the national category with 1:09.19 and 1:09.39, respectively.

For her part, Figueroa finished first after an advance in El Ajoguillo with a time of 1:19.34, which is also a personal best.

His best time was 1:21, he said.

“I improved a lot and I owe it to my coach, because last year was tough with injuries. But this year I am better, stronger,” said the 26-year-old runner, mentioning her coach Jose de los Santos Alvarez Mesa.

She was followed in the national category by Paola Ramos with 1:24.40 and Barbara Quiles with 1:26.24.

(03/05/2024) Views: 336 ⚡AMP
by Kumneger Media
San Blas Half Marathon

San Blas Half Marathon

Join San Blas Half Marathon It is a pleasure to invite you to the annual edition of the world’s most famous half marathon, Medio Maratón San Blas, here in our beloved city of Coamo. It has been 54 years that the people of Coamo have ?proudly received thousands of visitors, especially the international and national athletes who grace this event....

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