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How Running Can Help You Effectively Lose Weight

Weight loss is a major topic around the globe; with summer just around the corner, many people are hoping to get beach ready in a short space of time.

You can speed up your weight loss by taking up a particular sport: running. Though walking can help burn calories, a study revealed that runners can achieve 90% greater weight loss per energy expanded when they’re running. As such, people who want to achieve quick weight loss can benefit from running compared to walking regularly.

There are many reasons why running can help you lose excess weight in a fast manner. To illustrate, here are a few reasons why running can help you achieve your desired weight:

Running can complement the effects of your weight loss diet

As previously mentioned, running is a physical activity that can burn calories quickly. Due to this effect, dietitians consider it as a good strategy to combine with a healthy weight-loss diet.

Registered dietitian Natalie Rizzo explains that running is a good workout to include in a weight loss routine because it burns excess calories in your body. However, Rizzo emphasized that your running routine must go hand-in-hand with good nutrition because the food that you eat causes excess calories in the first place. Thus, you need to combine exercises like running with a proper diet to be able to minimize your calorie intake and make it easier to burn all the excess calories.

You can switch up your routine to burn calories more effectively

There are various types of running routines that you could do to lose weight. So if you want to burn more calories, you can simply adjust your routine now and then to increase the effects of your workout. In fact, running coach Chris Coggins explains that you should be running fast and running far to maximize the amount of weight that you’re losing. Switching up your routine is crucial because high-intensity runs can torch your calories better and give you that after-burn effect, while slower runs over long distances can target your fat better. Coggins suggests switching between the two approaches to reap both effects and avoid any plateaus from the routine.

Your running goals can serve as motivators for weight loss

It’s very common for people to lose their motivation for weight loss over time. Unfortunately, it’s easy for motivation to wane, especially if you are only focusing on weight loss as your sole goal. As such, it’s important to boost your motivation for weight loss by setting goals that are related to an activity that makes you want to get out there and move. Research shows that people are more likely to stick to a fitness routine if they’re motivated by internal rewards, which is why it’s crucial to set goals that are related to your running routine. To illustrate, you can focus on aiming for certain distance goals or prepare for a specific race to motivate yourself to run every day and lose weight in the process.

Serious runners are more likely to adopt healthy behaviors

There are more benefits that you can reap from setting running-related goals. These goals may encourage you to pick up healthier lifestyle habits, which can further contribute to your weight loss. Often people who fall in love with a running practice end up adopting healthy behaviors that can help them improve their fitness performance. To illustrate, they may start sleeping more to have more time for morning runs or load up on nutrient-rich foods to get more energy for their routine. Though these healthy habits are mostly for one’s running practice, they can improve your health and lower your weight in the process.

Running can help you lose weight, especially if you do the practice right. As such, you need to learn more about the practice to be able to burn any excess calories more effectively.

(06/30/2023) Views: 675 ⚡AMP

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