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Hosea Kimeli given three year ban as 2023 Zagreb Marathon title stripped off his name

Hosea Kimeli has been slapped with a three-year ban by the AIU and all his results since October 8, 2023, have been disqualified, including the forfeiture of any titles, awards, medals, points, prizes and appearance money

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) has slapped Hosea Kimeli Kisorio with a three-year ban for an anti-doping rule violation.

The 33-year-old found himself on the list of shame after his tests came out positive for the presence of EPO, a Prohibited Substance under the WADA 2023 Prohibited List under the category S2 Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors, Related Substances and Mimetics.

As per AIU, the period ineligibility to be imposed is therefore a period of four years, unless the Athlete demonstrates that the Anti-Doping Rule Violations were not intentional.

“The Athlete has failed to demonstrate that the Anti-Doping Rule Violations were not intentional. Therefore, the mandatory period of Ineligibility is a period of Ineligibility of four years.

"However, Rule 10.8.1 ADR provides that an athlete potentially subject to an asserted period of Ineligibility of four (4) years may benefit from a one (1)-year reduction in the period of Ineligibility based on an early admission and acceptance of sanction,” the AIU further stated, adding that Kimeli admitted having committed the crime earlier this year, thus the reduction of the sanction.

This means that his results since he won the 2023 Zagreb Marathon have been disqualified.

Meanwhile, Kimeli was banned alongside his compatriot Ayub Kiptum who also received three years with his results from October 21, 2023 disqualified. Kiptum was banned for the Presence/Use of a Prohibited Substance (Testosterone).

(01/20/2024) Views: 352 ⚡AMP
by Abigael Wuafula
Zagreb Marathon

Zagreb Marathon

Zagreb Marathon is a marathon and half marathon in Zagreb, Croatia. The marathon race is organized annually in October and was started in1992. The number of participants has increased over the years. Zagreb Marathon has an international character with participants from all over the world....


The 29th Zagreb Marathon officially cancelled due to COVID-19

"After several months of efforts by us to provide all the necessary conditions for the 29th Zagreb Marathon, we would like to inform you that, unfortunately, we have to cancel the races. The Zagreb marathon was supposed to be held on Sunday, October 11, 2020, with a start and finish on Ban Josip Jelacic Square. Still, unfortunately, like all major marathons in the world, this year, it suffered the same fate," said the organizers on their official website.

"Precisely because many marathons have been canceled in Europe and the world, many runners wanted to take part in the Zagreb Marathon, which this year also received a Bronze label from World Athletics. As the epidemiological situation in all countries has significantly deteriorated and there are many registered participants from Croatia and the world, we cannot consciously run the risk of endangering the health of our runners and the potential spread of the infection to other fellow citizens. The Zagreb Marathon is a major international sports event, which primarily aims to promote a healthy life, and we certainly want it to stay that way," the statement continued.

However, to mark October 11 and the day of the marathon in the spirit of running, the organizers announced they would hold virtual races, and preparations are now underway. All information will be published on the Zagreb Marathon website.

"Unfortunately, this year is uncertain and difficult for the organization of all events. As much as we hoped that the races would be possible with all organizational changes and adherence to epidemiological measures in the start zone, unfortunately, there are too many participants for the current epidemiological situation," the organizers concluded and expressed hope "that this year is really an exception and that we will all welcome 29th Zagreb Marathon, October 10, 2021, with joy and satisfaction."

(09/28/2020) Views: 1,318 ⚡AMP
by Daniela Rogulj
Zagreb Marathon

Zagreb Marathon

Zagreb Marathon is a marathon and half marathon in Zagreb, Croatia. The marathon race is organized annually in October and was started in1992. The number of participants has increased over the years. Zagreb Marathon has an international character with participants from all over the world....

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