My BEST Runs Latest Results
Hot Chocolate Phoenix

Sunday December 14th, 2025
Phoenix, Az
Distance: 15K · 5K
Offical Race Web Site

The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k, coined as America’s Sweetest Race, is brought to you by RAM Racing. Established in 2008, the inaugural Hot Chocolate 15k/5k ran through the streets of Chicago, Illinois. Since its inception, over 200,000 participants have run for chocolate, making it the fastest growing race series in the nation

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Hot Chocolate Phoenix
Prize Money: $1,700

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Hot Chocolate Phoenix, Race Date: 2024-12-15, Distance: 15k
Division Time Name Age Home
Male 48:41 Austin Lavin
2nd Male 51:04 Bryce Schmisseur
3rd Male 51:27 Matthew Dillon
4th Male 52:30 Brendan Delaney
Female 53:18 Estefania vallejo
2nd Female 54:28 Heather Pilon
3rd Female 1:02:52 Kristin Gitlitz
4th Female 1:04:24 Shaylyn Larson
Division Time Name Age Home
M 40-49 58:35 Frank Kinkead
M 50-59 1:01:43 Fadi Shamoun
M 60-69 1:04:06 ROGER PLAMONDON
M 70+ 1:23:23 Tim Buckley
F 40-49 1:09:12 Tracy Campagnano
F 50-59 1:01:53 Suzie McKee
F 60-69 1:09:47 Gilly Calcagno
F 70+ 1:43:39 Carol Madrigal
Hot Chocolate Phoenix

America's Sweetest Race

The Hot Chocolate 15k/5k, coined as America’s Sweetest Race, is brought to you by RAM Racing. Established in 2008, the inaugural Hot Chocolate 15k/5k ran through the streets of Chicago, Illinois. Since its inception, over 200,000 participants have run for chocolate, making it the fastest growing race series in the nation!

Each Hot Chocolate 15k/5k race features both a 15k (9.3miles) and 5k (3.1miles) distance and all runners are encouraged to join the fun! Participants receive an award winning goodie bag, which they collect at the expo along with their race packet.

The chocolate really begins to flow at the Post Race Party where runners enjoy music, a family friendly kid-zone (complete with bounce houses and games) and a finisher’s mugs filled with hot chocolate, chocolate fondue and tasty dippable treats!

Make-A-Wish® is the official race charity of the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k! Make-A-Wish®creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We are on a quest to bring every eligible child's wish to life, because a wish is an integral part of a child's treatment journey. Research shows children who have wishes granted build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness.

Don’t miss out on your chocolate experience. Where will you run for chocolate?

Join the Elite Corral and start at the front of the pack. Run alongside like-paced runners, set a new personal record and win cash prizes!

Copyright 2025