The Run The World Global Run Challenge team is one third of the way around the world

The Run The World Global Run Challenge team has logged in 8,138 miles so far which is almost a third of the way around the world in the first 14 days.   These miles have been run in 21 countries.  The top ten counties based on miles logged are: 1. USA 2. Kenya 3. India 4. South Africa 5. Great Britain 6. Canada 7. Palau 8. Mexico 9. Japan 10. Costa Rica.  “We wanted this to be a Global event and that is what it has become,” says Bob Anderson who created the event.  70-year-old Bob Anderson has logged in 76 miles himself since the start date of July 4.  “Our Mission is to celebrate running, motivate our team, inspire others and complete our goal of logging 24,901 miles, the distance around the world in as few days as possible with a team no bigger than 200,” says Bob.  Photo: Grace Padilla training at Mammoth Lakes, California last week and logging her miles in for the RUN THE WORLD Challenge.  

posted Tuesday July 17th