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2021 Run Bentonville Half Marathon has been rescheduled for October

After careful consideration, officials have announced that the 2021 Run Bentonville Half Marathon, originally scheduled for April 10, has been moved to Oct. 9, 2021, on the Bentonville Square.

Bentonville Parks & Recreation made the decision to delay the in-person event following discussions surrounding the challenges of staging a race of such scale amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as well as the impact on staff and all aspects of city personnel, and ultimately the safety of Run Bentonville Half Marathon participants, volunteers, and spectators. 

Officials say although hosting the premier race in Northwest Arkansas is doable with precautions and procedures already in place, the overall experience from a health and wellness perspective will improve significantly when the region and country reach a better place with the virus.

Participants who have already registered for the 2021 Run Bentonville Half Marathon will be automatically moved to the October race. Postponing the event until the fall allows time to return to the traditional format which includes a relay and 5k option in addition to the signature 13.1 distance. 

The 2022 Run Bentonville Half Marathon will once again return as a spring event on April 2, 2022.

At this time, the Valentines 5k/8k on Feb. 13 and Irish 5k/10k on March 13 will continue as planned in an adjusted format. Due to shorter distances and limited participants, officials say they can effectively implement all necessary, safety measures with staggered starts and reduced finish line activities. 

(01/14/2021) Views: 1,677 ⚡AMP
by 5News
Run Bentonville Half Marathon

Run Bentonville Half Marathon

We are the ones up at 5:30am, doing hill repeats in 30 degrees. We are the ones who finish our day off with an easy 5 miles. We are the ones out there running off stress, running with friends, running for a new self, and running to feel alive. We are RunBentonville, and we’re here to celebrate the sport you...

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