Running News Daily

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NCAA champion Edward Cheserek equalled the world 5km record of 13:29 when winning the Carlsbad 5000 on Sunday

The multiple NCAA champion was an emphatic winner. He blitzed through the first two kilometres in 5:04 and had Craig Nowak for company, but despite forging ahead and opening up a 20-second gap on the rest of the field over the next two kilometers, the pace dropped slightly and he passed through the four-kilometre mark in 10:41.

Needing a final kilometre of 2:48 to equal the ratified world record set by Julien Wanders in Monaco earlier this year, Cheserek achieved his target and crossed the line in 13:29, taking nine seconds off his PB in the process.

Fellow Kenyan David Bett was a distant runner-up in 13:54.

Sharon Lokedi won the women’s race to complete a Kenyan double. Part of a large pack in the early stages, she broke away in the second half to win in 15:48. Britain’s Charlotte Arter was second in 16:01.

There have been several quicker times recorded over 5km on the roads, but the event only became an official world record discipline last year.

Wanders’ 13:29 clocking in February was the first performance to fulfil all of the criteria needed for a world record and his mark was ratified last month, along with Sifan Hassan’s 14:44 clocking from the women’s race in Monaco.

(04/08/2019) Views: 2,356 ⚡AMP
Carlsbad 5000

Carlsbad 5000

The Carlsbad 5000 features a fast and fun seaside course where 16 world records have been set. Both rookie runners and serious speedsters alike enjoy running or walking in Carlsbad. Weekend festivities kick off Saturday morning with the beloved Junior Carlsbad, a kids-only event in the heart of Carlsbad Village featuring fun runs, toddler trots, and diaper dashes! On Sunday,...


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