Three short and sweet fall workouts

Whether you are hanging onto summer vibes or love all things pumpkin spice, these quick workouts will have you solidifying the basics.

Whether you’re hanging on to the warm end-of-summer days or eager to enjoy all things pumpkin spice, you’ll love these short and snappy, back-to-basics workouts. These three sessions are designed to keep your training varied and engaging as the seasons change.

1.- Autumn fartlek fun

This workout blends intensity with variety, making it perfect for sharpening your speed as you head into the fall racing season. Fartlek is Swedish for “speed play,” and involves injecting your workout with varied paces that can range from a sprint to a very easy jog. The random nature of fartlek keeps it enjoyable and helps prevent burnout.

Warm up with 10 minutes of easy running.

Run at a hard pace for two minutes, followed by two minutes of easy jogging. Repeat this cycle for 15-20 minutes, depending on your fitness level. The key here is to vary the intensity—think of it as a playful way to inject some speed into your run. Choose landmarks like trees, mailboxes or light posts to signal when you’ll start or stop your harder efforts.

Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running.

2.- Crisp morning hill repeats

Hill repeats are fantastic for building strength in your legs and improving your running form. As the temperatures drop, this workout also helps keep your body warm and engaged.

Warm up with 10 minutes of easy running, followed by some drills or strides.

Find a moderately steep hill that takes about 30-60 seconds to run up. Run up the hill at a strong, steady effort, focusing on driving your knees and pumping your arms. Jog or walk back down to recover. Repeat six to eight times.

Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running.

3.- Scenic tempo session

A tempo run improves your endurance and helps you lock into a solid pace, making it ideal for those preparing for longer races or simply looking to maintain fitness.

Warm up with 10 minutes of easy running, savouring the changing scenery around you.

Run at a comfortably hard pace (a pace you could maintain for an hour) for 15-20 minutes. This should feel challenging but sustainable, keeping you in a steady rhythm.

Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running, soaking in those autumn colours, followed by some dynamic stretches.

Whether you’re aiming for a strong fall race or to maintain your fitness through the off-season, these sessions will help you stay on track while enjoying the crisp, refreshing autumn air.

posted Friday September 6th
by Keeley Milne