Running News Daily

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Marty Hehir wins The Marathon Project Running a sub 2:09

Marty Hehir is the MARATHON PROJECT winner 2:08:59.  Noah Droddy in second. Both lifetime PBs!

Hehir, 28, is in his fourth year of medical school in Philadelphia and applying to residency programs in anesthesiology.

He pushed the pace between miles 22 and 23, opening up a lead of several meters over Noah Droddy. Hehir grimaced through the final stretch, but dipped under the 2:09 mark, for a two-and-a-half-minute personal best. His time puts him seventh on the list of U.S. all-time marathoners.

Droddy finished second in 2:09:09, also an enormous personal record. Colin Bennie—who, like Hehir, is part of the Reebok Boston Track Club in Charlottesville, Virginia—was third in 2:09:38.

Mens Results

Martin Hehir 2:08:59

Noah Droddy 2:09:09

Colin Bennie 2:09:38

Scott Fauble 2:09:42

Ian Butler 2:09:45

(12/20/2020) Views: 1,233 ⚡AMP

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