Running News Daily

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2023 Poznan Marathon with another record

Petro Mamu Shaku from Eritrea and Tseginesh Mekonnin Legesse from Ethiopia won the 22. Poznan Marathon. The Eritrean was the first competitor in the history of the Poznań run who broke the barrier of two hours and ten minutes, setting a record for the event (2:09:57).

The fight for victory took place in the final meters. The second at the finish line, Ethiopian Tolla Mesfin Nigusu, was only a second slower than the triumphant runner. The order in the men’s PZLA Polish Championships was also decided on the blue carpet before the finish line. The title of Polish Champion goes to Adam Nowicki.

The first woman at the finish line, Ethiopian Legesse (2:27:28) very quickly left her rivals behind and ran more than half of the route only accompanied by a pacemaker. The second step of the podium belonged to her compatriot Birtukan Workineh Belay. Monika Jackiewicz’s third place gave her the title of Polish Champion.

A total of 4,100 athletes completed the 22. Poznan Marathon. They represented 35 countries. We would like to thank the runners for the fantastic atmosphere, numerous participation in the event and great results. Warm thanks are also due to the sponsors for their support and the fans for their wonderful cheering. We hope to see you in future editions!

(10/23/2023) Views: 511 ⚡AMP
Poznan Marathon

Poznan Marathon

The Poznan Marathon is an annual road-based marathon hosted by Poznan, Poland, since 2000. It was categorized as a Bronze Label Road Race by the International Association of Athletics Federations and is a member of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races. The marathon is one of five in the Crown of Polish Marathons program, along with the Debno...

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