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Close to 2,500 runners expected as Faxon Law Fairfield Races return to live racing

There are more than 2,000 runners registered for the Faxon Law Fairfield Road Races, and organizers are expecting around 2,500 participants making it the largest Connecticut road race in nearly two years.

The two-day event begins Saturday at Jennings Beach in Fairfield with the 5K and the Lil’ Stags Fun race while the half marathon event will take place on Sunday.

“What we found out in the Branford Road Race and other races was it looks like most races are back to around 80-85% of what they were pre-COVID,” Event coordinator John Bysiewicz said. “Before COVID we had around 3,300 and I think we are going to be a number between 2,500 and 3,000 participants.”

The Fairfield University sponsored “Lucas Challenge” challenges runners to participate in both the 5K and half marathon, completing 16.2 total miles over two days.

Among the participants will be Everett Hackett, a 2008 Hall high school graduate who in 2017 became the first Connecticut male to win the Faxon Law half marathon in over a decade.

“He is one of the favorites and he is a Connecticut runner and he has won it before,” Bysiewicz said. “He was the first Connecticut runner (to win) we had in about 20 years, so we could see another Connecticut winner.”

Last year the race, like many others, was held virtually. Runners submitted times for the 5K event and/or the half marathon, and times were compiled and scored digitally.

“Last year we had a virtual race and we had about 800 people who did a half marathon or a 5K,” Bysiewicz said. “We scored the race based on their virtual times, we did a lot of virtual events last year and it was a lot of work. It was not the same fun you get with putting on a live event.”

In regards to fun this year is the post-race beach party returns, featuring live music, food vendors and a live awards ceremony.

(06/23/2021) Views: 1,339 ⚡AMP
Faxon Fairfield Half Marathon

Faxon Fairfield Half Marathon

The Fairfield Half Marathon was founded in 1981 and is annually chosen by running magazines as one of the best races in America. Since its inception the event has raised funds for numerous charities. The Fairfield Fire Department and the Town of Fairfield have supported the event from the beginning providing many in kind services; from traffic and emergency services...


Faxon Law Fairfield Half Marathon will go virtually due to COVID-19 concerns

Organizers have announced that the Faxon Law Fairfield Road Races, consisting of a half marathon, 5k and kids fun run, will be held virtually this year due to concerns about the pandemic.

The event, traditionally held at Jennings Beach in Fairfield, had already been moved from June 7 to Sept. 20. Now, runners will have the opportunity to compete on their own accord between Sept. 17-20.

“As much as we would like to be running with you at Jennings Beach this year, the health and safety of our athletes, volunteers, staff, spectators, and sponsors is our number one priority, and with the current health crisis, we cannot completely guarantee a safe event,” John Calandriello, president of the Fairfield Half Marathon, said on the event website. “The decision to transform to a virtual event was not an easy one, but a necessary (step) to ensure the safety of all involved.”

Virtual racing has become a primary means of competition during the pandemic . Runners race on their own time and at their own location. Once the required distance is reached, they self-report their results into a database.

With social distancing a priority, many other races around Connecticut have adopted this same format, including the Faxon Law New Haven Road Race, scheduled from Sept. 4-7, and the Hartford Marathon, Oct. 8-11.

Registration can be completed online at

(07/15/2020) Views: 1,554 ⚡AMP
by Doug Bonjour
Faxon Fairfield Half Marathon

Faxon Fairfield Half Marathon

The Fairfield Half Marathon was founded in 1981 and is annually chosen by running magazines as one of the best races in America. Since its inception the event has raised funds for numerous charities. The Fairfield Fire Department and the Town of Fairfield have supported the event from the beginning providing many in kind services; from traffic and emergency services...

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