Robin Hood Half and Marathon Leaderboard Results

Nottingham, England, UK

Robin Hood Half and Marathon Race Information ยท All MyBESTRuns Leaderboard Race Results

Robin Hood Half and Marathon, Race Date: September 29th, 2024, Distance: Half
Division Time Name Age Home
Male 1:08:16 David Bishop
2nd Male 1:09:19 George Phillips
3rd Male 1:09:34 Alastair Henry Watson
4th Male 1:10:10 Sebastian Segger Staveley
Female 1:19:19 Olivia Bates
2nd Female 1:20:19 Amy Lowe
3rd Female 1:23:25 Molly Uren
4th Female 1:24:07 Catherine Shea
Division Time Name Age Home
M 40-49 1:09:34 Alastair Henry Watson
M 50-59 1:19:42 Michael Denison
M 60-69 1:25:10 Adrian Bramham
M 70+ 1:54:22 Chris Dunn
F 40-49 1:33:39 Sara Insley
F 50-59 1:38:50 Nic Jones
F 60-69 1:39:13 Christine Heaton
F 70+ 2:16:07 Julie Vernon
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