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82-year-old Ben Lipschuetz is targeting a world record on Dec 17 in Palo Alto California at the Double 15k

Ben Lipschuetz of Los Altos California hopes to clock the best time ever run for male runners 80 plus for the Double 15k on Dec 17 in Palo Alto.  

The Double 15k is a two stage race.  First runners run 10k and then take a break.  The second stage is 5k and it starts  one hour 45 minutes after the start of the 10k. Times are added together for scoring.  

The Double Road Race Federation (DRRF) is the governing body for Double Racing.  The first Double was held October 2010 in Mexico.  The first Double 15k held in the US took place Dec 2012.  The overall world record was set May 10, 2015.  Kenyan's Julian Kosgei clocked 29:11 for the 10k leg and then followed that up with a 14 minute flat 5k.  His combined 43:11 is the current world record.

The Women's record is held by Kenyan's Risper Gesabwa.  On Dec 14, 2014 in Pleasanton California she clocked 48:45 (32:55 10k followed by 15:49 5k).  The American record for men was set by Joe Moore in Manhattan, Kansas on Nov 9, 2013.  Joe clocked 44:48 (30:04/14:48).  Kim Conley set the record for women in Pleasanton, Ca Dec 21, 2014.  She clocked 49:24 (33:34/15:49).

The best time recently run is 44:40 (29:56/14:44). 4th best time ever. 18-year-old Joseph Njoroge clocked this time in Thika Kenya September 14, 2022.

The next two official DRRF Double 15k coming up are Dec 17 in Palo Alto California and March 25, 2023 in Brisbane California.  Both flat fast courses.  

The world record Ben has his eye on was run by 83-year-old Eddie Reyna Dec 22, 2013.   Eddie clocked 1:59:56 (1:23:02 for 10k followed by 36:54 for 5k leg).

Ben recently competed at the Trailblazer 10k Sept 24 in Mountain View,Ca.  He clocked 1:08:09 on the long 10k course.

"I met up with Ben after the Trailblazer race," says Double 15k director Bob Anderson (photo with Ben), "and told him he could smash the 80 plus world record.  This might even be an understatement."

The 80 plus world records for females was set August 23, 2014 in Pleasanton by 80-year-old Barbara Robben 1:57:26 (1:17:56 plus 39:30 for 5k leg).  

"Our Palo Alto event is nearly sold out but there are a few spots currently available," says race director Bob Anderson. There is also an open 10k, 5k and kids mile for 13 and under. 

(Second photo: Palo Alto 2021 winners.  Anthony Cortes clocked 49:26 (32:46/16:40) and Delaney Miller clocked 57:19 (38:36/18:43).  Both wearing the yellow jersey showing they won the first leg. 

(Third photo: 70-year-old Suzanne Koonce was the Victory Cup winner.  She clocked 1:18:49 (52:36/26:13).  The Victory Cup is awarded to the runner with the best age-graded score.



(12/06/2022) Views: 1,135 ⚡AMP
Palo Alto Double 15K and 10K/5K

Palo Alto Double 15K and 10K/5K

Bring the whole family and enjoy our pre Christmas events. All participants get a special shirt and bag. All finishers get a special medal. $200 of cash prizes ($100 each for winners of Double 15k) There will be four events in Palo Alto. Palo Alto Double 15K (10K+5K), Palo Alto 10K, Palo Alto UjENA 5K Run/Walk and Bob Anderson's Kids...

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