Running News Daily

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RAM Racing and its Allstate Hot Chocolate 15k/5k series are proud to set up a partnership with Asdeporte in Mexico

As part of the partnership, Asdeporte will be producing three Hot Chocolate 15k/5k race events in Mexico in the coming months. Following the success of the inaugural Hot Chocolate 15k/5k Mexico City in 2019, Asdeporte is launching new Hot Chocolate 15k/5k races in Guadalajara and Monterrey plus returning to Mexico City.

Established in 2008 by RAM Racing, the Allstate Hot Chocolate 15k/5k is an annual favorite on runners’ calendars. Each year over 200,000 participants run for chocolate, making it the fastest growing race series in the U.S. More than one million people have run in a Hot Chocolate 15k/5k race since its inception, with races in 22 U.S cities and Mexico City.

In 2019 the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k race series went international with the inaugural Hot Chocolate 15k/5k Mexico City, the third largest race ever in Mexico with 15,437 finishers. The first-year event sold out weeks before race day with 17,500 registrants.

The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k series combines industry-leading production, technology, and safety standards with award-winning swag bags, finisher’s medals and mugs filled with hot chocolate.

Asdeporte produces world-class endurance events for the largest community of Spanish-speaking athletes in the world, with more than one million active participants. Asdeporte and RAM Racing are committed to delivering best-of-class event experiences to all participants. The production partnership comes at a time of exponential growth for both companies.

“We’re excited to be producing three Hot Chocolate 15k/5k running events in Mexico this coming season,” said Wilbert Moguel, Asdeporte’s Director General. “Guadalajara, Mexico City, and Monterrey are all vibrant running communities.”

(07/16/2019) Views: 2,214 ⚡AMP
Hot Chocolate San Francisco

Hot Chocolate San Francisco

The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k San Francisco course highlights the city’s biggest attractions. We hold our races to the highest quality standards, from start to finish, course design and accuracy, emergency medical plans that exceed industry standards all in the name of your safety. Along those lines, all Hot Chocolate 15k/5kRAM Racing events have a USATF-certified course with a distance that...


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