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Cape Cod Marathon has been cancelled because of damage caused by the latest storms

Because of damage caused by the nor'easter, race officials decided to cancel the Mayflower Wind Cape Cod Marathon.

Events that were scheduled throughout the upcoming Halloween weekend are being cancelled.

"The town of Falmouth has experienced a major storm that resulted in severe loss of power, down trees and flooding," race officials wrote in a statement. "After discussion with town officials, it was determined for the safety of everyone involved that we cancel all events for the Mayflower Wind Cape Cod Marathon Weekend."

The organizers of the race chose to give away 200 gallons of soup they had ordered for the approximately 4,000 runners anticipated.

The unexpected giveaway at the Falmouth recreation center was a bright spot on a chilly day. "A lot of people don’t have power. On a cold day like this, honored to give out hot soup," one of the volunteers said.

"This is the first hot thing I’ve had all day," one of the recipients said.

Officials have not yet decided whether the events will be rescheduled.

"We have started discussions on what options runners will have and will let you as soon as possible," the statement also said.

(10/29/2021) Views: 1,221 ⚡AMP
Cape Cod Marathon

Cape Cod Marathon

The one-loop course begins and ends at the Village Green in Falmouth center on Main Street, Falmouth, MA. The one-loop course begins and ends at the Village Green in Falmouth center. The first part is easy, the latter is a test. The people who do well on this course follow the following formula: Go out easy, take plenty... The first...


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