Running News Daily

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14,000 set for 16th edition of Generali Genève Marathon

After two difficult years with the pandemic, the Generali Genève Marathon in Switzerland is returning to full strength with eight race formats on the event programme and some new features.

Organized by OC Sport, the main marathon event and the half marathon are set for Sunday, May 15, with a number of other events lined up for Saturday, May 14.

This year, financial services firm Generali has become a title partner; and its Swiss foundation, The Human Safety Net Switzerland (THSN), is on board as a charity partner. These two new partnerships will aim to breathe new life into the event, which has returned to its original red colored branding, and features the addition of a new slogan, #RunForRefugees in support of refugees.

The 6km ‘La Genevoise #LikeAGirl by Always’ race, previously intended only for women, has become the ‘5km by Always’, and will now also be open to men. This race is relocated to the lakefront, in front of the jet d’eau, on a fast course conducive to personal bests.

In another evolution, the start in Chêne-Bourg has been slightly moved and will now be just in front of the new Genève train station. This has direct access from many stations to the Lake Geneva area and encourages participants to use public transport.

The organizers will continue to focus on the carbon footprint generated by the event; and a carbon footprint assessment will be carried out. Numerous concrete actions have already been put in place for a number of years, such as the TPG transport ticket offered to each participant, the Geneva water distributed at the refreshment stands without any PET bottles, and the management of waste.

(05/13/2022) Views: 1,140 ⚡AMP
Harmony Geneva Marathon

Harmony Geneva Marathon

The Harmony Geneva Marathon for Unicef is arguably one of the most picturesque city marathons in Europe and unquestionably one of the fastest. The course takes in the countryside nestled between mountains and the shore of Lake Geneva before finishing in the heart of the city in front of the famous Jet d’Eau. Thousands of runners from more than 120...


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