Running News Daily

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Disappointment for Jordan Hasay at the Valencia Marathon

 Despite the fast course and good conditions, American Jordan Hasay struggled once again to pull off a strong marathon. Hasay finished a disappointing 27th, in 2:33:51. She has been targeting Deena Kastor‘s national record of 2:19:36 since she ran the second-fastest marathon of any American woman, a 2:20:57 in Chicago in 2017. However, since that run, the marathon times haven’t come so easily. 

Hasay’s strongest result in the past two years came from the 2019 Boston Marathon, where she ran a 2:25:20 – an extremely impressive time on one of the hilliest marathon courses in the states. However, since Boston, Hasay has struggled. The 2019 Chicago Marathon fell just a few days after her former coach, Alberto Salazar, had been suspended. She ultimately didn’t finish that race and went on to come 26th at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials a few months later. Neither of those results was what she had been hoping for. On Sunday, her 2:33 performance likely didn’t live up to her high standards, either. 

(12/06/2020) Views: 1,110 ⚡AMP
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