Holocaust survivor says running gives him strength

Nat Shaffir runs 6 miles a day, 6 days a week. He started running when he met a college student who had just run a marathon. "I looked at her and said, she did a marathon? If she can do it I can do it," he said. He was 65 then and now he's 81, and later this year hopes to run his 12th marathon. When he runs, he doesn't listen to music or plan his day. He says his mind is usually in a much darker place. Shaffir gives tours at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., where he shares his own story... His family spent years in a Jewish ghetto, with barely enough food to survive, and 32 of his relatives perished in Nazi concentration camps. Shaffir, though, eventually made it to Israel, and at age 24 to America. Running, he says, gives him strength. From CBS Evening News

posted Monday February 12th
Running Heroes