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2023 Baltimore 10-Miler returns to celebrate 15th year

The Baltimore 10-Miler has been on local runners' calendars for 15 years. And for its 15th anniversary, Corrigan Sports is going all out.

The race returns to its location at Druid Hill Park this Saturday, right outside the Maryland Zoo. The course extends throughout the park into parts of the city.

After years of COVID-19 restrictions, organizers said having this event is an important step forward.

"Obviously, we had all stubbed our toe during covid and slowly but surely we're coming back, so we are very excited," said Lee Corrigan, president of Corrigan Sports, the race's organizer.

All runners will get a medal with all the zoo animals that have been featured at the race in its entire 15 years.

If you want to run, there is still time to sign up on the race's website.

(06/01/2023) Views: 639 ⚡AMP
by Josh Starkey
Baltimore 10 Miler

Baltimore 10 Miler

Runners will be treated in typical Corrigan Sports fashion. This year's race will feature the same scenic, challenging, yet fun course that starts and finishes at Druid Hill Lake Park near the Maryland Zoo. The course will travel along the North side of town to Lake Montebello and return to Druid Hill for the post race festivities that are second...


10 Miler is back in Baltimore

It is a return to normalcy for one of our area's favorite running events.

On June 4 runners from all over the region will reconvene at Druid Hill Park and the Maryland Zoo for the return of the Baltimore 10 Miler.

For the first time since pre-pandemic the 10 Miler is fully back and returning to its annual home at the zoo. Thousands of participants will once again make the trek from the zoo to Lake Montebello and back. Then they'll celebrate with the post-race party on the lawn complete with food, drink and live music.

The 2020 10 Miler was canceled because of COVID-19 and last year’s was moved to Hunt Valley.

Like every year the race benefits a handful of local charities, including the Signal 13 Foundation.

"For the Signal 13 Foundation we’ve come up with an awesome promotion," said Baltimore 10 Miler director Lee Corrigan. "It’s called the 'charity chaser' and this year we have recruited Meaghan Murray, who is an outstanding runner. This isn’t a joke. She might win the thing. What she does is she starts dead last and for every person that she passes we will donate a dollar to the Signal 13 Foundation. It’s our way of giving back to the Baltimore Police Department."

The Signal 13 Foundation aims to provide financial help to Baltimore City Police Department personnel, both civilian and sworn, who unexpectedly suffer extreme personal emergencies.

For more information on the race and how to sign up just visit

(05/25/2022) Views: 1,412 ⚡AMP
by Shawn Stepner
Baltimore 10 Miler

Baltimore 10 Miler

Runners will be treated in typical Corrigan Sports fashion. This year's race will feature the same scenic, challenging, yet fun course that starts and finishes at Druid Hill Lake Park near the Maryland Zoo. The course will travel along the North side of town to Lake Montebello and return to Druid Hill for the post race festivities that are second...

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