Running News Daily

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Strong elite women's field set for World 10K Bengaluru 2018 on Sunday

A strong women's field with elite runners from across the globe has been assembled to challenge Ethiopias IAAF World Half Marathon Valencia 2018 winner Netsanet Gudeta at the TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2018 Sunday. Gudeta's rivals this weekend will include the Kenyan pair of Agnes Tirop and Pauline Kamulu. Tirop, still only 22, won the 2015 world cross country title and has proven herself to be a formidable competitor on the track as well. She won the IAAF World Championships 10,000 metre bronze medal in London last summer and showed she is in excellent form earlier this month when she finished second over 3000m at the IAAF Diamond League meeting in Doha with a personal best of 8:29.09. Kamulu, 23, has spent several years based in Japan but this will be her first trip to India. She surprised many when she took the bronze medal at the IAAF World Half Marathon Valencia 2018. A third Kenyan, Caroline Kipkirui, doesn't have the international championships credentials of her two compatriots but has shown stunning form recently while winning the Doha 3000m in a personal best of 8:29.05 and also running a 10km best of 30:28 when finishing second in Prague last month, which makes her the fastest woman in Bengaluru and the equal-seventh fastest ever. (05/21/2018) Views: 2,111 ⚡AMP

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