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Run Bentonville Half Marathon

Saturday April 5th, 2025
Bentonville, AR
Distance: Half Marathon
Offical Race Web Site

We are the ones up at 5:30am, doing hill repeats in 30 degrees. We are the ones who finish our day off with an easy 5 miles. We are the ones out there running off stress, running with friends, running for a new self, and running to feel alive. We are RunBentonville, and we’re here to celebrate the sport you love – and sometimes hate. Run Bentonville allows you to come together and experience the community that is RunBentonville.

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Run Bentonville Half Marathon

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Run Bentonville Half Marathon, Race Date: 2024-04-06, Distance: Half Marathon
Division Time Name Age Home
Male 1:08:43 Noah Stevenson 26 KS
2nd Male 1:08:59 Steven Fahy 28 TX
3rd Male 1:12:08 Seth Waters 25 AR
4th Male 1:13:03 Owen Kelley 17 AR
Female 1:19:01 Erin Edminister 34 AR
2nd Female 1:20:50 Megan Taylor 27 AR
3rd Female 1:21:52 Erin Woodward 25 AR
4th Female 1:23:00 Abigayle Money 23 AR
Division Time Name Age Home
M 40-49 1:13:47 Marlon Vasquez 40 AR
M 50-59 1:30:45 Dave Weston 52 AR
M 60-69 1:36:18 Bryan Martinez 60 AR
M 70+ 2:09:30 Michael Felix 71 AR
F 40-49 1:27:00 Alison Rush 49 AR
F 50-59 1:47:26 Peri Heffernan 53 AR
F 60-69 1:45:03 Colleen Edwards 61 AR
F 70+ 3:06:07 Candy Alfano 70 AR
Run Bentonville Half Marathon

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