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Reggae Marathon will go virtual this year

Reggae Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K  will go virtual this year. That is the decision of the organisers, the Jamdammers Running Club of Kingston, supported by their partners and stakeholders. 

“COVID-19 has altered the ‘runscape’ worldwide, and Jamaica is no exception.  With the rise in positive cases locally and globally, we took the decision to cancel the physical participation this year, in the interest of the international and local participants, with the objective of staying safe.  However, we look forward to returning to the normal participation in 2021,” said Alfred Francis, race director.

Francis further added that “this is the first time in its 19 years of running that Reggae Marathon is being cancelled. 

"We had put many plans in place to celebrate the 20th staging, but we have had to rethink them in light of the negative impact of the pandemic.  We will have additional information on our website for persons who have already registered and are looking at the various options offered in light of the cancellation.“

Since its inception in 2001, Reggae Marathon has seen 24,890 participants, of which 13,169 or 53 per cent were visitors from more than 40 countries worldwide.

(08/29/2020) Views: 913 ⚡AMP

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