Running News Daily

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The Helsinki Marathon will be held as planned on October 3rd

The Helsinki City Marathon has a long history it was organized for the first time in the year 1981 and it has always been the most international and largest marathon event in Finland.

This year will be the 40th edition for HCM – come and celebrate it with us at the renewed Helsinki Olympic Stadium! The Garmin Helsinki City Marathon’s route will offer you a beautiful sea views and also offers views of Helsinki’s city center on October 3rd, 2020.

Protective measures are in place as follows:

Participants will be divided in smaller start groups.

There will be enough space in start groups/start area to keep distance to other runners.

Start and Finish area will be built to be more spacious than normally.

We kindly instruct our runners to keep a safe distance to other runners. We hope you all will show understanding for the exceptional practicalities that in the end enable the event during these challenging times.

Based on the guidance given by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare it is not allowed to participate in a public event if you have any symptoms related to illness caused by coronavirus (including fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, fatigue, rhinitis, nausea, diarrhoea, or a sudden loss of smell and/or taste).

“If you have any of these symptoms, you cannot take part in the event,” warned race organizers.

(08/21/2020) Views: 1,366 ⚡AMP
Helsinki City Marathon

Helsinki City Marathon

The Helsinki City Marathon is an annual marathon held in Helsinki, Finland. It was established in 1980 and is normally held in August. The 2007 marathon drew more than 6,000 participants and 50,000 spectators. The course starts near the statue of Paavo Nurmi and finishes at the Olympic Stadium. Various parks, miles of Baltic Sea coastline, and the...

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