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Palo Alto Double 15K and 10K/5K
Palo Alto, California

The Details:
Take $5 off any of our three races Palo Alto Double 15K (10K+break+5K) Palo Alto 10K Palo Alto 5K (Run/Walk)

Discount: $5.00

Expiration Date: 12/14/2023

Event Date: 12/14/2024

How To Get It: Click here to get the promo code delivered to your Inbox.

About Palo Alto Double 15K and 10K/5K

Bring the whole family and enjoy our pre Christmas events. All participants get a special shirt and bag. All finishers get a special medal. $200 of cash prizes ($100 each for winners of Double 15k)

There will be four events in Palo Alto. Palo Alto Double 15K (10K+5K), Palo Alto 10K, Palo Alto UjENA 5K Run/Walk and Bob Anderson's Kids Mile (for ages 13 and under). Trophies for all men and women's winners plus performance medals.

"Double Racing®, Double for short, is a sport consisting of two-stage running events. Participants first run the longer stage, take a halftime break and then run the second stage. Times are combined for scoring. Participants must complete both stages to get a time.The second stage starts 1 hour 45 minutes (restart) after the start of first leg. Times are added together for scoring. Double Victory Cup is awarded to the runner with the best age-graded score.

All participants will be given a high tech loog sleeve shirt, tote bag and all finishers get a special medal. This event was first held in Pleasanton then moved to San Juan Bautista and now it is held annually in Palo Alto, California.

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