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Bryan Morseman and Stephanie Hodge crowned Triangle Challenge champions

Bryan Morseman and Stephanie Hodge have been crowned the overall winners of the 46th Bermuda Triangle Challenge.

The PwC Bermuda Marathon, Half-Marathon and Half-Marathon Relay yesterday rounded off the competition which featured competitors also tackle the Butterfield Mile and BF&M 10K Run and Walk.

At the end of three races in three days, Morseman, of the United States, sealed the top honour in the male category with an accumulated time of 4hr 22min 25sec after finishing third in the mile and recording back-to-back victories in the 10k and marathon.

Poland’s Wojciech Kopec finished in second place overall with a total time of 3:22:54, while Kieran Morris rounded out the top three after claiming three successive third places for a time of 3:30:07.

Canadian Hodge capped her 17th Triangle Challenge with overall victory in the female category, building on a third-place finish in the mile with successes in the remaining races for a winning time of 4:22:25.

Britain’s Faith Geraghty settled for second place overall, clocking a total time of 4:30:56 after finishing second in all three events, while compatriot Shelley Jones completed the podium places.

There was also success for a host of local competitors across the various age categories.

Paula Barrow was crowned the overall winner of the female 20 to 29 division, while there was also top honours for Leana Coetsee in the 30 to 39 division. Of the male entrants, Ben Train took top spot in the 30 to 39 age category, while James Rawlins did likewise in the 40 to 49 division.

Meanwhile, American Kristin Corapi claimed victory in the female 40 to 49 category, prevailing over Bermuda’s Zoey Roberts, while there was also success for compatriots Karen Hoch in the 50 to 59 group and Gail White in the 60 to 69 division.

American Daniel Zheng was successful in the male 20 to 29 division, while compatriots Sidy Diallo (60-69) and Joe Schlereth (70 and over) proved victorious. Anthony Collins, of Great Britain, took the honours in the remaining 50 to 59 category.

Elite runners Ellie Stevens and JJ Santana rounded off a memorable visit to the island after being crowned Bermuda Triangle Half Challenge champions.

Stevens, of Great Britain, built on the momentum of a second-place finish in the mile, with successive victories in the remaining events to clock a winning total time of 2:06:28.

American Amanada Nurse (2:08:43) claimed second place, while compatriot Christina Vergara Aleshire completed the top three with an overall time of 2:08:58.

Just like Stevens, American Santana built on a second-place finish in the opening event with successive wins in the 10k and half marathon, clocking 1:45:29 overall.

Bermuda’s Tyler Butterfield finished an impressive second overall in a combined time of 1:50:27, with Elias Graca completing the podium places in 1:51:43.

There was also a standout performance from 79-year-old Jean Gardner, the oldest competitor to tackle the Bermuda Triangle Half Challenge, in finishing fourth overall in the Female 70 and Over division in an impressive time of 4:36:40. Notably the division was won by Maria Duffy, mother of Olympic and record four-time world triathlon champion Flora.

(01/16/2023) Views: 808 ⚡AMP
by Sam Murley
Bermuda Triangle Challenge

Bermuda Triangle Challenge

Surrounded by crystal clear waters warmed by the Gulf Stream, Bermuda is the ideal winter time destination for the active minded traveler. With its lush foliage and pastel colored buildings, Bermuda is one of the most beautiful places on earth. A short flight of 2-hours or less from most US East Coast cities and Toronto, Bermuda only feels like it’s...


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