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When should you start fall marathon training?

Now that summer is here across the country, maybe you have started planning or looking at some races this fall. If you’ve been running for some time, you’re likely coming off spring or summer races and looking for some motivation to get back out there. Don’t worry, you are one of many trying to find the perfect fall marathon to add to your race calendar.

Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or planning to tackle your first, one thing is true: It takes time to train for a marathon, as your body needs time to adapt to the pounding it will take during training and the race. Most online coaches and training plans suggest that runners should start training four months out from their race, but how accurate is this time period?

The timeline in which you should start training for a marathon depends on your running experience.

If starting from scratch, you’ll want to give yourself five to six months before your goal race to prepare for the long haul of 42.2 kilometers. The first two months are focused on getting you in shape and acquainted with running four to five days a week, while mileage and endurance are developed over the last 16 weeks.

Experienced runners can get away with two to four months of training before their goal race since their bodies are familiar with high volume. This eight to 16-week period will be focused on quality over quantity. A long run and two-speed workouts a week will be their bread and butter sessions to achieve a new personal best.

You always want to train to your current level of fitness. Planning and executing this will help you train more consistently, stay healthy, see progress and prepare you to conquer that fall marathon.

(07/04/2022) Views: 943 ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

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