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Canadian ultra-star Priscilla Forgie is ready to crush Western States 100

Edmonton’s Priscilla Forgie is blazing a trail in Canadian ultrarunning, and she’s primed for one of the biggest races of the year—Western States 100-miler, set for June 29th. Having finished as the top Canadian in last year’s race (eighth place overall), Forgie is back, even more prepared and ready to tackle the course in Auburn, California. Her secret? Three specific strategies that can benefit any runner aiming to elevate their performance.

Forgie has dominated numerous races in recent years, with victories at the Squamish 50-mile and 50/50, a second-place finish at the Canyons Endurance Run, and an overall win (with a course record) at the Near Death Marathon. Here’s how she’s preparing for Western States 100 and how you can apply her methods to your own training.

“Last year, I was told I looked better at the 100K mark than at 50K! The elevation in the high country kicked my butt, so I arrived a bit earlier this time around to adjust,” Forgie shares.

Altitude can be a game-changer in endurance races. If your race is at a higher elevation than you’re used to, plan to arrive several days or even weeks early if at all possible, to give your body time to acclimate. If you’re unable to spend extra days at altitude, make sure to incorporate lots of elevation gain into your training runs and consider practising breathing techniques to help reduce respiratory fatigue.

(06/24/2024) Views: 289 ⚡AMP
by Running Magazine

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