More disturbing news about coach Alberto Salazar of the Nike Oregon Project and Nike’s founder and billionaire Phil Knight
There has been much talk about Alberto Salazar and the Nike Oregon Project lately. Just this week teenage super star Mary Cain said her career was ruined by Salazar and Nike. She was mentally abused by coach Salazar and Nike supported the Oregon Project.
Let’s not forget who Nike is. Phil Knight built Nike into the giant company it is today. He was running things day to day at Nike when the Oregon Project was started in 2001. I am sure he pushed coach Salazar to do whatever it took for their athletes to win races.
Phil Knight ran over a lot of people and companies as he built Nike. Today he is worth over 31 billion dollars and growing. Nike stock is trading near an all time high. I am sure their $250 racing shoes must be helping. A shoe that many feel should be ban. I am sure they did not have it tested or looked at by the world’s governing body (IAAF) before they released it. They just put it on the market. That’s the Phil Knight way. That’s the Salazar way.
I am not a fan of either men. Nor am I a fan of Nike. They tired to destroy my magazine Runner’s World in the early 80’s because I would not rate their shoe number one. This is another story I have already covered.
That’s in the past and I have moved on. But things that have been going on now can’t be overlooked.
Nike’s power is overwhelming. They think they can do whatever they want. They are still even supporting Salazar, a long term friend of Phil Knight. Yet Salazar has been banned for four years for doping violations. Should have been a lifetime ban.
How can we continue to turn our back on this? We can’t. We can’t just continue to buy their shoes, just making Phil Knight and family richer.
What do you think we should do? Thanks Mary Cain for sharing your story. That was very brave.
posted Friday November 8th
by Bob Anderson (Founder Runner’s World and My Best Runs)