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Thomas Kibet taken off Tallinn Marathon podium finish after doping offense and he must return the nearly $18,000US in prize money

Kenya's Thomas Kibet has been stripped off his Tallinn Marathon second-place finish and slapped with a three-year ban after violating an anti-doping rule.

Kenya’s Thomas Kibet Kutere is the latest athlete to be added to the list of shame owing to the presence/use of a prohibited substance (Norandrosterone).

The Athletics Integrity Unit announced that the athlete will be banned for three years and his results from September 10 have since been disqualified.

This means that his second-place finish at the Tallinn Marathon will be disqualified and he would also be forced to return the prize money of Ksh 2,727,663.06 ($17,977US).

The AIU requires that after a doping offense, the national federations should, “Ensure full enforcement of any final decision taken under the World Athletics Anti-Doping Rules, including the return of a disqualified athlete’s medals, titles and awards and repayment of prize money.”

Meanwhile, Kibet’s term has also been reduced to three years after he admitted to having committed the offense.

“In the event that the Athlete or other Person either admits the violation and accepts the proposed Consequences or is deemed to have admitted the violation and accepted the Consequences as per Rule 8.5.2(f), the Integrity Unit will promptly.

“issue a decision confirming the commission of the violation(s) and the imposition of the specified Consequences (including, if applicable, a justification for why the maximum potential sanction was not imposed),

“Publicly Report that decision in accordance with Rule 14; and send a copy of the decision to the Athlete or other Person and to any other party that has a right, further to Rule 13, to appeal the decision (and any such party may, within 15 days of receipt, request a copy of the full case file pertaining to the decision),” the AIU said in a statement.

(12/26/2023) Views: 456 ⚡AMP
by Abigael Wuafula
Tallin Marathon

Tallin Marathon

The Tallinn Marathon has won a sure place in the competition calendar of runners and has become an attractive destination for running tourists looking for new experiences. About 20 000 running enthusiasts from 56 different countries participated in the 2017 event. As a tradition, the marathon will take place in every second Sunday of September, this year 9th of September,...


Uganda's Ali Chebures victorious in Tallinn half-marathon

Ugandan long-distance runner Ali Chebures won the Tallinn half-marathon on Saturday in a time of 1:01.35, while Kenyan runners were also dominant in both men's and women's events.

After Chebures came four Kenyans in-a-row: Elvis Chevor (1:01.45) was second, Eric Leon Ndiema (1:01.50), Solomon Koech (1.02.01) fourth and Collins Kipkirui Kipkorir (1:02.04) finished fifth.

The Kenyans also swept all before them in the women's half-marathon; Beatrice Cheserek, who finished ninth overall (ie. was beaten by just eight men runners), came first with a time of 1:08:22.

Janet Ruguru Gishumbu (1:08.30) was second, Lydia Jebichi Korir (1:08.49), third.

Estonian runner Jekaterina Patjuk finished sixth (1:17.11), and another Estonian, Liina Černov, came eighth (1:24.56).

Marathon weekend continues with the 10K race Saturday afternoon and then the full marathon, starting 9 a.m. Sunday morning.

(09/11/2023) Views: 717 ⚡AMP
by Andrew Whyte, Kristjan Kallaste
Tallin Marathon

Tallin Marathon

The Tallinn Marathon has won a sure place in the competition calendar of runners and has become an attractive destination for running tourists looking for new experiences. About 20 000 running enthusiasts from 56 different countries participated in the 2017 event. As a tradition, the marathon will take place in every second Sunday of September, this year 9th of September,...


2021 Tallinn Marathon will be going ahead in September

This September's Tallinn Marathon is still to go ahead, in-line with current coronavirus public event restrictions. Last year's event was cancelled.

While current restrictions limit outdoor event numbers to 12,000, provided checks are conducted, the full marathon entry list will be capped at 1,500 people, with the respective figures for the half-marathon and 10km race being 2,500 and 5,000.

Organizers of outdoor events with more than 100 participants are currently required to conduct coronavirus vaccination checks, either via proof of vaccination or proof of a recent, negative test result.

The event takes place September 11-12, with the full marathon on the second day.

Chief organizer Mati Lilliallik said that the plan is to hold a safe event for all, including local residents, and that no excessive risks will be taken, while routes will avoid the most densely-populated residential areas.

Registration is still open, Lilliallik said, though there is a clear and present risk that additional restrictions may be imposed by authorities between now and race day, or even that the event would need to be canceled.

Organizers say they are following national government, Tallinn City Government and Health Board (Terviseamet) regulations and recommendations at all times.

The half-marathon starts at 9 a.m. on September 11, the 10km race at 5 p.m., while the full 42.2-kilometer marathon starts at 9 a.m. on Sunday, September 12.

Cancellation or restrictions which cause too many issues for entrants will be followed by full refund or transferal of entry to the 2022 event, BNS reports, or alternatively entry into the virtual marathon – held for the first time last year – which runs throughout the entirety of September, i.e. participants get 30 days to complete the 42.2km on foot, either running or walking.

Last weekend brought around 2,600 triathletes to Tallinn, to take part in the annual Iron Man event.

(08/11/2021) Views: 1,101 ⚡AMP
Tallin Marathon

Tallin Marathon

The Tallinn Marathon has won a sure place in the competition calendar of runners and has become an attractive destination for running tourists looking for new experiences. About 20 000 running enthusiasts from 56 different countries participated in the 2017 event. As a tradition, the marathon will take place in every second Sunday of September, this year 9th of September,...


Estonian Roman Fosti won Sunday's Tallinn Marathon

Estonian Roman Fosti won Sunday's Tallinn Marathon in 2:24:08. Whereas previous marathon victors have generally hailed from abroad, Sunday was local heroes' time to shine. Second-placed man Ülari Kais (2:31.06) and Aleksandr Kuleshov (4th, 2:35.11) are Estonian; Sandwiched between them was Kenyan (and first women's runner) Daisy Langat (3rd, 2:33:50). Started at 09.00 EEST by President Kersti Kaljulaid, the marathon is one of four races over the weekend. The 10km Sügisjooks ('Autumn run') on Saturday followed Friday evening's 5km youth run. The 21 km half-marathon started at 10.45 on Sunday. Estonian Tiidrek Nurme won the half-marathon (1:03:27), a mere two seconds ahead of Kenyan star Peter Kiprotich. With up to 25,000 runners taking part (09/10/2018) Views: 1,776 ⚡AMP
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