Running News Daily

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Kenyas Agnes Tirop will return to the Garden City to defend her title

In 2018, Agnes Tirop set a course record of 31:19 at the TCS World 10K after managing to shake off Ethiopia’s Senbere Teferi with just 250 meters to go.

Teferi, who won the RAK Half Marathon earlier this year in a national record of 1:05:45, is also back in Bengaluru while other familiar faces on the start line include Kenya’s Caroline Kipkirui and Ethiopia’s world half marathon champion Netsanet Gudeta, who were third and fourth in 2018.

Add into the mix the presence of Kenya’s world record-holder Joyciline Jepkosgei and Ethiopia’s Tsehay Gemechu, who leads the 2019 10km world list after her win in Valencia in 30:15 and it promises to be every bit as exciting as the men’s contest.

“Every year the quality of the elite fields for the TCS World 10K Bengaluru gets better and this year is no different,” said Vivek Singh, joint managing director of race promoters Procam International.

“We have world record-holder Joyciline Jepkosgei and five male athletes whose personal best is well below the course record.”

(04/30/2019) Views: 2,490 ⚡AMP


The TCS World 10k Bengaluru has always excelled in ways beyond running. It has opened new doors for people to reach out to the less privileged of the society and encourages them to do their bit. The TCS World 10K event is the world’s richest 10 Km run and has seen participation from top elite athletes in the world. ...


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