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2021 Eau Claire Marathon to be held in-person

As you know, the Eau Claire Marathon went virtual in 2020 due to the pandemic. This year, however, that will change.

"We will be racing together, in-person, in 2021," said Emi Uelmen, race director.

However, there's a catch. The event will not be held on the traditional first weekend of May. Instead, the event will be held on the last weekend of September (25 and 26).

That doesn't mean nothing is happening on that first weekend of May. The Eau Claire Marathon will host a new COVID-friendly racing series called Bridge2Bridge. This will include three races.

Saturday, May 1st, 4:00 PM – 1-mile race 

Saturday, May 1st evening – 5-mile race

Sunday, May 2nd morning – 10-mile race

(01/13/2021) Views: 1,332 ⚡AMP
by Shannon Hoyt
Eau Claire Marathon

Eau Claire Marathon

The Eau Claire Marathon is a USATF certified, Boston Marathon qualifying race. Since 2014, over 250 Eau Claire Marathon runners have qualified for the Boston Marathon. All races start and finish in Carson Park, a 134 acre peninsula surrounded by Half Moon Lake. As you exit the park, you will cross the first of 11 bridges. Making your way through...


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