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High school sprinter beats world champion Noah Lyles in 100m race

American high schooler Issam Asinga ran an incredible 9.83-second 100m race on Sunday, winning the race and beating 200m world champion and Olympic bronze medalist Noah Lyles in the process. The 18-year-old Asinga’s time is the fastest ever recorded by an American high school athlete under any conditions, although it was wind-aided at 2.6 meters per second (the limit for wind is 2.0 meters per second). Wind-legal or not, Asinga’s run was phenomenal, and he is certainly someone to follow in the coming years.

Sunday’s run was not Asinga’s first time storming into the record books. In March at the New Balance Nationals Indoor meet, he tied the American high school 60m record with a 6.59-second run, and broke the national high school 200m record in 20.48 seconds. His 100m result in Florida is undoubtedly his most impressive feat yet, as he took down Lyles to do it. 

The official American high school boys record stands at 10 seconds flat—a time Trentavis Friday ran in 2014. That is as close as any high schooler has come to breaking 10 seconds in legal conditions. Before Asinga’s run on Sunday, Matt Boling had the fastest all-conditions run in American high school history, posting a 9.98-second 100m back in 2019. That race saw winds of 4.2 meters per second.

Despite running in far slower winds than Boling felt during his race, Asinga obliterated that record, flying to the finish line. A wind conversion calculator shows that his result is equal to a 9.85 run in 2.0m/s wind and a 9.93 in still conditions. In either case, Asinga’s time would smash all previous American high school records. 

After the race, Lyles took to Twitter to congratulate the young sprinter. “Shout out to Issam Asinga,” he wrote. “I can definitely see us racing on the big stages if you keep improving and you can definitely get that HS record man!” There’s no word on when Asinga’s next race will come, but it will be an exciting one to watch as he chases a wind-legal result. 

(04/24/2023) Views: 838 ⚡AMP
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