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Olympian Alexi Pappas runs 2022 London Marathon as guide for Para athlete

Greek Olympian Alexi Pappas is known for being a remarkable athlete, but can also boast credentials as a renowned author, filmmaker, and mental health advocate. Pappas can now add guiding a para-athlete in two World Major Marathons to her resume after she teamed up with visually impaired athlete Lisa Thompson for Sunday’s 2022 TCS London Marathon (their second marathon together, after running the Boston Marathon in April).

You’ll want to savour every moment of Pappas’ video on Instagram as it encapsulates her experience with teammate Thompson.

Thompson, 54, is a Houston-based real estate agent and has no sight in her left eye and very little in her right eye. She can see the ground but she has no depth perception. Thompson began running as a child as a way to cope with the challenges visual impairment caused her.

After experiencing some personal loss at age 40, a friend encouraged her to sign up for a race. Thompson completed her first half-marathon in 2008 and now has 27 marathons under her belt. In 2014, she ran a personal best of 3:16:50 at the Houston Marathon. Pappas and Thompson met through a mutual friend.

Thompson doesn’t need to run with a tether, but she does need someone to run alongside her. Despite some injury concerns heading into Boston, Thompson won the T13 (visual impairment) division in 3:47:25, with Pappas by her side. During Boston, Thompson dedicated every mile to someone in her life who passed away. She shared those moments with Pappas, and it strengthened the bond between them as teammates.

While Pappas has a marathon PB of 2:34, running as Thompson’s teammate at Boston was her first time experiencing the iconic race, while Thompson had successfully run it eight times before. Pappas and Thompson were both running the London Marathon for the first time, and crossed the finish line together in 3:59:18.

Before and after the London Marathon, Pappas took to social media to share her experience with Thompson, explaining that as Thompson’s teammate, she was, “an audiobook in a way.” Pappas points out people in unique costumes and uses metaphors to help guide Thompson through the crowds as they ran in both Boston and London.

“The runners are like an ocean,” Thompson and Pappas agree, discussing how hard it is not to get caught up in the crowds. “It takes a lot of confidence and composure to run your own race,” Pappas says. Pre-race, Thompson and Pappas agreed their goals were simply to enjoy the experience and to try to brighten someone else’s day

“Lisa and I soaked in all the accented cheers of the tree and people-lined streets. We loved the costumes. We loved the kids. We loved the chance to start right on the heels of the elite field,” Pappas shared after the marathon. “We were in a groove, having learned how to be teammates this spring in Boston. We were really good about tangents this time.”

“Running a marathon is like an orange: sometimes hard to get into but then wonderful, refreshing, messy, delicious. Good shared. Good alone. Happy Lisa and I were together today,” said Pappas.

Pappas and Thompson certainly achieved their goals at the 2022 London Marathon, becoming an inspiration for other runners along the way.

(10/03/2022) Views: 871 ⚡AMP
by Keeley Milne
TCS London Marathon

TCS London Marathon

The London Marathon was first run on March 29, 1981 and has been held in the spring of every year since 2010. It is sponsored by Virgin Money and was founded by the former Olympic champion and journalist Chris Brasher and Welsh athlete John Disley. It is organized by Hugh Brasher (son of Chris) as Race Director and Nick Bitel...


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