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Meet the 91 year-old competing in the Missoula Half Marathon

A few weeks ago, Missoula Marathon Director Trisha Drobek stopped by our offices to record a few on-air interviews regarding the upcoming race. Drobek provided some great advice on running the marathon that you can find below.

On a topic off-air, I mentioned to Drobek that I was running the Half Marathon (please hold your applause) with a good chance I'd finish dead last. Drobek chuckled and said I would be just fine at 28 compared to the 91-year-old competing in the race.

I HAD to track her down. Myrtle Miller at 91 years young is gearing up to participate in another Missoula Half Marathon. She began competing in the Half 12 years ago at the young age of 79 and has participated every year since, minus the COVID years.

"The year before I saw two of my friends doing that [participating in the Half Marathon] and I thought 'Oh I want to do that too'" said Miller. "I was closer to do this type of thing," Myrtle explained after she and her husband moved into town.

Miller won't be alone at this year's Missoula Half Marathon on June 30th. She'll be joined by her son Brian.

"My son's done it with me every year. He's a runner, in fact, he's running a 30K down in Idaho or someplace, but he's walked with me every year."

Some people will never compete in a race setting over their entire life but not Myrtle. She relishes the opportunity every spring to get back out there.

"It's just a goal I have each spring. I think 'Oh, I want to do this again,' so it's just kind of a goal, you know? I know the beginning of March we start training."

Myrtle is a pro at this point. She knows her training route and she knows what it will take to tackle the Half Marathon. This year Myrtle is looking to complete the the 13.1 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes. 

"I think I did it in 4:15:00 last year, so I think it will be 4:30:00 this year. Looking back, I've been keeping track, looking back over the years each year I'm about 15 [minutes] to half an hour slower.

(05/30/2024) Views: 307 ⚡AMP
by Ace Sauerwein
Missoula Marathon

Missoula Marathon

Half and full marathon in Missoula, Montana, in the city they call "The Garden City." Amazing participation by the entire town and county. Front lawn hose squads cool down the runners en route. Lots of rest stations. The full marathon is a Boston qualifier. Runner's World rated the course as one of the best overall road races. ...


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