World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Gdynia 2020 has been postponed
It is with regret that we have agreed with the Mayor of Gdynia and the organisers of the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Gdynia 2020 (29 March) to postpone this event until October this year, due to the ongoing uncertainty created by the spread of new Coronavirus internationally.
The current international situation would have seriously compromised the event at this time as many countries are now restricting international travel, invoking quarantines and advising citizens and event organisers to avoid mass gatherings.
First and foremost we had to consider the health and well-being of our athletes, officials and spectators in making this decision.
The advice from our medical team, who are in contact with the World Health Organisation, is that the spread of the Coronavirus is at a concerning level in many countries and all major gatherings should be reviewed.
This week we have worked with the Local Organising Committee to identify an appropriate alternative date for both the host city and for the elite competitors and we have agreed on 17 October this year.
Due to the exceptional efforts of our Polish organising committee, and the enthusiasm of the local community, this event was to include a mass race of more than 25,000 participants on 29 March, and we hope that the great majority of these recreational runners will still be able to participate alongside our elite competitors on the new date.
posted Friday March 6th
by World Athletics