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Kenyan John Korir captures 2024 Boilermaker 15K title

 John Korir of Kenya finished first at the 47th Boilermaker 15K Road Race presented by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, falling just short of last year’s record at 42:11.

This year’s 15K race saw 7,967 finishers, with 3,663 crossing the finish line for the 5K, up from 6,973 and 3,125, respectively, in 2023.

Korir successfully unseated the champion of the 2022 and 2023 Boilermaker, Jemal Yimer of Ethiopia. Yimer came in second place this year, just 8 seconds slower at 42:19. Yimer and Korir remained neck and neck throughout the race before the golf course.

Biya Simbassa of Flagstaff, Arizona, led the pack of American athletes, finishing 8th overall with a time of 43:53.

Winning the Women’s Open Division by a matter of milliseconds was Grace Loibach Nawowuna of Kenya, who broke the tape at 49:18. Emmaculate Anya Achol, also of Kenya, came in just mere steps behind Nawowuna.

The American women’s contingent was led by Annamaria Kostarellis of Arkansas, who finished in fifth place overall with a time of 50:18.

Canadian Josh Cassidy defended his title in the men’s open wheelchair division with a time of 34:05, beating Utica’s own Hermin Garic, who finished second with a time of 36:06. The 2024 Women’s Wheelchair Open Division saw a new champion in Hoda Elshorbagy of Illinois finishing in 40:25.

19-year-old Brendan Carter of Watertown, Massachusetts, won the 5K Road Race presented by Utica National in 15:38, crossing the finish line 13 seconds ahead of second-place finisher Dan Casatelli of Deansboro. Annika Hurley of Springfield, New Jersey, won the women’s open division of the 5K at 19:03.

“The 2nd Sunday in July never seems to fail to deliver beautiful weather for the Boilermaker,” said Mark Donovan, Boilermaker president, “for our 47th running, Mother Nature provided yet another picture-perfect day for our participants and spectators, making for a great experience.”

(07/15/2024) Views: 191 ⚡AMP
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Boilermaker 15k

Boilermaker 15k

The Boilermaker 15K is the premier event of Boilermaker Weekend. This world krenowned race is often referred to as the country's best 15K. The Boilermaker 15K is recognized for its entertaining yet challenging course and racing's best post-race party, hosted by the F.X. Matt Brewing Company, featuring Saranac beer and a live concert! With 3 ice and water stops every...


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