Running legend Ron Hill, has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

Running legend Ron Hill has revealed he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Hill, aged 79, spoke with honesty and determination when announcing his condition, saying, “It won’t stop me in my tracks I’ll cheerfully carry on keeping active and, hopefully, this will give other people the impression that dementia is nothing to be frightened by.” One of the most popular figures in the running world, Hill won marathon gold medals at the European Championships in 1969 and the year after at the Commonwealth Games. He was the second ever man to break 2:10 over 26.2 miles, running a 2:09:28 in Edinburgh in 1970, and achieved a life-long goal of racing in 100 countries by the time of his 70th birthday. Until January, 2017 he ran at least a mile a day for 19,032 days.

posted Monday March 5th
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