Running News Daily

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The Reggae Marathon was Japan's Daichi Okano third marathon and first win

Okano, 26, despite being autistic, has been running competitively since the age of 15. However, this is his third competitive marathon and his first win clocking 2:47:17. He expressed that he enjoyed running the marathon, although it got a bit hot near the end. "My body felt light, I felt good this morning, so I was just able to keep my form and composure. It was my first time, but I had a really good run and I enjoyed it," said Okano, who was speaking through an interpreter. "It was hot, got pretty warm, but (it was) nothing too much out of the ordinary, so I was able to enjoy myself and have a good run," he added. Okano, who was running outside of Japan for the first time, said he is looking forward to competing in Jamaica again next year.  (12/03/2018) Views: 1,338 ⚡AMP

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