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A team of 160 COVID-19 fighters are set to run 2020 Guangzhou Marathon

Some 160 COVID-19 fighters will form a team to run the 2020 Guangzhou Marathon on December 13, the event organizer announced at a press conference on Wednesday.

The Guangzhou Marathon registered these medical workers who have been fighting against the coronavirus epidemic from hospitals and disease control centers in Guangzhou. The southern Chinese city had sent more than 2,000 medical workers to Hubei province earlier this year to fight the coronavirus.

"Persistence, concentration and never give up -- the spirit of our virus fighters fits the marathon spirit so well," Ouyang Ziwen, director of the Guangzhou sports bureau said.

"The virus fighters deserve the greatest respect and tribute, and the marathon will be one of the best ways," he added.

A total of 20,000 runners will run the 2020 Guangzhou Marathon. Because the epidemic has been well controlled in China, sports events are being held again. Last week, Shanghai, Nanjing and Chengdu all held marathon races.

"This has demonstrated China's strong ability to recover and enormous vitality," Ouyang said.

(12/02/2020) Views: 1,348 ⚡AMP
Guangzhou International Marathon

Guangzhou International Marathon

The Guangzhou Marathon was launched in 2012 and certified by CAA as the A level event. From 2014 to 2017,Guangzhou Marathon was recognized as the CAA Gold Medal Race for four consecutive years. The year of 2018 has seen this event was upgraded as IAAF Gold Label Road Race after it was awarded as IAAF Bronze and Silver Label Road...


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